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New Mission Type: Virulent Infestation


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I have a few ideas concerning this.


First, the idea of infestation affecting warframes. The reason why this could be possible is that it's called the Technocyte Plague (if I remember correctly), thus it will affect organic and technological systems. Corpus helmets and Grineer armor are both visible on infested if you look close enough. Plus, either Golem or Phorid say things about how you should become "one with them" or some such. So it could be very possible for the plague to affect the armors if it's a special environment that enhances the infestation plague. 


Second, the ships. I think that these get in, get out ships would be completely covered in "Meat Moss" such as in the existing Corpus/Grineer ships that have infested. These would be long standing Infested ships, ones with a potentially higher concentration of Infested and, as stated, would be covered in Meat Moss/Creep textures. Maybe even have it growing up waist high to hide Crawlers and Chargers more and you have to literally wade through the stuff. I for one would love a pure infested tile set. (Edited to add more) Merely being in these environments, with their sheer volume of infested masses and such passively infects anything that comes aboard, being part of the "natural" defenses of the completely infested ships, thus being why you have to get in and out as quickly as possible. 


Third, instead of sabotaging a reactor, you could be taking out an infestation hive mind node, some big fleshy mass that partially controls the infestation, sort of like the Brain Bugs in Starship Troopers. And these ships could be entirely controlled by said Hive Mind Node, meaning that they're entirely integrated into the doors, turrets and other systems, making hacking a little harder, turrets automatically opening fire on people without need of cameras, lasers flicking on and off, etc. Even possible that doors will just lock behind the first player to go through, meaning that the other teammates have to hurry and hack in before said person gets swamped by enemies. 


A final, post note, is that these types of ships could be only in entirely Infested controlled systems such as Eris. 

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Toxic Ancients farted too much.  Thus contaminating the ship.  The Corpus/Grineer discover this and send it on a collision course towards a Tenno operated base/dojo/Tenno supporting population.  You have to stop it because if allowed to crash, it will not only destroy the base/city, the toxic farts will remain for a long time thus rendering any rescue attempts for survivors impossible.  Could also use what someone else recommended with the super strong infested unit that is unable to be killed by any known method.  Could be a Corpus experiment on a captured infested unit, or a Grineer cloning experiment to create better soldiers which became infested.  Just my ideas!


I really like the Grineer cloning experiment gone wrong (could introduce new mutated grineer). Also, Toxic Ancient farts do sound quite intimidating.


I have a few ideas concerning this.


First, the idea of infestation affecting warframes. The reason why this could be possible is that it's called the Technocyte Plague (if I remember correctly), thus it will affect organic and technological systems. Corpus helmets and Grineer armor are both visible on infested if you look close enough. Plus, either Golem or Phorid say things about how you should become "one with them" or some such. So it could be very possible for the plague to affect the armors if it's a special environment that enhances the infestation plague. 


Second, the ships. I think that these get in, get out ships would be completely covered in "Meat Moss" such as in the existing Corpus/Grineer ships that have infested. These would be long standing Infested ships, ones with a potentially higher concentration of Infested and, as stated, would be covered in Meat Moss/Creep textures. Maybe even have it growing up waist high to hide Crawlers and Chargers more and you have to literally wade through the stuff. I for one would love a pure infested tile set. (Edited to add more) Merely being in these environments, with their sheer volume of infested masses and such passively infects anything that comes aboard, being part of the "natural" defenses of the completely infested ships, thus being why you have to get in and out as quickly as possible. 


Third, instead of sabotaging a reactor, you could be taking out an infestation hive mind node, some big fleshy mass that partially controls the infestation, sort of like the Brain Bugs in Starship Troopers. And these ships could be entirely controlled by said Hive Mind Node, meaning that they're entirely integrated into the doors, turrets and other systems, making hacking a little harder, turrets automatically opening fire on people without need of cameras, lasers flicking on and off, etc. Even possible that doors will just lock behind the first player to go through, meaning that the other teammates have to hurry and hack in before said person gets swamped by enemies. 


