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Toxin turns around and see them flying out of the ship "Oh no.." He lets go of his arch-melee and faceplams "I'm supposed to be buying you guys time! Your supposed to be on the ship! Idiots!" Just then a sound of a ships cannon being fired was heard, Toxin attempts to turn around but find out that he can't. Instead he looks down and sees a gaping hole right through his chest "Huh... Sheilds and Armor protected me from being destroyed... Still got pierced..." His voice is lowering to a murmur "Why... Is everything getting dark... Oh.... Well isn't th-" his voice malfunctions and dies, his systems are breaking and all his energy he once had was being dispersed through the hole right through his chest. His body loosens and he starts floating in place. He has become all but dead

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Vesydus lets go of Zantruse, pushing off his chest gently towards the Liset. She looks back.


"I surrender, take off the bounties of these innocent Tenno. Return me to the Corpus. I accept my admission."


She waves solemnly as she floats nearer to the traction beam, posture undignified and weak, actions full of defeat.

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Meanwhile in a Corpus Maximum Security Prison/R&D Lab at [DATA EXPUNGED]

There were guards around 20 of them guarding a single cell, this cell held the most dangerous person in that complex and had the worst record, 50 attempts of breaking out and 500 guard deaths all because of this one prisoner, This prisoner who is a Tenno, Lightng Chroma to be exact, and will very possibly be getting a new "Roommate" The chroma's eyes sparkled a tiny bit when he heard the news "Prisoner 3357, Tenno named Raiden will possibly get a new Prisonmate, It all depends on wether or not the Tenno we hired get her or not... I think her name was... Vesydus... Something" Naturally the Chroma stood up and declared "A new person to share a room with? Wonderful, how dangerous? What will she be in for? Answer me!!"

The Corpus giving the news hesitated then proclaimed "As of right now we have no info on her capture or not but when we do we will alert you all on her arrival." Raiden sat down on his bed again "Vesydus... I swear a Toxin told me about that name last time he was here."


Toxin sat in the waiting room, watching people come by and talk, Waiting untill and Armored squad of Eximus walked out the halls with Raiden in tow, cuffs around his legs, arms and even power dampeners around his neck. One of them sat him down on a chair and said "3 Minutes" Toxin then spoke "How long is it now Raiden my friend?" "300 more years" "Wow 300, anyway Lotus finally got me a important job, I am to capture and get a blood sample of a Girl a group of Tenno have saved, Apparently she can be a very dangerous person so... Yea, honestly I'll be lucky to even grab her from what I hear of the Tenno" "Well good luck. I on the other hand have made a total of 50 attempts of getting out of this hellhole I'm suprised they haven't killed me yet" Toxin stands "Sorry Raiden 3 Mins are up good luck on surviving the 300 Years!" Toxins seemingly dissappears and Raiden is taken back to his cell

Edited by (PS4)biscuit_licker18
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(Sorry been doing 8 hour shifts at work then coming home and playing dead space)

EAmorr had to keep Vesydus safe, if she could end up captured instead of Vesy then she didnt care what would happen to her, as long as the child was safe then she didnt care what the corpus would do to her. All she knew was that she had to make sure Vesydus didnt make it to the corpus ships.

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(It's alright we all understand people have jobs to do and have their work first priority, I have exactly 2 plans for the plot to be driven, 1 for if Vesydus is taken and one special plan if EAmorr is taken insted, the plan for EAmorr depends on her current frame at the time she arrives at the Prison/R&D lab but both include killing the Chief Warden and Vice Warden and using theirs keys to bust out, now the only way the plan will work is of either the person with Zan does a double switch (Him and Vesy, Him and EAmorr) or someone takes control of Zan and uses that, now you guys might not agree with this but it's my nature to plan ahead on this. I'll explain more when the plot gets driven)

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(If he becomes a no show someone take control of him and just drive this plot forward)

(well, we kind of made a policy to not control other's players without permission, but minimal actions such as a few lines of diologue is fine.
Vesydus draws nearer to the traction beam, gazing resentfully at the damage done.
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As Toxin's body floats by he opens his eyes and looks at Vesydus "Y-Your eyes.... They remind me of a child I once saved... Another thing... You sure you want to go? I know where your going.... My friend is there it's hell for him... And your going in the same cell.... There can be another way." He reaches out his hand "There is always another way... Your friends don't want to see you go, last chance"

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"My safety? Look at me I'm as good as dead as it is... And me to lose as much as you? Do you know what Alad V did to me? He tore me apart and put me back together multiple times, The Tenno I once was has long been dead. Us Tenno know our strengths and out weaknesses... If you go though... You have any idea what will happen to you? They will do to you what they did to me only You won't feel the pain." Toxin shakes his head for a second then speaks again "I just want to hear something from you know... I want you to forgive me for all the trouble I have done with your life you don't need to forget but all I want before I might die since I don't see your Tenno friends saving me."

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"It's not Alad V. This is.. someone else, someone different, proxy. They try to break my will. They torment me. I do not deserve the peace of a swift death, or an ending to my suffering in any context. I know my loss never may be the greatest, but the victim of the happening always feels more than the man that bystands. He may have experienced as much loss, perhaps even more. He may have even lost a piece of him that very day, but in the moment, the seconds after, the victim is the one who has lost the most. He has not overcome the blindness of loss, something that makes you want to suffer more, by your own hand. The bystander may have this bane of freedom, but it does not mean the two can synergize and work any more harmoniously than those without. Different minds, different loss, different pain. No two is the same, proxy. I never forget. But I shall forgive this singular time."


