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Komodo moves Trail out of the way and quickly looks over the body "... How did a Alpha class weapon get on Tenno Liset? Honestly what are the Corpus doing for the Mercs..." As he is speaking he rips the head of what's left of the body and starts opening it "An Alpha class weapon is around 25% weaker then a Omega class weapon and Omega class weapons are banned by everyone, Inside his head is his Memory core, it's made from special Orokin material that even Lotus can't identify, this small chip" He speaks holding up a chip as big as the end of his little finger "Can store more then a Gineer Archive and Corpus Archive put together" He makes a mark on Toxins body "May you rest my friend, anyway he must of explained this isn't his only body.. He has 12 more each more powerful then the last, now I introduce you to Toxin Mrk.II!" As he finishes his sentence a Zanuka Hunters walks onboard and body shifts into a Excaliber Warframe but his visable armor is that of a Rhino "Toxin Mrk.II has Rhino plates armor on almost every frame in he database, But his inner mechanisms give him speed that rivals Lokis, he was my greatest and now... I want you to take him with you" Toxin activated and walks up to the corpse of his old Body "So my body before I died was this bad... Hm.. Also Trail I can shorten your search for Vesydus"

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At the Corpus Maximum Security Prison/R&D Lab

Raiden opens his eyes "The girl has begun to feel pain... Time for the Slaughter to begin" As Raiden says that he snaps  the chains around his arms and legs and even breaks the Power dampeners "Guards!" As he shouts that he pulls a Dragon Nikana from what's seems like nowhere and begins to starts stabbing the guards to death...

1 And a half Hours later

Walking through the halls of the Prison, Raiden laughs "No more Guards... no more Pain... Girl is straight up.." Raiden stumbles to the Radio station inside and attempts contact with the Nearest Tenno Orbiter (That's you guys) "Hello-Hello this is Raiden, I need an evacuated and a ship has been spotted at around 12 thousand miles above the Prison. I need someone to come out and assist, I need to get that that ship... I await any rescue" 

transmission targeted but target person is untraceable

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Toxin laughs "He finally broke.." He contacts Trail (Toxin is still in the Orbiter) "Be careful Trail he has snapped he might not recognise you are a Tenno... He is Lightning Chroma, from what I can tell if the prison if you want him to help you will need to get to the Armory where his weapons are kept, Twin Grataka and a Soma Prime, maybe his Dragon Nikana is there aswell... Good luck he will kill you if you ain't careful, Tell him I am with you and he will most likely calm down"

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The crewman speaks in frantic, panicked Corpus, stating he only works for the supply sector of the ship. He says it could be anywhere in the 20-mile vessel.


Albeit, he says there has been rumor about a top-secret experiment funded by the whole of the Board occurring sometime soon.


The ship's interior is grand and open, but still hints Corpus design.

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"You guys started without me, thats kind of rude you know" EAmorr dropped down next to Trail "well ok technically i was trying to find a way through to Vesydus through the ceiling, but i found nothing its entirely sealed off from this section of the ship. I can look for the chroma if you want to play with this crewman" with that she sauntered off dragging the claws of her valkyr armor across the walls, partially to leave marks in the wall so she could know if she was going in circles and partially because she was miffed that she didnt get to tear apart some crewmen.

After walking for what felt like twenty minutes EAmorr could have sworn she heard screaming, she snarled and started sprinting towards the sound. She rounded a corner and nearly ran into the chroma she had been looking for, but right now she didnt care. She attempted to push past him but he blocked her way with his nikana. "I dont have time for this" she growled half tempted to go into hysteria and rip him apart, but something made her speak "if you know where she is then show me, if not then get out of my way" she spoke through her teeth, watching the chroma

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The masked figure paces around the medical table, blood dripping onto the ground. The screaming eventually fades.


"Deslissen, Deslissen. You had a chance to listen. Your genetic relatives would still be alive. Oh, let's not forget Eris, he's gone too. But no. Too late is the force in which could have suceeded. Think about your ambition, your stride. You're a murderer, at such young an age. You monster."


Faint groans from the blood-soaked table.


"Your errors are inhumanly terrible. You should be ashamed. But don't fret, I'm not going to kill you, something different. An experiment. Kasch, escort the... subject.


The table rises onto it's levitators. The one dressed in surgeon-like apparel enters the main hall, onto a rail line. They hop on the ledge of the table, hold on, and programs the tram to it's destination.


Another chamber, brimming with robotics. Something covered sits in the corner. They walk over to it whilst the tram secures itself in place in the center of the room. They roll it over to the table, once again hooking up all sorts of wires. They pull the sheet off of the object. Something not of Corpus design.


Seven feet tall, glinting-white chrome titanium. Refined, complex hydraulics. 


An android.


"Aeldron. An abandoned Apex. Your new body. Until I can heal you.."