A final, post note, is that these types of ships could be only in entirely Infested controlled systems such as Eris. 


1. This has merit and is true, but my only concern is that it needs extra clarification and isn't immediately obvious. The reason I'm pushing for the quick clarity is so the player can focus more on the environment and the mission rather than trying to justify why the mission is needed in the first place, which would detract from the sense of danger and tension.


2. Absolutely agree, these ships should be completely overtaken by the infestation, and the waist high creep textures (so long as it is only in certain areas and not covering the whole map) would be terrifying, challenging, and they could really help build the tension (always being on the lookout for sneaking infested). I think this could also lead to more varying infested levels (the high infestation/potential radioactive infestation would really amplify the textures we're used to seeing).


3. That also sounds awesome. The Hive Mind would be challenging, sinister, and its intelligence would be too dangerous to leave unchecked.


And for the final bit, I think these ships would be more sinister if they were in areas controlled by other factions, as then they post more of a threat. There probably wouldn't be a lot of Lotus bases or other such places that need protecting in infested controlled areas. Also, the intelligence of the Hive Mind becomes all the more threatening when it is branching into uninfested space, because not only does that give a sense of the infestation spreading it also causes alarm that the infestation (who seem otherwise beastly and unintelligent) are planning an invasion.


Edited for grammar

Edited by Minnow23
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And for the final bit, I think these ships would be more sinister if they were in areas controlled by other factions, as then they post more of a threat. There probably wouldn't be a lot of Lotus bases or other such places that need protecting in infested controlled areas. Also, the intelligence of the Hive Mind becomes all the more threatening when it is branching into uninfested space, because not only does that give a sense of the infestation spreading it also causes alarm that the infestation (who seem otherwise beastly and unintelligent) are planning an invasion.


Edited for grammar


I was seeing the Hive Mind Node as something that either develops or is moved to a heavily Infested area to better control the troops so to speak. It wouldn't be as necessary in areas with less Infested units. However, it's definitely possible to have said Nodes be shipped between systems for communication purposes or other things.



Also, as for the explanations of why these things come about. Lotus already gives background information on bosses and such, as well as for some missions. It would be really simple for her to just explain things as you go through the missions. 

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But to make it scary there needs to be a good reason for going on the ship in the first place.


My idea which is very very open to suggestion: The ship contains radioactive cargo that has mutated the infested on board, and it is bound for a populated Lotus base (or something). It is up to the Tenno to fight their way through the radioactive infested and destroy/reroute the ship before it is too late; however, because of the nature of the mutated infested every time you are hit you become increasingly vulnerable and so the amount of time that you have before succumbing to your wounds and the mission failing decreases until you are either too wounded to stop the ship or too late to alter its course.




By the way, I'd love to get Securitywyrm's thoughts on all this so he/she doesn't feel like we've commandeered his post lol


I think that our focus should be on the gameplay element. Warframe isn't a lore-heavy game, it's an action game. The 'reason' for why you have to avoid attacks from the infested and need to hurry can be determined later because it's just a few lines, not a deep engaging story of the origins of the infested.

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I think that our focus should be on the gameplay element. Warframe isn't a lore-heavy game, it's an action game. The 'reason' for why you have to avoid attacks from the infested and need to hurry can be determined later because it's just a few lines, not a deep engaging story of the origins of the infested.


I think that the game could use a little more lore for some stuff, and putting more in only helps the game. I like that there isn't necessarily a solid game story, but background information is always welcome. One of my issues with many RPG games is that they put in the same story for everyone, same stuff for everyone, etc. And sure, this game does some of that as well with the bosses, that's unavoidable, but that doesn't mean we all progress to the same places at the same time. Somebody may choose to go to Europa first, then maybe work their way to Pluto, then maybe unlock someplace else as an end result. But the next person could do something entirely different. And I like that. But that doesn't mean that we shouldn't flesh out (pun intended) the background of the Infested, Corpus, Grineer and any future factions that may be brought in. 

