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Excalibur playing


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my personal experience with excalibur, the game is awesome my only complain is the skills functions, because sword slash skill is the best, kill every enemy on the way and run far distance, but other skills (blind, and jump) are useless, need to much energy and doesnt have good effects. i think a good gameplay is the all skill have the right function, jump could need a lot of less energy, swrod slash i think need nerf have a cool down and run less distance, and blind could need less energy too

sry for my english i am from chile :P

by the way i enjoy a lot of the game is awesome

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I like the epic power behind the slash dash, and would rather not see it nerfed. Instead, they could lower the energy cost of the other skills, make them more effective (even higher jump) and give situations where they're more likely to help:

example: have certain enemies interupt your slash dash and knock you down, giving more use for the blind skill.

example: make some enemies/crates/objectives easily reachable by using the jump skill, otherwise you are required to climb 3+ large boxes/ledges to reach the area.

Edited by The-Event-Horizon
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