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12 New Ideas.


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Here are a few ideas that I have come up with to potentially add to warframe.  Most of these are probably not so great, but I figure that there is hardly any sense in keeping these ideas to myself.


1. Solo relay option.

let's face it-very few people use the relays to find squad members.  The relays are, in essence, where people go to trade in prime parts for dukats, various syndicate items for extra standing, and a place to go to see Baro Ki' Teer every now and then.  Do we really need the combined lag of 100 tenno?  The relays should use the same system as regular missions when determining how many tenno can be seen, with options such as public (for those people who gather at larunda relay to talk dirty to each other,) Friends only (for those who desire to actually meet up for a mission,) and solo (for those, like myself, who only want to talk to Baro ki' Teer without spending an hour walking to him.)


2. Part Market in the relay.

WTB paris prime string, loki prime chassis, lotus kubro imprint... and the list goes on... unless there was a section of the relay where you could store a prime part in a trade capsule, set a certain price, and then leave it there for another tenno to come looking for a good deal on such parts. These "trade capsules" should be able to hold up to 4 parts at once, allowing the entire set of any one of the prime items to be offered.  Regular trading could still exist, for those looking to conduct business faster and for a lower tax rate (can't make these capsules too good now, can we?)  In addition, there will be a three hour time lapse between placing an item and being able to remove it from the capsule, as well as between accepting a trade and removing the traded item.


2.5. Upgrade mission control

I believe that more players would use the mission controll feature of relays if a system was introduced that added a degree of organization to the angry squabbling that is the recruiting chat window.  Simmilar to the part exchange/auction feature listed above, a player could use an interface to offer a void/derelict mission to all players. For the metagamers out there, the mission offer could feature specific rewuirements, such as mastery rank, frame, weapons, conclave, and aura/augment mods. A mission price/reward can also be included for those tenno looking to make a profit.


3. Stalker Expansion

is it me, or is this stalker fellow a little... underdeveloped?  Sure, I like the idea of a hunter character that chases you after killing a boss at a certain mastery rank, but does he have to use the same gear over and over? After all, it does say in his codex entry that, "I watched from a distance, with the rest of the lower guardians." This implies that there are more people like him, people that will hunt tenno after fighting a random boss that had very little to do with the original orokin.  Perhaps there could be a female stalker that uses heavier weapons geared more towards warfare than stealth.  Or perhaps a stalker that only uses a heavy hammer-like weapon but has numerous abillities that proc weird effects, like gas damage.  The possibilities are near endless.  Also, the dragon nikana looks awfully similar to the Stalker's weapons. Perhaps this could be a change?


3.5.  Stalker DLC

What if players at mastery rank 13+ had the ability to buy a special package (for platinum, naturally) that allows them to hunt players as the stalker? Upon defeating a randomly assigned player of equal level with a death mark, the hunter would receive a blueprint for a part of the opponent's frame or weapons.


4. Solo "jump quests"

I find the fact that enemy units do not detect the lisets protruding from the side of their ship as anything other than ordinary to be a little odd. Shouldn't they set up traps or something? Thusly, I suggest that "jump quests," unpredictable solo miniquests for players at or above mastery rank 10, become implemented.

These jump quests occur upon reaching extraction. When the player approaches the area, a cutscene will occur, such as the liset leaving without you due to an enemy attack, or the lotus announcing that the mission is not complete, and that there is an important second phase.  I suggest these random (less common than the stalker) quests as a way to add variety to warframe, which is primarily a boss/void grinding 3rd person shooter. Failing to complete this suprise event will cause the player to go into a death cutscene, ending with three strong-looking tenno coming to your rescue.  The mission rewards will be up to DE, but an upgrade to the stratos emblem is to be expected in the least. To avoid breaking up squads, these missions will only occur while playing in solo mode.


5. Orokin Assisination.

Almost everything that happens in the void that involves guns is caused by the neural sentry.  Why not just destroy it?  It is bound to be some kind of giant orokin computer/war machine, and even if it isn't, it is bound to have a unique guardian with a special drop table for prime parts.


