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A body is launched halfway across the docking bay by the detonation, sliding nearby the Tenno. A trail of blood in it's wake. A mask tumbles about a foot away from it. 


It is the body of Kasch, back facing the group's line of sight. Suit charred and torn.

Edited by TheMetrocop
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I look at my grey, plated skin. My dying lifeblood, slowly draining me to an end. Why don't I ask myself, why, why are you like this? Why does plunging into the skin with a sharp scalpel propel you forward, why bloodlust? 


Perhaps I deserve it, for all the life dimished at my blade. No, it's a saw. Just a saw. It's meant for the goodwill of improving the ill, not... wasted life upon blind actions.




Why do you kill, Kasch?





The second explosion rocks the whole bay, as Aeldron's cords are ripped out of Vesydus's neck as it falls down, energy nodes dimming to a flicker. Giant, sharp debris fly everywhere. Vesydus crashes to the floor.




Redeem yourself. You've not much life to spare anyways.




Kasch, dying, tears away their burning surgeon's suit to reveal just a civillian bodysuit. The complexion of what was Doc. Same skin, same eyes.


Limping, excruitiating step after step, pulls herself in front of Vesydus. A chunk of steel propels staight towards them.




You know what you are?


Kasch Brachenstein, of the last colony of your kin.




The chunk pummels her backwards, Vesydus having time to jump out of the way.

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Komodo, staring down the moon sized Corpus battleship, activates his comms "Guys... We have a problem, Omega level battleship is here, this won't end well" Soon after the ship starts firing on the base, after a glance of what the ammo was he turns on the comms again even more panicked "Toxin get outta there now! They are firing EMP torpedoes at the base, warframes arnt effected but your not a warframe! Find Raiden, Hope to god he isn't Ashura get Toxin and Vesydus outta there NOW!" 


Toxin after hearing the second message starts feeling the effects of the EMP "Oh this is fun... That Apex isn't being effected either... That sucks... Guys someone find Raiden... If he is Ashura... Knock some sense into him... Or knock him out... Just... Get out of here ignore Apex... Just save... Everyone you can" as he finishes he collapses and goes into a shutdown state, nothing is heard from his body anymore

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Vesydus reaches inside her robe to feel her stomach. Out comes a bloody, dripping hand.


Without saying anyting to Aaron, she runs to the limp Apex, painfully shoving the cords back into the gashes on her neck. It flickers back to life, and Vesydus is dragged behind lifelessly it as it staggers over in the direction in which Kasch was hit.


A bloodied body in the distance. The child drowsily grasps onto one of the Apex's legs with the one arm she has. Blood trails behind.

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Is Lenoirre Eamorr, or what? Clarification needed.


"To me!" Zan yelled, and when no-one moved, he screeched. "TO ME!"

He held his hands at chest height, energy flickering between the two. Tendrils of light protruded from it, quickly being contained by Zan. He was visibly struggling. Vesydus crawled towards Zan, placing a hand on his foot to steady herself before hauling Kasch into the glowing ring forming around the afflicted Warframe. Trail pulls Lenoirre into the circle and placed a hand on his shoulder. The ship lurched as an object struck it, yet the ground beneath the group did not move- instead, it was displaced, a section of the wall now missing, circuitry and conduits visible behind it. The glow of Zan's hands became blinding, and the sphere exploded, white light overcoming the group momentarily.

As their vision returned, they first saw the grey walls of the corridor they were in scattered around them. They then noticed the shining walls and polished trims of the Void, now marred by scorch marks all radiating from their sphere of influence. Zan collapsed to his knees.

"Escaped... for now..." He mumbled before passing out completely.

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Vesydus opens her robes to see a huge, excised gash in her chest. Her ribs are visible, and shattered and broken, stabbing into the lungs and stomach. She stumbles backwards, falling to the ground in frailness.


Kasch's eyes open weakly, looking at her surroundings. Cold, gray walls, embroidered in silky gold. She weakly lifts up her head to the the dried, almost colorless blood on her bodysuit and hands. Then she sees the Tenno, towering above her fallen body.