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I think that our focus should be on the gameplay element. Warframe isn't a lore-heavy game, it's an action game. The 'reason' for why you have to avoid attacks from the infested and need to hurry can be determined later because it's just a few lines, not a deep engaging story of the origins of the infested.


We've discussed the reason for the mission for a bit, now let's discuss the gameplay.


Things we know should be in it:

-A timer

-The timer runs down when you're attacked

-A need to work together to finish the mission


Things that have been suggested:

-Timer buffs in elevators/by Trinity's powers/by shooting air locks or reinforced glass

-Waist high creep textures that allow chargers to sneak up on you if you aren't careful

-Hive Mind node that controls various aspects of the ship (doors, turrets, etc.)

-Unbeatable monster that forces you to run (either to evac or just from the room)

       -If the unbeatable monster makes you run to evac, it could still be possible for someone to finish the original objective for bonus reward



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We've discussed the reason for the mission for a bit, now let's discuss the gameplay.


Things we know should be in it:

-A timer

-The timer runs down when you're attacked

-A need to work together to finish the mission


Things that have been suggested:

-Timer buffs in elevators/by Trinity's powers/by shooting air locks or reinforced glass

-Waist high creep textures that allow chargers to sneak up on you if you aren't careful

-Hive Mind node that controls various aspects of the ship (doors, turrets, etc.)

-Unbeatable monster that forces you to run (either to evac or just from the room)

       -If the unbeatable monster makes you run to evac, it could still be possible for someone to finish the original objective for bonus reward




For the huge monster, how about this; There's a room with a chrysalis in the middle you have to destroy. Three huge tentacles writhe around the top of the room and target random warframes, launching huge globs of toxic goo which slows you down if you're hit and triggers a rush of light enemies. It's a boss battle where what's shooting at you isn't the boss. 

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For the huge monster, how about this; There's a room with a chrysalis in the middle you have to destroy. Three huge tentacles writhe around the top of the room and target random warframes, launching huge globs of toxic goo which slows you down if you're hit and triggers a rush of light enemies. It's a boss battle where what's shooting at you isn't the boss. 


Would this huge monster then be the Hive Mind node that has been discussed earlier? Making the Hive Mind a mini-boss of sorts would definitely be intense

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Orokin derelicts would be made from stronger materials than what a Warframe is constructed from on the grounds that Frames need mobility and ship hulls do not.  Grineer and Corpus manufactured ships would be disintegrated by a corrosive atmosphere, but not ancient Orokin ones.

I'm seeing long hallways with lots of breakable glass.  Glass that could be broken randomly just by being near it, adding an OH SHI- GET OUT OF HERE BEFORE THE VACUUM DEPLETES SHIELDS factor.  I'm seeing dormant infested...they've been on the ship so long that they've begun to hibernate and will only emerge from their cocoons when threatened (as in, by a Warrior Wyrm trollface.jpg).


I'm seeing lots of dead Grineer and/or Corpus that got there first.  The environment proved to hazardous to them, and not even infestation could 'save' them from acidic death.


Something on the ship is worth stealing.  Orokin artifacts wouldn't be valuable enough.  They're valuable enough to steal from the Grineer and Corpus, but from an extremely dangerous vessel?  Best leave them put until they can be extracted in force.  A Tenno Operation Cell wouldn't justify the risk.  A datamass containing the coordinates of more hibernating Tenno?  That would be worth while.

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Orokin derelicts would be made from stronger materials than what a Warframe is constructed from on the grounds that Frames need mobility and ship hulls do not.  Grineer and Corpus manufactured ships would be disintegrated by a corrosive atmosphere, but not ancient Orokin ones.

