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I Have A Great Idea! - Pvp


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ATTENTION: I know this is a taboo topic. I'm not saying "DEVS, STOP WHAT YOU'RE DOING! *breathe* PEEVEEPEE!!!!".  All I'm about to write is a simple suggestion for, wait for it, the moment they do start thinking about adding pvp! omg!


After a night of heavy drinking and playing with friends. We got to talking about how good this game is and how much we enjoy individual aspects of it. We're 6 individuals so we all enjoy different aspects of the game. After about 2 hours of gameplay 2 of us ( the more competitive of us ) wanted to play some league of legends ( * sigh* LoL again? ). So we got to talking and we think that the attack/defend structure ( MOBA/Lane Defense/DOTA-clone/AoS-clone/Whatever ) of these types of games lends itself well to warframe. Let me clarify, I'm not saying direct copy. I'm saying certain gameplay elements of it.


The mobile defense and defense maps ( as someone already pointed this out in one of the many hated and downvoted pvp threads as I'm sure this one will join in about 5 minutes after this posting ) really do lend themselves well to competitive gameplay. Also the objective based nature of warframe is one of the points that we spoke about enjoying so much.So an attack/defend objective based game in a defense or mobile defense map. Simple! ( <-- this was put in for comedic effect, game development is not at all simple. )


There could be 2 different gameplay styles ( modes? ):


- 1 Artifact, 1 team defends, 1 team attacks. Enemy team spawns at random locations. Basic endless defense mission.


- 2 consoles, 1 data thingy ( I swear I forgot the name just now. ) in the middle of the map. Teams compete to get data thingy ( it is now the Official Name... Data Thingy. ), plant it in Console and wait for the timer to run out while enemy team fights to kill defending team and hack the console to retrieve the data thingy, rinse and repeat.


I think it would be a good idea to explore this particular option because of the way warframe works.


Frost, Mag and Ember would make fantastic defenders. Not that they can't be attackers, just saying!


Excalibur, Volt, Ash and Loki would make incredible attackers... like seriously... all of them...


Trinity, Banshee, Nyx ( more on Nyx in a minute ) would make fantastic supports. Actually Banshee is good for attacking too but I just see her more in a sonar/knockback/defend type role ( my opinion at least. ).


Rhino is a good all rounder because of iron skin, charge and stomp. He could defend as well as attack. They all can but Rhino is just fantastic all around.


Not only do the warframes fit these roles incredibly well because of how the game was designed. You can fit different types of mods in each one and make them take a different role ( some better than others. ). Making it very enjoyable for a group of coordinated friends, as well as clans, to play with/or against each other in a cooperative competitive environment. May not work as well with public groups but I never said this was a perfect idea.


Nyx is sort of the black sheep though. Nyx's Chaos ability might have to be limited to affect 1 player ( if( PVP == yes) Target = closestPlayer ) or a more suitable work around.


Anyway, I love the game. Hope to see it continue to thrive. Thanks for reading my erratic and badly thought out post. I'm good at math, I'm just bad at numbers... I mean grammar!

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You know, when in 1 year or 2 years(i hope more) DE decide it's time for PVP, your post is going to be long buried in the thousands of threads, meaning that you're wasting your time at the moment. No matter how good a post is (not the case), it will always get buried. To me at least, it seems pointless to make any PVP thread so early in the game's development.

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Why not two arenas separated. each enemy killed in an arena sends them tpo the other arena. If youkill mor ethan 10 mobs in less than 2 sec, then you send a better version of them to the other team.

Until one team dies.

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You know, when in 1 year or 2 years(i hope more) DE decide it's time for PVP, your post is going to be long buried in the thousands of threads, meaning that you're wasting your time at the moment. No matter how good a post is (not the case), it will always get buried. To me at least, it seems pointless to make any PVP thread so early in the game's development.


All stupid joking aside, I really do have it well thought out. I didn't write it because of what you just said. I posted it just in case it sparks an idea in the developers that could get thought about and looked at along the road and let them deal with the particulars.


The problem I see with PvP in Warframe is that it was developed around the idea of fighting dozens of enemies at once, something that doesn't lend itself well to Deathmatch, FFA, etc.


This idea, while not well written out or developed in my post, handles that overpoweredness in small combat situations well because the point is not to kill other players but to defend/attack the objective.


League of Legends, think what you want about the game, handles this extremely well.


Mods like Redirection and Vitality will play even more of an important role in PvP than any other mod, no discussion. Unless they half the damage of warframes "ultimate" abilities in PvP games.


Mag can run in and Crush all 4 opponents and kill them but give her an objective and no matter how many times you use crush ( or any other type of overpowered AoE warframe skill ) and it is downplayed to how the players work as a whole.

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League of Legends, think what you want about the game, handles this extremely well.

Please, stop comparing Warframe with League of Legends.

Please, stop using League of Legends as an example of good PVP that Warframe should be inspired from.

League of Legends was created for the sole purpose of being a PVP game, no wonder it 'handles this extremely well'. Let's not forget just how different the 2 games are, one was designed as a MOBA while the other was designed as a CO-OP PVE shooter. There are so many elements of the game(Warframe) that prove that it  was meant as PVE only.


Mag can run in and Crush all 4 opponents and kill them but give her an objective and no matter how many times you use crush ( or any other type of overpowered AoE warframe skill ) and it is downplayed to how the players work as a whole.

No. This isn't an excuse to ignore power balance. Example: You have the objective, right? If a couple of the frames are overpowered (extremely), to the point that they decimate an entire team in less then a second, then, I'm afraid that it does matter how many times you get killed. Because while your team is dead because a Mag jumped them from behind and killed them in a second, Mag's team will complete the objective in no time. With the current power balance, PVP will be resumed to using only a couple of frames and mostly spamming your forth.


The fact that you haven't talked about revamping all the skills for balance and avoiding possible exploits proves to me that no, this isn't a well thought idea.


This is why PVP is a taboo topic, because people want PVP at any price, as long as it's there, no matter the lack of balance, you will be satisfied. Oh, wait, you won't! Because the forums will be filled with people screaming ''how that frame is too overpowered'', ''how that ability breaks the game'' and ''how unbalanced the game is''. People will cry, people will quit the game.

Edited by Kohira
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