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(Lenoirre is Trail's ship cephelon with a more humanoid shape and apparently body, my thought was that they almost have a cortana and master chief relationship) 


The sudden void jump made EAmorr's stomach turn but she was far less important than the condition that Vesydus was in. why was it always the innocent that suffered the most in wars, she knew the answer and still hated it. "Trail, we need to get Vesydus as patched up as best we can before we focus on anyone else" a short nod from him told her that he had heard her. "Vesydus, i'm sorry. We couldn't protect you, couldn't keep you safe from them. You shouldn't be suffering like this, if we only knew who was pulling the strings we could stop it." Had EAmorr not been wearing her helmet she would have been running her hands through her hair in an attempt to clear her mind and think

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Vesydus weakly smiles.


[size=1]"I've defied.. death many a... time, friend... Asphyxiation, acute... radiation, near insanity, poison, almost.. being.. maimed and crushed by gears.. or burning to death in a liquid pool... of alloy, even a small.. Infestation outbreak in... my diaphragm... I think.. death... is.. due, no?"[/size]


She tries to laugh but blood comes sputtering out when she wheezes.


Kasch tries to push herself up but her arms are too weak.

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Vesydus weakly smiles.

"I've defied.. death many a... time, friend... Asphyxiation, acute... radiation, near insanity, poison, almost.. being.. maimed and crushed by gears.. or burning to death in a liquid pool... of alloy, even a small.. Infestation outbreak in... my diaphragm... I think.. death... is.. due, no?"

She tries to laugh but blood comes sputtering out when she wheezes.

Kasch tries to push herself up but her arms are too weak.

Trail kneels down on her side and clasps her hand. He looks at Eamorr. "There's nothing we can do now. Not even the mist we use to revive each other can work." He thinks for a moment. "Unless... Eamorr, give Alad V a call. I think he may be able to manipulate the Infestation virus and revive her."

(If you read my profile, he's a Ship Cephalon installed into a modified Vauban Warframe)

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Vesydus gasps for air a few times before wealky muttering another string of exhausted words.


[size=1]"Immune... couldn't... infect.. Arthikan.. genetics..."[/size]


Her head doops back to the ground, her eyes glassily and expressionlessly staring at Aaron.


[size=1]"Need... Ael..dron..."[/size]


Vesydus's eyes begin to shut.

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For a moment, Vesydus cease wheezing and gasping, giving the Tenno a long stare.


[size=1]"Apex... nhh..."[/size]


Her face stops conveying motion, and becomes lifeless, staring mortifyingly out into nothing. A small trickle of blood down the corner of her mouth.

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Toxin finally awakens, still on the base , he scans around the area and notices his arm has been ripped off his body, Toxin senses Void energy in the place where his arm was and realizes everyone has been displaced into the void "Lovely... Even got Raiden but not me" After getting up he begins to wonder the building, now completely devoid of life, finding a window he looks out and sees that all the ships are gone even the one they arrived in "Where did everyone..." He decided to go find out what they were planning to do with Vesydus and begins to limp his way to the Archives "Overall I can't sense any life not even the robotic life... The Tenno have displaced with Vesydus in tow and the Corous have left with nothing to salvage... First time since ever... I'm alone. Not even Komodo knows I'm alive.. The void energy has blocked out any ways of reaching me of for me to reach them" As he arrives at the archives he begins to find what they were doing... As soon as he finds it he jolts back a couple steps ... "Corpus are the worst of the Worst of the Worst, what they were going to do to this girl... Hideous creatures" he moves back and uploads the data to his memory core "Better safe then sorry" Toxin starts to wonder around the complex hoping life will return and he can escape

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I attempted to draw Vesydus. I know it looks shabby still, but it's one of my very first passes.(also apologies for the response time)




One blip on the radar. Aeldron, undamaged. Glinting, sleek titanium-chrome plating. Hydraulics sculpted with every detail, where they are visible. Finely carved emgravings of unidentified origin.


Where is it from?


The second blip, a masked figure, barely clinging onto life. It's Corpus.

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Toxin looks at the back of Aeldron feeling a bit jealous of how refined he/she/it looks, trying to find the exact location of the second Blip but currently unable to... Turning his body into a Volt he rushes the Aeldron and stabs his hand into one of the many open gaps in its armor, sending electricity coursing through its body, overloading its optics and joint movements, pretty much paralysing it. "What are you?" Is all Toxin can ask

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It almost immediately recovers, hosting electricity dampers just inside of it's plates. What energy does this thing use? It doesn't leave behind any residue except for a hefty gamma ray... cloud that lingers around it? That's not possible in modern science. It can't run on void energy as it's nodes are way above that league.


It runs on pure radiation.