I'm seeing long hallways with lots of breakable glass.  Glass that could be broken randomly just by being near it, adding an OH SHI- GET OUT OF HERE BEFORE THE VACUUM DEPLETES SHIELDS factor.  I'm seeing dormant infested...they've been on the ship so long that they've begun to hibernate and will only emerge from their cocoons when threatened (as in, by a Warrior Wyrm trollface.jpg).


I'm seeing lots of dead Grineer and/or Corpus that got there first.  The environment proved to hazardous to them, and not even infestation could 'save' them from acidic death.


Something on the ship is worth stealing.  Orokin artifacts wouldn't be valuable enough.  They're valuable enough to steal from the Grineer and Corpus, but from an extremely dangerous vessel?  Best leave them put until they can be extracted in force.  A Tenno Operation Cell wouldn't justify the risk.  A datamass containing the coordinates of more hibernating Tenno?  That would be worth while.


Very interesting idea there. I really like it. 

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Orokin derelicts would be made from stronger materials than what a Warframe is constructed from on the grounds that Frames need mobility and ship hulls do not.  Grineer and Corpus manufactured ships would be disintegrated by a corrosive atmosphere, but not ancient Orokin ones.

I'm seeing long hallways with lots of breakable glass.  Glass that could be broken randomly just by being near it, adding an OH SHI- GET OUT OF HERE BEFORE THE VACUUM DEPLETES SHIELDS factor.  I'm seeing dormant infested...they've been on the ship so long that they've begun to hibernate and will only emerge from their cocoons when threatened (as in, by a Warrior Wyrm trollface.jpg).


I'm seeing lots of dead Grineer and/or Corpus that got there first.  The environment proved to hazardous to them, and not even infestation could 'save' them from acidic death.


Something on the ship is worth stealing.  Orokin artifacts wouldn't be valuable enough.  They're valuable enough to steal from the Grineer and Corpus, but from an extremely dangerous vessel?  Best leave them put until they can be extracted in force.  A Tenno Operation Cell wouldn't justify the risk.  A datamass containing the coordinates of more hibernating Tenno?  That would be worth while.

I like this idea.

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I was thinking of some dialogue and screenplay of how Lotus would be talking and such during these types of missions. I'll put some examples down below. There could also be the listed effects on your system as you go further into the game, giving you a further sense of urgency to get in and get out. 


On Entry:

Tenno, an opportunity has presented itself to us. We have a chance at destroying a piece of the backbone of the infested. We are deep in infested territory and there is no way of knowing what can happen here. The infested have complete control over this ship. I will be monitoring suit/frame telemetry just in case. Be aware. 


On first damage taken by a mob, resulting in the infection/corrosion beginning:


Lotus's voice reveals a touch concern, her breath shortened slightly


"Tenno, something is taking hold in your armor. Finish the job quickly and escape. I think they somehow infected you with the virus. Don't take anymore hits."


10% of time depleted through hits or passage


Lotus' voice is a touch worried as she monitors your telemetry.


"The plague is spreading, it may start to affect your systems. Please be careful. You need to complete this mission swiftly. Let the way of the Tenno guide your blade. (Or some other way of saying something like "may the force be with you" or other catch phrase.)"


50% of time depleted


Lotus' voice is obviously worried. She sounds as if she is on the edge of her seat as she describes what is happening in your suit. 


"The infection is continuing to take hold. Your energy is being compromised and it is starting to eat away the inner workings. If you stay there much longer, it will consume you entirely. You NEED to finish the job and get out of there or you will be lost... forever."


75% of time depleted. Your energy is being sapped slowly (Energy Siphon may no long work at this point either) and the range, duration and strength of your abilities is reduced. Shields intermittently go out entirely and flash back on as though the shield generator is hiccuping due to the infection. 


Lotus' voice starts to break, as if she is holding back tears, containing her fear for her team of warriors. 


The plague is sabotaging your systems from the inside. It's eating your energy to power itself and it has started eating both your attack and defense grid. Make it out of this, Tenno, I believe in you. 


