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Warfurs // United Under Lotuscat // Allied Under T.a.p.i.


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Ingame Name : Kavea

Age : 25

Since how long do you play Warframe?: Roughly 2-3 weeks at the time of posting


What are your goals in Warframe?:  Casual play for fun


How serious are you about Warframe?:  Real life is my priority

Do you have a Headset/Microphone (not required, but helpful)?: I have a headset but no microphone

Why do you want to join Warfurs?: To play with a fur-friendly clan

Were you brought here by another Warfurs member? (And if so, what is their Name?): No

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Ingame Name : Kavea


Age : 25

Since how long do you play Warframe?: Roughly 2-3 weeks at the time of posting


What are your goals in Warframe?:  Casual play for fun


How serious are you about Warframe?:  Real life is my priority

Do you have a Headset/Microphone (not required, but helpful)?: I have a headset but no microphone

Why do you want to join Warfurs?: To play with a fur-friendly clan

Were you brought here by another Warfurs member? (And if so, what is their Name?): No

I've attempted to send you an invite, but it says you're in another clan! :)


So either you have a pending invite (only can have one, so you can't receive mine) or you are in a clan! I'm ready to resend the invite once that is cleared up! :)

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Steam Userpage:




What are your goals in Warframe?
Looking to collect, modify, and build items and weapons and seek their maximum potential

How serious are you about Warframe? :

Out of 10? 9.

Do you have a Headset/Microphone?
Yes and Yes.

Why do you want to join Warfurs? :

All the other clans I have been in are very inactive and i've never really "fit in". I'm sure i'll fit right in here, tho.

Were you brought here by another Warfurs member?
Wrapthor (Thanks buddy!)

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Nickname: LadonTD

Steam Userpage: 

Age : 24

What are your goals in Warframe?
(Casual, Collector, Become frame-overlord,...) : Collector

How serious are you about Warframe? : Very

Do you have a Headset/Microphone?
(not required, but helpful) : Yes

Why do you want to join Warfurs? : Renzeyyyyy and a few others I know.

Were you brought here by another Warfurs member?
(And if so, what is their Name?) : 
Renzey lol

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Name: ImpishSpades

Age : 19

What are your goals in Warframe?: Casual 

How serious are you about Warframe? : Not too serious I suppose

Do you have a Headset/Microphone?: Yes

Why do you want to join Warfurs? : Join a fury friendly clan that's active

Were you brought here by another Warfurs member?: Yeah, my friend Kavea told me about it

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Hi there! My name is Exavier and I recently heard about this clan via the member

Celtic Otter! You can call me Zay if you'd like! I hope that I can support the group!



My goal is to become strong enough to help my friends.  I also want to collect items and craft

weapons and other materials. :)

Age : 25

How serious are you about Warframe? :

Doing well in this game does mean a lot to me, especially when

in a group! I would love to get better and more cofortable with the game.

I really like the style and the customization and I want to be

a good support with my group.

Do you have a Headset/Microphone?
-chewing on it- .... huh? Oh >.< y-yeah!

Why do you want to join Warfurs? :
A friend of mine said that I should join and upon seeing him

and his clanmates play, I instantly wanted to be a part of the clan!

Plus furs are awesome!

Were you brought here by another Warfurs member?

Celtic Otter!


I hope that I'll prove useful! Still learning but very teachable and hardworking!

Feel free to poke me in pms if you need anything!


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Age: 32


What is your goal? To have fun, mostly. I also enjoy collecting and trying out weapons and frames in the game.


Since how long do you play Warframe?: Since about update 7 or so. Can't remember exactly how long ago that was. =P


Headset/Mic? : Yupyup


Why do you want to join?: Because I want to be in an active clan with those that share some of the same interests as me.

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Wuffy, Eggy




Steam Userpage:










What are your goals in Warframe?:

Merchandising!.. actually no.. socializing, roleplaying, that sort of thing.. and to be the best that no one ever was!




Do you speak English?:

No, obviously not..! I speak common.




Do you have a Headset/Microphone?:

Essential for me being a Let's Player and Live Streamer.. and managing a roleplay server on the side- so in others words? Yes.




