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What If There Was A Mod That Gave A Chance To Not Consume Ammo?


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Is it really? That's quite educational.... Thanks for that :D 

To those saying Multishot just deals extra damage and doesnt fire extra rounds. You are incorrect

On my snipetron, which once had 98% multiS#&$, if I no scoped, it would clearly fire 2 rounds (extremely inaccurately I might add) and both were able to hit different targets. When I scoped, the 2 bullets would become 100% accurate and simply fly in exactly the same place, creating the illusion of doubling damage

Wait, wouldnt multishot 30% be 3 11 3 11 3 1 1 1 repeat


Only way to get the chance for 3 shots is to go above 100% multishot.

According to Argoms, every shot fired would have a 30% chance to fire 2 bullets.


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Trickier Mag.


-Trickier Mag

4/8/12/16/20% to reload a fully loaded magazine for half of it's ammo cost.


                        on reload to use up half ammo for a full magazine.


Edited by Cestus
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