100% of time depleted. Your energy is now being sapped faster (double the rate of before). Shields now flicker off and on more than before as the generators fail. Powers take a hit, halving their total effectiveness. (Iron Skin for example will only block 50 percent of damage instead of all.) Your health slowly starts to fall at the previous rate of your shielding. The only way to renew it is with Well of Life, health items and health orbs.. 


Lotus' voice is urgent, a sob breaks through her voice and the fear in her voice is obvious. 


"The virus has now started attacking you directly. I don't know how much more of this you can take. Get out of there, (Warframe Name, Rhino, Trinity, etc) now. If you don't, I'm afraid you will become one of them. You cannot allow this to happen. If you get out, we can help you. Go... now."


Upon Death


Lotus lets out another sob, speaking her final words to you as your vision fades to black and you collapse to the ground. 


"I should have never sent you on this mission. I'm sorry..." 

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I was thinking of some dialogue and screenplay of how Lotus would be talking and such during these types of missions. I'll put some examples down below. There could also be the listed effects on your system as you go further into the game, giving you a further sense of urgency to get in and get out. 


On Entry:

Tenno, an opportunity has presented itself to us. We have a chance at destroying a piece of the backbone of the infested. We are deep in infested territory and there is no way of knowing what can happen here. The infested have complete control over this ship. I will be monitoring suit/frame telemetry just in case. Be aware. 


On first damage taken by a mob, resulting in the infection/corrosion beginning:


Lotus's voice reveals a touch concern, her breath shortened slightly


"Tenno, something is taking hold in your armor. Finish the job quickly and escape. I think they somehow infected you with the virus. Don't take anymore hits."


10% of time depleted through hits or passage


Lotus' voice is a touch worried as she monitors your telemetry.


"The plague is spreading, it may start to affect your systems. Please be careful. You need to complete this mission swiftly. Let the way of the Tenno guide your blade. (Or some other way of saying something like "may the force be with you" or other catch phrase.)"


50% of time depleted


Lotus' voice is obviously worried. She sounds as if she is on the edge of her seat as she describes what is happening in your suit. 


"The infection is continuing to take hold. Your energy is being compromised and it is starting to eat away the inner workings. If you stay there much longer, it will consume you entirely. You NEED to finish the job and get out of there or you will be lost... forever."


75% of time depleted. Your energy is being sapped slowly (Energy Siphon may no long work at this point either) and the range, duration and strength of your abilities is reduced. Shields intermittently go out entirely and flash back on as though the shield generator is hiccuping due to the infection. 


Lotus' voice starts to break, as if she is holding back tears, containing her fear for her team of warriors. 


The plague is sabotaging your systems from the inside. It's eating your energy to power itself and it has started eating both your attack and defense grid. Make it out of this, Tenno, I believe in you. 


100% of time depleted. Your energy is now being sapped faster (double the rate of before). Shields now flicker off and on more than before as the generators fail. Powers take a hit, halving their total effectiveness. (Iron Skin for example will only block 50 percent of damage instead of all.) Your health slowly starts to fall at the previous rate of your shielding. The only way to renew it is with Well of Life, health items and health orbs.. 


Lotus' voice is urgent, a sob breaks through her voice and the fear in her voice is obvious. 


"The virus has now started attacking you directly. I don't know how much more of this you can take. Get out of there, (Warframe Name, Rhino, Trinity, etc) now. If you don't, I'm afraid you will become one of them. You cannot allow this to happen. If you get out, we can help you. Go... now."


Upon Death


Lotus lets out another sob, speaking her final words to you as your vision fades to black and you collapse to the ground. 


"I should have never sent you on this mission. I'm sorry..." 


I have only one thing to say to this:



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Sounds great, so do most additional suggestions in the thread. Those kind of missions should net some decent rewards though, because timed rush missions tend to be difficult and stressful.


I agree, these missions would have to be a pretty rare alert mission so that the teamwork and skill required to pull these missions off could yield a pretty awesome reward.

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