Why do you want to join Warfurs?:

Well, originally I was browsing for roleplay clans here on the forums, but I found your own and thought it to be highly entertaining..! Looks rather organized and very active, so.. here is my application to join! I am one of those self-sufficient folks that prefers to help others and get what they need through helping others, but like any other person out there I do not like playing alone- why play an MMO if you are just going to solo? I very much like Warframe.. and I would very much like having a reason to stick around besides the game...




Were you brought here by another Warfurs member?:


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Nickname: Mike


IG: Lazarus911



Age :28


 What are your goals in Warframe?: I played years back in the Beta because a friend of mine wanted to play it with me, I found it dull and hard to enjoy, but my opinion has since changed and I am hoping to once again play for many hours with him and his community. 


Do you speak english? : Da


Do you have a Headset/Microphone?: Of course, everyone who games should have one.


Why do you want to join Warfurs? : Looking for an online community for this game and this was recommended because a long time friend is part of it.


Were you brought here by another Warfurs member?: TalynAmbereye


My gaming experience: Well for one, I fought AGAINST TEST Alliance on Eve and never enjoyed it like the many other wars, but with normal Eve politics, money can change someone's opinion of their enemy (I fought on the winning side in the largest battle in EVE Online and then a month later join the losing side while they were rebuilding). I have been gaming for far too many years and am a firm believer that I am allowed to be immature sometimes. Anyway, hope to see you all in game.

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ign: mudkiz


steampage: http://steamcommunity.com/id/mudkiz/


i believe i speak english could be wrong after so many years




my goal is to conquer the solar system...ehm.. i mean save the universe

i have over 1k hours in it and am rank 17

yes i have a headset and a mic youll probably hear my birds in the background if i get on ts

im also a furry and am tired of not having people to play with

i just saw you guys around and was like eh why not my previous guilds so meh now everyone is inactive and we're in a bad alliance so why not


oh you wana know how long ive played too? uh about since update 6 i think?

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Well helloooo there, my name is ExcentricEevee, which is the name I go by in Warframe as well as everywhere else on the internet. I'm a 22 year old college student studying Art/illustration, and I started playing Warframe because of how different it seems from other games, and just something to sink some time into. As the name implies, I go about as an Eevee, and foxes are my favorite in general!


I was brought here by my friends Ninjamander and ConnecMienshao, who recommended I join this clan. Surely there are other people in this clan I could meet and get to know, and that would be fun, for sure. I'm still relatively new to this game, to be honest, but I'm more or less looking to have a good time with friends, and maybe get some cool stuff along the way. I don't take this game to a super serious level, perhaps because I'm still so new to it, but I definitely don't like rushing through things. For me, it's all about enjoying each and every thing you experience along the way! But I also love challenges, as well, as it keeps things interesting.

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Nickname kin zeek or opal

(if you carry another outside of the game):


Steam Userpage:kin107


Age :25


What are your goals in Warframe?

(Fun, Getting all the cool Stuff, etc...) :having fun with freind 


Do you speak english? :yes


Do you have a Headset/Microphone?

(not required, but helpful) :yes i do 


Why do you want to join Warfurs? :becase my freind vagunrath wanted me to 


Were you brought here by another Warfurs member? yes

(And if so, what is their Name?) :vagunrath

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  • 2 weeks later...

: Viola, Vi or Vivi or something like that



Age : 18


What are your goals in Warframe?

(Fun, Getting all the cool Stuff, etc...) : Having Fun with Friends, farming Bosses to get all Warframe Pieces and build them


Do you speak english? : Yes Sir 


Do you have a Headset/Microphone?

(not required, but helpful) : Yes I do


Why do you want to join Warfurs? : To find People I can play with so I have a reason to reinstall it again


Were you brought here by another Warfurs member?

(And if so, what is their Name?) :Nope, found you myself

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(if you carry another outside of the game): Aki



Age : 19


What are your goals in Warframe?

(Fun, Getting all the cool Stuff, etc...) : Just hanging around and doing things with people i know.


Do you speak english? :Yes


Do you have a Headset/Microphone?

(not required, but helpful) : Yup


Why do you want to join Warfurs? : Most of my friends are in this clan, i was here before but had to leave to help someone else with their clan building for a while. And well, its a furry clan so there's that too.


Were you brought here by another Warfurs member?