6. Mercenary quests.

The tenno are often called mercenaries, and it is true that they often walk a fine line between heroic figures and bloodthirsty hired guns.  Why not make the difference more profound?  In the darkest corner of the relay, a mysterious figure of dubious intent waits. Upon speaking with him, tenno will be given, for an initiation price, one new syndicate mission for each of the syndicates. These missions are different, however, in that you are fighting the enemy syndicate's members. This will include missions to wipe out steel meridian platoons, topple elite fighters in the arbiters of hexis, steal vital secrets from cephalon suda, capture red veil assasins, disable the power grids of perrin sequence buildings/ships, and hijack sacred artifacts from new loka. While these missions will have their own unique rewards, they will significalntly decrease your standing with syndicates without gaining any standing in return. Perhaps, after many dubious missions, you may even recieve mercenary alerts to assassinate anti-grineer/corpus leaders (not like anybody stays dead these days....)


7. Reintroduce the ascaris negator.

You gave everyone who did the intro quests, including curios semi-vetrans like me, a reusable blueprint for the ascaris negator.  Many returning players made the ascaris negator right off the bat, not knowing that we were never intended to do so.  Why not make it usefull?  First, replace the grineer bolt remover (from grustrag three) and replace it with the permanent ascaris negator blueprint.  Then, a defeated warframe has three days to build and use the negator. If the tenno does not succeed, he will lose the frame and be required to hunt it down in the mission it was defeated in, and take it down. Once it is downed, if the player has an ascaris negator in their gear wheel, the player can use the negator on the frame, reviving it.  From here on, the frame will act like a rescue target with special abillities.  If this event takes a player's only frame, an unranked starter frame will be provided. Weapons and sentinels will never be lost in this way.


8. Nef Anyo tactical alert.

If Nef Anyo is going to be buffed, why not enjoy a special pre-buff alert? I'm suggesting an alert in which there are no requirements and the mission is a regular exterminate, except for one thing: the entire platoon is up of Nef Anyos. Imagine; 113 clones of the weakest boss in the system, all on one tileset. As silly as it sounds, I feel I can get plenty of other players to support this alert.


9. A new system? Maybe?

I continuously hear people say "the origin system" as if there is another system out there. Why not? After all, we have yet to find:

a. the Sentients' homeworld

b. the main Grineer spawning grounds

c. why kids love cinnamon toast crunch. (found it.)

In addition, this would allow a more classic approach to farming bosses for parts due to the new planets (none of that "find three key fragments to assemble a key to find a boss to get a part and repeat" nonsense.)


10. Fix the planets

After completing a mission on earth, I began to doubt the whole "desolate grineer planet" description.  I'm sure that venus is a little too close to the sun to have the snow that is iconic of the corpus settelments there.  As for mercury, I highly doubt that there are any remaining orokin towers there. It's about time that these things are remedied.  Perhaps it would even be a good idea to add grineer icecap settelments for mountainous regions of earth, to go with the ocean level that will (hopefully) also be added.

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I would just like to second the suggestion for some form of in game market instead of having to use person to person trading. Not necessarily exactly as he suggests it, but some method or another.

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I like idea 3,4, 6 and 7.

Idea 2 I see problems with it, I believe their should be a cap on what you can charge per item. I like the idea the trade channel prices are too inconsistent. I saw pieces of volt prime selling for 75-150plat $5-$10 for one piece is crazy. It would be nice to place a capsule for a full warframe and get the trade in the mail.

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1. Eh, I don't see the lag, I guess it is with lower end systems.

2. They have talked about a Trade revamp, so it is possible in the future, as a true market (as in NPCs) I doubt it.

2.5. I don't really understand what you are wanting

3. We could always use more lore.

3.5. No, why do people always ask for this, is everyone in such a rush to grief other players. This will not happen.

4. Liset is stealth, that is why it isn't seen. I think you have suggested a decent opportunity, personally It would be a nice random transition to an Archwing. Listen can't make it so it shoots the archwing to you.

5. I read that they had discussed early on that Tenno go into virtual space and fight the Neural Sentry as a boss there. Nothing ever came of it :-(

6. All sounded interesting until you said it would lower the rep points of your syndicate. Players really wouldn't have a reason to do it then.

7. No, its a great idea to get players to rage quit.

8. I'd think an event that reintroduces him into his new state would be better. No need for a special alert

9. I wouldn't mind personally, but I believe DE stated they are against a whole new system. There are still places in the Sol system, like objects in the Kepler belt.