It snatches the Volt up, dangling him in the air from his neck.


"Aeldron. The last Apex model."


The voice booms through the hallways. It seems to have a very vague feminine structure to it, but nothing other than subtle hints of human inspiration. A well crafted machine.

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Kasch struggles to her feet, knees heavy and weak. She staggers as she picks up Vesydus, bleeding in her arms.


"If you won't help her, I shall. The Void gate's radiation might even dismiss my... ever looming death. She's safe from it, as long as she wears the mask.."


"What are you trying to do? That's madne-"


Her familiar face, angry. The Tenno never remember her being mad, or frustrated. This is a different look of.. motherly concern that seeps through the scratched, gray cracks in her oddly deformed skin.


"Open the gate, damnit!"

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Upon hearing the word "Apex" Toxins body freezes "W...what... Was that? Apex?...." What follows was what upon first hearing a growl of some kind but when the noise is traced it appears to have been originated from ... Infested language but what was the word? 

In place of where toxins missing arm was has been replaced by a Infested Scythe that's has become plated with a Titanium and Infested Flesh alloy that has a energy field surrounding it "you have no idea what you are? A person most likely need your help and your standing here... I'm gonna ask you this once... Will you help the Girl? This scythe has cut through Rhino Iron Skins and Armor like they were air just try and imagine what it would do to you Aeldron" 

Meanwhile in the void Raiden is just sitting like a dog watch the scene unfold "Child... Gone?" He tilts his head sideways "Child... Don't... Gone?" He very obviously has a wording problem "Tenno... Help... Child... Or... Child ... Go."

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Aeldron grabs the scythe mid-handle. The energy field makes it's energy nodes flicker, and joints shake slightly. It's hydraulics begin to tense up, and the titanium plating on the Apex starts to tighten around the arm, but pushing away from the joints. It picks the android up slowly. Aeldron flashes it's own energy nodes brightly, impairing the other android's visual sesnors.


It's vocal systems have altered, voice crackling and it's systems beeping in alarm.


"Broken, defective model."


In a cruel, fascinating display of sparks, the Apex rips off the entire android's limb, past the scythe.


"Too little restraint, too many compromised sentience negotiation protocols. Poor craftmanship."


It kicks Toxin to the ground, smashing a great deal of critical components inside. It raises the scythe above it's head. It's energy nodes flicker erracically.


Suddenly, it's balance falters, sending it crashing to the ground. The arm slides towards Toxin.




Kasch's face expresses a mixture of anger and franticness. She sets Vesydus down, and staggers to the portal consoles. The radiation flares in the room as Kasch kicks and smashes the interfaces. It begins to get to dangerous levels. A rumble shakes the ground as the portal begins to unsteadily form.

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Toxin, even though he is critically wounded still manages to react fast enough, Spins around and catches the scythe with both his feet, midair, and uses his arm to grab the falling Aeldron by the neck and violently pushed its neck back effectively breaking it and all the components inside, after letting go he stops moving and lies there, waiting for something, "I'm getting to outdated for this... Also me defective? You try being built out of Warframe parts, and taking enough battle damage to kill said Tennos." Realising that the current situation can assist him with defeating the downed Aeldron he moves his arm to the Optics of the machine.... And stabs them right into the Optics, breaking them, and moving away, attempting to get back up again "Something off with that android... Superiority complex doesn't form unless programmed in... And the body shape is something only a skilful creator would make... I'm impressed... But nows not the time" As he slowly limps away, Scythe in tow he listens out for and movements behind and around him


Raiden moves over to Vesydus and looks over her "Wounds... Deep.... Death... Close... Option 3? .... Tennoization... Make child... One of...Us? Portal unstable anyway... Void key needed... Stabilise Rift..." Staring hard at Kasch "I.... Know.... You... From.... Medical... You... Helped... Me... I... Help... You" 

He stands up from his crouching and lifts up Vesydus "I... Want... To Help... You and Child"

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(Guess who came crawling out from under the depths of her homework, job, and the grind for prime parts.)

"If you think that turning her into one of us is the only way to save her then we should at least try. The female that you recognize from the medical bay of the prison ship, what abot her? The radiation levels would be too high for her to survive." "Must...help...child...live...her...innocent"

The radiation levels from the unstable portal continued to steadily rise, if they were to save Vesydus they needed higher levels but if Kasch was to survive she had to get out of the void.

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