(And if so, what is their Name?) :Ninjamander, AKA Ninto

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Name: Onyxius Kilranza


In-Game Name: Onyxius_Kilranza


Age: 17


Time Played: 971 hours, over the period of almost a year (cheers to 1000+ hours!)


Mic: Check. Headset? No. 


Reason: Want a place to hang around, meet new people. Not too social in voice chat, but a real text-chat talker. Could even help others if I'm asked, plenty of experience in Warframe!


Brought by another member? No. Had a friend who used to be in Warfurs, have a friend who is however. Both I and the used-to-be member are applying.

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Hi all.


This is one of the few games where my in game name is close to the name I usually go by, that name being Bannock. In game it's Bannock88 because, sadly, someone had already taken it. The bastards.


I'm twenty six years old and have already started worrying about how old I'm getting.


I've been playing Warframe off and on since something like update 4, though I forgot my old account at one point and had to start fresh. Somehow, nothing has seemed quite as exciting as the first time I ran a mission and stubbornly refusing to use anything but the Skana.

I like to work towards the shiny things, but I don't get into the grind too much so it sometimes takes me a while to get the more time consuming stuff.

As a result, I often play missions just for fun, or to help others out.


I had a look at the various different clans in the recruitment section and I took a shine to this one. I like the people in it, and it's interests seem relevant to my own.


Hope you have the spare room for me at some point. =)


EDIT: I've had it pointed out to me that it isn't immediately obvious that some of what I said was with humorous intent and that I may, in fact, have come across as a curmudgeon. Apologies for that. =P

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Name: MrJGuy312


In-Game Name: mrjguy312


Age: 21


Time Played: roughly 45 hours with more to come. Still kinda new to this game


Mic/Headset? No. (sadly)


Reason: To hang around, meet new people and ask for help on missions too overpowering for a lone operative to do. Also to provide backup in case a mission needs doing.


Brought by another member? Yes. User by the name of krayken0827/krayken827

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Is this clan still open? If so...


Some times testa, test, or tesy (I was called tesy once... even though i'm a guy...Q-Q)

Steam Userpage: 

(Idr since I didn't really use it)" B3Hum4n" I think it was?
Age : 17

What are your goals in Warframe?
M-my goals??? I didn't really plan to have any goals except try to make cosplay builds, have fun, collect shiny loots, and thats pretty much it?

How serious are you about Warframe? : 
How serious am I? I think raptor would call me a warframeaholic... that and everyday after school/work/etc

Do you have a Headset/Microphone?

sadly... no... but my laptop has a built in microphone(haven't tested it out yet...)

Why do you want to join Warfurs? : 
Well my clan is like sasuke from narutos clan... Dead... and I kinda need to leave it and find somewhere new to travel with...

Were you brought here by another Warfurs member?

No one guided me here except myself, a bit of luck on hand, and the right words to type


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Nickname: i dont have nickname but you can call me "Alpha" or "AC" >.<

 IGN: AlphaCenturo

Steam Userpage: AlphaCenturo (http://steamcommunity.com/id/AlphaCenturo)


Age : 20


What are your goals in Warframe?

(Fun, Getting all the cool Stuff, etc...) : Casual player =3


Do you speak english? : Yes


Do you have a Headset/Microphone?

(not required, but helpful) : No :/


Why do you want to join Warfurs? : No special reason tbh... maybe more to chit-chat... sometimes i got boring when in game and no one can be chit-chat friend XD


Were you brought here by another Warfurs member? No
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(if you carry another outside of the game): I go by Zombles, a name given to me by some very nice lady from the interwebs


Steam Userpage: Senpai~Zombles (my Warframe name is Iprozombie)


Age :17


What are your goals in Warframe?

(Fun, Getting all the cool Stuff, etc...) : stab stuff, pass time


Do you speak english? : If what i use in the mornings at 6am when i get up is english, yes


Do you have a Headset/Microphone?

(not required, but helpful) : yes, but im almost always on teamspeak with friends


Why do you want to join Warfurs? : cause furrreeeeehhhhsss, and i was in AsurO and i feel like a number, nobody knows each other well


Were you brought here by another Warfurs member?

(And if so, what is their Name?) : idk i saw someone at the relay yesterday and i saw the name and got happy

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