10. Hopefully as time goes on they will fix the tilesets. I believe they are making each planet unique, or that is the plan at least, so once these happen you may see updates.


Check out the Warframe Concept Section

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3.5. No, why do people always ask for this, is everyone in such a rush to grief other players. This will not happen.


Could be done completely anonymously = no griefing.  Stalker would be scaled to target level, squad size and average squad level.

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All ideas including background-oriented materials will always have my support.


About Stalker DLC: I'm not so fond of the concept of players assassinating players... Mostly because I prefer coop over PvP. But the concept by itself is not without interest.


Concerning Orokin Assassination: Definitely, this is missing. I would enjoy a mission starting with Archwing for approach to the tower and insertion, something similar to the Balor Fomorian event (falling toward a target at high speed while avoiding huge lasers), and continuing a normal, on-foot, mission to destroy the core of the tower. I would enjoy something different than "regular" boss battles from the solar system.


Finally, tilesets: I think Earth deserves another tileset than jungle: this one could go to Venus (special thought to people who played Mutant Chronicles...). Earth is supposed to be a devastated world, home the grineer empire: would feel right to me to have an "urban" tileste, something inspired by the devastated Neo Tokyo from Akira, with huge oppressive buildings and a wicked sense of scale. I would like to fight Vay Hek on top of the tallest building of the ruined grineer capital. Immersive? Hell, yeah!

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1: Relays already have a player limit of sorts & if you wanted a privater Relay perhaps we shouldn't of had a formorian event where formorians literally blew up some relays like Pluto or Europa (or Eris depending if it was destroyed on XBOX or PC)


2: Make Darvo's market a kind of stock market like EVE has? Cool idea but be slightly annoying & would kill trading section so "maybe"


3: A fine idea not too bad at all


4: Well I think his weapons are too iconic solet me suggest Stalker Prime a simply more powerful stalker & also you touched on a lore theory I thought that The Stalker might be the last of prototype warframes that kept Tenno in line during the orokin era


5: DLC umm no warframes DLC is updates perhaps a stalker quest instead


6. Mercenary? Well we aren't exactly Mercenaries, a interesting idea but needs a little work


7: nice idea till you made it THE STUPIDEST IDEA I'VE EVER HEARD, you LOOSE your warframe? Refarm it? Other people besides just myself paid $ for some such as Mesa, Mesa refarming LOL ok umm NO or perhaps Hydroid 50 Becon farming (that was a thing at a time) or Mirage oh wait Mirage you only can get once, or Limbo RNG. Or perhaps you paid $70+ for Prime Access & you get it just REMOVED FROM YOU, I can't see DE being like: "ty for YOUR money now don't mind us as we remove what you purchased" *troll face*. People would rather pull out they're electric cord, abort, or rage quit then let that happen also it be lore breaking. This 1 idea I strongly disagree with & I end it with are you insane?


8: No  comment, I have no problem with a simple alert quest


9: New galaxy systems might be nice but idk how Warframe as a game could handle expanding more. I think instead they should just make the current world we have even more deep & complex. For example Spy 2.0 was a way of making Spy missions far more in-depth.


10: DE did say they will try to keep planets relatively accurate so we'll see over-time


Over-all I rate the 12 ideas a 4.5/10 it needs more thought & work. No offence but certain ideas were too... "not well done" especially #7


I hope you'll be able to form & improve upon your 12 ideas over-time.


PS: I highly suggest people ACTUALLY READ what was wrote before replying to the post.

Edited by (PS4)ShadowNinja77
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  • 3 months later...

I've heard a lot of mixed comments about my 12 Ideas. I urge anyone who is excited, perturbed, or has otherwise had their jimmies russeled to calm down. I stated that these were ideas. Not good ideas or bad ones, just ideas. There are bound to be a few rotten apples in the orchard, so to speak, but in the end, I just want to get as many people as possible to think of ways in which the game we know and most likely love can grow. When archwing was freshly introduced, it set everyone's minds into a state of excitement. Sure, it didn't quite live up to it's expectations, but it was something new. 


I would also like to add that:

1. warframe has changed a lot since I wrote this list.


2. I would greatly appreciate new ideas, especially improvements upon existing ideas.


3. I agree that the whole stalker dlc thing was very far-fetched. 

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