Docking station, 5 minutes after.






"Oh.. uh- uh.. Proceed. Next."

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Raiden, The Chroma, looks dead on at the Valkry keeping a eye on her movements escpecially her hands which he notes are twitching "The Girl? We are on the same boat if you are looking for her.... All I know is that she was sent to one of the medical bays... The screaming... It hurts... Then nothing" He speaks half gargled as blood was filling his mouth, he puts out the blood careful to not get any in the Valkry, keep her temper down "The bay where the screaming was heard is 5 door down this path then a left and another 7 doors the one with blood inside... Girl... Gone from room... Nearby room" it's obvious he is having a hard time speaking and that he isnt very used to it at all "Question... You... Friend or Foe?"


Toxin had about enough of the waiting "Komodo is Archwing calibrated yet?" Watching Komod nod Toxins smiles "Ok good to know, I noticed people gone from the ship but I have linked up on their comms" He turns on his comms and talks to EAmorr "I know your there on the ship, You can try and beat down Raiden with superior melee but his Scream ability will be your downfall, Don't try and fight him, in his cell on that ship blood stated forming inside his mouth every while, I don't know why but please can you not fight him? He is pretty much dead already"

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"Good you're here, Eamorr. I'm doing it the fast way." Trail nods at Lenoirre and his Scimitar returns, dropping a heavy tank with a 75mm Laser Cannon. "Eamorr, get in the tank, you're loading!" Lenoirre gets in the Driver's hatch as Trail slides inside round turret.

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The surgeon passes on, equipment in tow.


"Let's get you out of here.. poor thing."


Suddenly, a loud crash, the sound of heavy gunfire against security guards.


"Oh... ach, nein.. it can't be."


They start to hastily drag the blanketed equipment to a small transportation ship marked Jeuna 03, staring at the impending mass of steel.

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Ugh, American airport security. Air travel in general. Time lag. Such fun.


"WHERE?" A deranged voice split the air, punctuated by a crackle of energy. Kasch took a step back, placing a hand on Vesydus' covered form. She flinched at his touch. A second explosion, followed by synthetic screaming overwhelmed the sensors in his equipment, his displays going blank.

"WHERE IS SHE? DONDE ESTA ELLA? WO IST SIE?" The bellowing continued in several other languages, ranging from common Grineer dialect to old-Earth Arabic and French. Kasch swore they heard the formless hiss of Corrupted speech before they snapped out of their surprise and made a break for the Jeuna. They pushed the table on board, the doors closing as automated ground crew rose out of the floor, waving them out of the hangar and towards open space. Kasch caught a flash of gold, the ground crew disintegrating as they reached the atmospheric shell. As the nose of the craft breached the shell, the ship stopped, the engines screaming against an unknown force. Once again, a harrowed voice echoed in all directions, the light seeming to shift with the voice.


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Toxin faceplams "Why did his happen so early?" He hits his head on the side of the Orbiter "I have had enough honestly, I know they want to rescue their friend, but if they keep it up this loud every Corpus in the system will know what's happening and we will be surrounded... How long untill radio scilence Komodo?" Komodo looks up from the console on his ship "15 mins Toxin they have 15 more mins untill every Corpus will become aware one of the most important Buildings in Neptune has been attacked, that gives them another 12 Mins untill the scouts arrive and 25 untill every corpus in he fu****g galaxy is on their tail" Toxin punches the glass, cracking it slightly "DAMNIT! ~50 mins and they are dead.." He activates the loudspeaker for the base "Attention everyone 15 Minuits untill Radio Scilence, and 32 from that time untill every corpus in the galaxy are here, Tenno Hurry the F*** UP!"

Raiden, Hearing the voice proclaims "TOXIN! They will find the Girl and Get her out of this hellhole!" He quiets down and looks at the Valkry "I will assist as much as I can, be warned no machinery can operate fully on this vessel even our Frames have half theirs Sheilds, you must of past the Armory though... I need my weapons then I will assist"

Edited by (PS4)biscuit_licker18
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Kasch stumbles backwards, grabbing a crude, ancient sawlike weapon from the table.


"You're not taking her back to that damned place. Not back to that bastard Tohn. You'll have to kill me."


Kasch has a certain... accent to their voice. A very peculiar one.

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"Who says they are taking her to Tohn? They are more likely to bring her to Natah then Tohn eh?" Toxins calms declares walks out of the shadows with his Odanata Archwing equipped "Kasch... Kasch my dear person I don't know, just tell us where she is and what the f**k you did to her and we will take her and go... Simple as.... Quite smart hiring Tenno to take from the Tenno eh?" His voice is now threatening as he slowly walks up to Kasch with a Ether Reaper on his back ready to use it. "So... Let's see where she is eh?"