Vesydus tries to smile, but only a resentful, subtle expression is created through her efforts. She is quickly assumed inside the Liset via traction beam. A few words are heard before trailing off.


[size=2]"Neptune... Nauron, 177, Irrus sector, Roboti..."[/size]


The Liset zooms off.

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Toxin, being the only one close enough to hear those last words, eyes wider "Y-You gotta be... Kidding me.... I can't... Let myself die... Untill they know" Toxin try's I move his body but fails, his limbs are broken and cannot repair, he attempts to speak but fails, His voice box has exploded, he tries to do anything but the hole in his chest refuses to let him... His eyesight finally cracks and stops working, his 'lungs' burst open and his heart is non-existent now... His body stops as he realizes he is on the edge of death and cannot help the person he wants to help now, Toxins lets out a final breath and his body goes limp and lifeless 

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A little later...


Trail tossed what remains of Toxins onto the Foundry. Everything was colored like a Grineer Galleon. Green, Black, Orange Energy. "Orders, Operator?" Trail remains silent, walking further down into the Orbiter and enters the Forge. A custom room for Trail's Engineering experiments. He picks up a Prisma Shard from the floor of the dark room. "Loss? Trust me, Vesydus. I have already lost much... I wouldn't mind losing a few more just to continue being with you..." The door opens again, Lenoirre steps in. "Operator..." "Finish restocking and repairing everything and head for Neptune. Imus. We're blowing up every Corpus facility in that sector." Lenoirre springs back up into action. "Yes sir! B-but... Doing so will take weeks, possibly months, with our own firepower... How do you think we'll rescue Vesydus?" Trail smirked widely. "One of our modernized Pre-Orokin toys."

Edited by Trailgamer5
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A mainly static message is trying to get through to Trail's ship and a voice comes out of the message "Tes... Testing...Cal-Trail-About Toxin- Pick up-Not a lot" the voice cuts out but the message stays on 

On the other side of the message

A Volt is slamming his fist against the console "Come on come on work you damn console" Inside the room there were multiple Tenno body parts scattered around the room and at the back were a row of 12 Zanuka Hunters "I need confirmation that Toxin died so i can send out Mk.II" The Volt looks at the vitals of the ship he is currently trying to contact. "Hm healthy all of them. No Unknowns target must be gone"

Edited by (PS4)biscuit_licker18
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Another orbiter punches through and EAmorr's badly damaged liset docks onto it after a while EAmorr storms onto the bridge of Trail's orbiter outfitted with her valkyr armor her brother close behind her, his movements are tense. "Are we able to trace the whereabouts of the ship that took her?" Her words were calm, not exactly a good sign.

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The message acts up again and the voice is heard louder then before "Godamnit you piece of S*** work you crappy console! WORK!" The voice pauses then speaks again "Ah sorry... This is Komodo, I'm a Tenno who remade and repurposed the Zanuka in your ship that goes by Toxin, I have revived an alert saying he has died I contacted you to know if this is true, I can't see you guys but I know you can hear me" The voice pauses then says "EAmorr, Tenno, My scans have indicated that your Liset has been badly damaged I have sent Repair Drines to fix and renforce your Liset, I just need confirmation  so please respond to the message" The voice cuts and the static returns

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Trail looked at Eamorr. "Sorta. Imus sector, Neptune. Not sure which part of Imus. That's why I'm planning to blow the entire place up until we find her." He then turned around from the Mods system and looked at Toxin's corpse. "Well, whoever's on the other side of that Zanuka better be friendly..." He checks the message and sends a written reply. "Yeah, this thing's pretty busted alright. I guess I have permission to turn this into scrap."

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The voice comes back screaming like a maniac "DONT DESTROY HIM! HE HAS AN ITEM INSIDE TOO IMPORTENT TO BE DESTORYED!! That's it I'm coming in!!" As he declares those words the sounds of a Liset docking is heard and followed soon by a Volt running into the room screaming "WHERE IS HE?! I need to see the body!" Search frantically around the entire Orbiter untill his impatience catches up and he grabs Trail by his shoulders "You have any idea what Toxin has inside his head? Dangerous Secrets... Information that can help the Tenno massively or doom us all if he fails to get it... So I ask you... Where is his body"

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Nauron Governmental Research Vessel, Irrus Sector, Robotics and Neurology, 13:24.


The door slides open. Four high security soldiers enter, carrying a humanoid figure of about 5'3, locked in titanium bonds. The lights grow to a legitimate brightness. They set it on the table. Under the cover, where there should have been the shape of an arm, there is nothing. The soldiers walk out of the room, clearly a laboratory. A dark, masked figure walks out of the shadows.


"Vesydus, murder. I thought you were beyond savagery. What are you? A monster. That's what you are. Your family, your guardian, all gone because of you. They hated you anyway."


Titanium-nitain bonds slide over the three limbs left. The hand of the masked figure pulls the blanket off hastily.


"What is this, hm? Your arm is gone. How interesting... well, let the science begin. Kasch, quickly."


The figure walks to a subsection of the room, with glass walls in which to examine the main chamber from. Another figure walks in, fully prepared as a master surgeon would be.


"There is some... manual procedures to take care of before you can come behind the glass. You know what to do."


The surgeon, hands swift and precise, attach dozens of cords through restraints, vital monitors, and other various machines. They quickly dash behind the glass, but not before flipping a singular switch on the wall.


"Well done, just as taught, just as performed."


A large, multi-faceted machine descends onto the body. A sharp blade lowers even further, onto the surface of the torso's skin.


"No... please... you can't do this.. again.. you can't.. [wheeze] oh god, no! No! NO!"


A singular voice, unemotional.


"All for science, my dear."



A scream.

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