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Lets Talk Pvp


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Edit: For everyone spamming my thread. Please Re-Read the Faq if you gonna complain. No where does it state they will not incorporate PVP.  It is stated that is not of their concern at the moment, but that doesn't mean I can't have real conversations with others in regards to possible PVP in the future.


Is there PvP in Warframe? (When will there be PvP? Your game is dead without PvP! I have an idea for PvP mode!)
There is no PvP mode in Warframe yet. Face-palm? Sure, but when we started building this game a year ago, we saw plenty of PvP and less PvE. Right we want to focus and do one thing well: PvE. That said we are investing in better leaderboards, clans goals, and other more 'meta' forms of competition right now.





This may be the wrong section so if any Moderators are out there please move this to the correct section. 


First of I am a new player and haven't played every map in every world. Few things are keeping me back from spending time progressing; like having to spend real money on warframe/weapon slots, but patiently waiting to see if they get a hint to lower their plat prices or allowing them to be purchased by a high amount of in game currency. 


However this topic is made for my ideas I have on PvP.


I am someone who has been looking for a game to spend multiple hours on. I am a huge RPG, MMO, and MOBA player. However went I got into consoles FPS one of my first games was Halo. I played each and everyone except for the last one released. At that point I was tired of Sci-Fi shooters and felt there wasn't going to be a progression for sci-fi shooters anymore. 


Sorry for the story, but I am trying to explain my love for this game so far. I love this @(*()$ game right now.  I love the farming aspect of it and everything from Warframes, blueprints, maps, levels, enemies all the way down to the UI.  I really am creating high hopes which may be a downfall for myself. Anyways going to get to the point.


Warframe needs to have a fun balanced PVP system. 


First off in most FPS and just a lot of games overall balance is key.


Complaints I already see coming:

Certain Mods are overpowered.

Certain Warframe skills are overpowered (Ultimately meaning certain Warframes are overpowered)

Certain Weapons are overpowered

Certain Weapon Mods are overpowered


In order to eliminate a few of these big complaints:


Remove Weapon Mods from PVP.

  -If your not going to remove them then, everyone should have the same level fusion when entering PVP. 


All weapons should be balanced in damage and just mimic what they do. I will use halo as an example. Snipers 1 - 2 shot, assault rifles usually take a full clip with a melee hit ect ect. You should have an idea of this if your adding this to pvp. You need to define on what weapons burst shields more then others ect ect so its balanced. Otherwise your going to get full games of snipers. 


Remove Warframe Skills

 -This is a big one because everyone loves the skills a warframe does. 


But how could you do this when it defines a character? 


I am unsure I have talked with others and thought about it myself multiple times. We have come up with a lot of different ways you could adjust the ability mods in a warframe to make it balanced, but there is so many key factors because each warframe is so different. 


If Ability's are kept then some serious balancing will need to take place in order to prevent full games with the same warframes lol. Good luck cause this will break or make the game in most eyes.



Also I think you guys have a great set of maps already. You could easily use all the defense mission maps for multiplayer pvp maps. They all are great and have interactive environment such as zip lines and elevators that slide from left to right or up and down.  


Gameplay Types:


#Deathmatch (4v4 -5v5 25-50 Kills to Win)


#CTF (Instead of CTF I think it would be a cool concept to use your hostage missions) You should go and get a hostage out of a room across the map which needs to be hacked into, then you have to safely bring him back to base. In that case you could add an additional ability for each player to capture back their hostage. 


#Search and Destroy (I definately think you could come up with a similar play style for SnD. I think you again should have to go through a hacking process to plant the bomb. At least a 6-8 tile hack map)


#FFA (Free for all ranging from 20-30 Kills)


#BTD (Standard Big Team Death Match ranging from 8v8 maybe to a 15v15 with a 100-175 Kills to win)


You get the general idea of common FPS multiplayer modes. 


You are attracting a lot of RPG/MMO players with your farm style type game as well. I think it would be really cool to also have a competive PVE side to this game. Instead of a crazy list I'll just name a few off my head.


Full Clear Maps (Fully clear maps and either have a high point system based off headshots / multikills ect ect or have a timer for competitive ladder)

Hack style Maps (Faster hackers or who can hack the most within a certain period of time ect ect)

Defense style (ranked or ladder type with multiple waves ect ect)

Anyways I can think of so many PVE styles we would be here for days. 



I would like to see others opinions on not allowing a pre-load for weapon choice. Although there is cons like rushing to get a sniper or something found in the map, but it was a great idea a long time ago that got taken away from lazy players who prefer load outs. 


Don't get me wrong I played COD4 competitively for years and played every COD after that religiously so don't give me no S#&$ about not having pre-loads. I loved them in COD, but I loved the whole concept of going to kill that guy in the back of the map with the sniper.  I think random weapon spawns in the map should be considered. 



Anyways I see a ton of flaming and complaints, but I want to sum up my ideas below for people who hate to read.



My thoughts:

1.Remove Abilities or figure out some AMAZING balancing for Warframes 

2.If your not balancing or removing abilities create a map type that doesn't allow mods or abilities :)

3.Weapon Mods should all be same fusion level no matter what your fusion level is outside of pvp

4.Weapon Damages need to be balanced (according to shield/health damage)

5.Health / Shields to be at a set amount no matter what it is outside of pvp

6.Use your defense maps for multiplayer maps to prevent wasted time and focus that time into balancing. 

7.Consider Random Spawn Weapons on Map while only starting with a Pistol / Melee Weapon


If your gonna complain about me referring to Halo:

In no way shape or form am I a Halo Fanboy. I play COD mofos. I despise Halo, however this is a Sci-Fi game and Halo had some great ideas on gameplay that can easily be added to this game. I am talking mechanics not trying to say anything other then that. 




Sorry for any typo's or bad grammer as I usually write on forums at work and don't have time to proof-read. :)


All Spam or Flame ignored and reported. This topic is meant for some serious idea's and thoughts on PvP in hopes that devs or moderators will read and consider. If you want a game to succeed usually giving an honest answer or idea is usually viewed while bullS#&$ complaints or rants are ignored. 

Edited by Motox831
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Have you seen how many PvP topics have been post in the last few days? using the search function will show you.


Once you see that, have you seen the ammount of negative reactions that PvP topics cause?


This game is not currently PvP oriented, simply because of the fact that the Devs don't want it to be.


So, please, read the FAQ and stop the PvP topics!

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Lol I took so long to write this because my friend who plays this religiously said that a Dev was talking about how they are adding it later on down the road. So therefore I was hoping to make a good topic for discussions. 


Again this topic was made for possible idea's and thoughts of what they could do in the future.


Please refrain from any spam.

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Lol I took so long to write this because my friend who plays this religiously said that a Dev was talking about how they are adding it later on down the road. So therefore I was hoping to make a good topic for discussions. 


Again this topic was made for possible idea's and thoughts of what they could do in the future.


Please refrain from any spam.

I do see you did invest a lot of time in this, but sorry no PvP

Edited by DERebecca
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think about some of the things you wrote. then realize there is no magic button to make them happen easily. 


also, removing all the things that make warframe...... warframe would be a huge slap to the face of everybody that wants pvp in this game BECAUSE it is warframe. without those you might as well pvp somewhere else.


not to mention that frames still have massive differences in terms of base stats. 

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