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"I dont see why we had to blow the wall when we could have used the door" EAmorr pointed to one of the doors that entered the armory "ok fair point but this is far more entertaining to watch sis" "you could be helping you oaf" "who do you think is trying to jam the signal of that ship? Your kubrows" EAmorr snorted at her brother's comment "hey at least my kubrows listen to me" EAmorr went back and forth with teasing and making fun of Zenox until the chroma was armed with his weapons

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Kasch nearly stumbles right into the Reaper's blade, the edge searing right through their suit, and barely slicing the skin on the neck. Pale, watery blood comes oozing out. Their hands flinch.


"Nein.. bitte."


Kasch speaks a jumble of cryptic, albeit familiar words rapidly. They raise their hands in submission, sidearms drawing closer to their helmet. 


A low vibration begins to grow stronger in the transport, and there is the sudden sound of multiple hydraulic systems contracting and decompressing. The boom of metal against metal. The Ether Reaper clatters to the floor, bent into an unrecognizable swath of steel. Seven feet of a shadowed outline.

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Toxin slightly panics over losing his Ether Reaper but calms down "Hm I feel bad for you now... You had to destroy my Reaper... Show yourself!" He says that as he slowly moves down into the kneeling position "Zan, if I were you find Vesydus and get her out ASAP" Toxin keeps a check of everything in the room in their exact position to determine Vesydus location "If you will be so kind as to tell me who you are and where the f*** those Tennos friend is?"


Raiden walks out of the Armory with his full gear up, Swaping his Nikana with a War and the Twin Gratakas by his sides, holding his Soma Prime in is hands he turns to them "Better get going we have 8 mins until the Radio Scilence starts and everyone will know something has happened and by hen we are doomed"

(Due to School I am going to be commenting later then I normally expect to comment but if you would be so kind as to play Raiden if the plot drives)

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A flash of chrome-coated titanium. The boom of hydarulics. Toxin is thrown violently against the steel wall, leaving a heavy dent. Something large looms in the shadows, it's hydraulics decompressing afterwards.


It steps out.


Seven feet of enforced titanium, coated with sleek chrome. Nearly humanlike complexion. Neon blue optic sensors stare down at the Tenno, silent and petrifying.  


Painful memories.


An Apex.

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"Whoa i just saw Toxin take a massive hit, im heading to his location you guys find where Vesydus is being held, lets do this fast before the entire corpus army is at the threshold" EAmorr brought her vaykor hek off her back and started sprinting towards Toxin's location hoping that the others were moving fast

(My winter term starts up on Monday so i might be slightly less helpful than i would like to be especially with some of my classes overlapping, its probably going to get a little overwhelming)

Edited by AutobotRaven
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Zan stood over a few corpses, breathing heavily inside the now-defunct escape craft. He sighs deeply, before his sense of urgency returned and he ran into the pod, finding the girl strapped to a transport table, thoroughly restrained. She looked at him, shock and grief apparent in her voice.

"Why have you come here?! The entire Corpus fleet is willing to secure my capture. You will be destroyed! Stop!"

Ignoring her cries, Zan picked her up and seared through the locks restraining her, the various straps falling away. He placed his Lex Prime in her left hand and took her right, running out of the ship as the remaining fuel cells ruptured, the vessel exploding violently. Following his map markers, he tightened his grip on Vesydus and ran straight into the wall, golden energies displacing the space around them. He covered Vesydus' eyes for good measure as they traveled through, soon emerging in the armoury, Vesydus immediately screaming out in fear upon seeing the Apex. She tried to pull out of Zan's grip.

"No! Run! You cannot fight it!"

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The Apex is suddenly and violently shot forward nearly hitting Zan and Vesydus but just missing and in place of where he was Toxin stands in full Rhino armor with a finished Rhino Charge "Y-You ok?" His breathing hard and fast, Toxins helm is cracked in multiple places and his armor is almost useless now "I need you guys go get the VIP outta here now... I'll delay him as much as I can"

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A bloody gash in the robes where Vesydus's torso is. She tumbles out of Zan's arms, falling to the ground. The Apex snatches Vesydus up by her neck.

Gasping for air, Vesydus clutches it by the neck just the same. It starts to constrict on her, asphyxiating the child. Suddenly, it stumbles back, a strange, low vibration quaking the air around it.

Vesydus coughs up blood, stumbling back the exact same. She slumps to the floor, the Apex immediately recovering. It picks the body itself up, holding it under one arm, and ripping a cord out from it's now uncovered back neck panel. Before the Tenno can panic, it stabs the cord into the back of Vesydus's neck. Three more afterwards.

It holds her in it's arms, domestic.

A emotionless, crippling automated voice.


The name is all too specific, familiar. A jolt of uneasiness down the Tenno's spines.

Edited by TheMetrocop
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