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Ramblings Organized*


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                Long time player here, Steam has me clocked in at 890 hours if that means anything  to you. At the time or writing there is a S#&$ storm about stealth nerfs and changes, I won't be going into any of that, but on the subject stealth changes are bad. Talk to us DE or at least the council, you've been more open and transparent than most governments in the past, it's what makes you with supporting.


Disclaimer, I ramble and don't always articulate properly, these will be marked with a * read at your own risk.


1.)Armor Still does Nothing

                Armor overall is generally not very effective unless you have a ton of it as a base stat. Closing the distance with Armor as your main defense will end poorly for you, even Valky. Abilities give Warframe the power to tank and while I would like to go into long winded detail I'm sure it is generally known that without Iron skin or Hysteria, Rhino and Valkyr would be about as effective as tanking damage as any other frame because armor does nothing to mediate high level damage. Suggestions;


Elemental Resistance- Anti toxin, flame repellent, diamond skin, Lighting rod and Insulation. I would like to see the statics on the use of those mods. Armor could help with all of these making it a more worthwhile stat while reducing clutter.


Resistance to Negative effects- The higher the Armor rating the more resistance to Knock down, staggering, and Proc chance(not duration). What about frames with lower armor? They are typically casters and avoid melee to focus on casting or have utility skills to even the score, not to mention mods like shock absorbers and handspring. High armor frames, the ones you would take to a melee fight should not have to mod up( sure footed, fortitude) to be effective at it. The argument about Being Ninja enough to dodge knock down has been made, but there are too many factors that even if you managed to dodge would get you killed anyway.


2.)Movement is sluggish, stamina needs a rework.


Movement is apparently in the re- works so ill keep this short.

our vertical pretty underwhelming comparatively I often find myself wishing for a double jump. We have the fling but it is unreliable and while coptering is fun if you don't use a coptering weapon, movement becomes a chore for the slower Warframes.


faster and more precise movement through the air. Jumping feels laggy and unresponsive, Again the fling is fun but seemingly random and wildly uncontrollable once initiated. It was said on a dev stream it feels like a bug, because it is, sorry.


Our stamina pool is laughably small, sprinting should not drain stamina, or the drain should be tied to the armor stat with speed of frames being around the same with slight variables (Loki, Volt)


3.)Tempo Royale is what stances need to be.


Thank god for Tempo Royale, fast with flashy but short animations, forward momentum , simple combos and Damage @(*()$ multiplayer's. Melee 2.0 is the best change to warframe in my opinion but focusing on Melee asks too much; Stamina, knock down resistance and recovery, regeneration, Limited stamina to close the distance without sliding, rolling and coptering. Tempo Royale answers most of these problems, A+.


4.)Damage powers ultimately irrelevant.*


This has been brought up before but power damage needs to scale to enemy level. I only bring it up because DE has already made the perfect example of how this would work with the Seeking shuriken mod. That is how powers should work as far as implementation goes it could be a new Aura or a change to how power strength works but it is a desperately needed change.


5.)Damage is convoluted.*


Think Dark souls, Slashing, puncture and impact work equally well but it's the more complex stuff that enemies have resistance and weakness to.  I miss the days I could just stack damage mods and be set no matter where I was going or who I was killing.


6.)Lost Mods Suggestion. I actually like this bare with me.


Something like Void damage, strong against all enemy types, but has a high energy drain and has a polarity that does not match anything known. So you could use it but you're going to have to use Forma for everything else to make it work. Maybe that's how we could make power strength scale or have mods that give corrupt mod benefits, with no negative side effects other than energy drain. maybe that's what corrupted them, trying to fix them?


7.)No more enemy Hitscan weapons*

Extreme I know, but everything that has been done to alleviate perfect Grakata aim does seemed to have helped.


---Thanks for the suggestion Kamijo Edit acordingly---

Edited by ChubbyWarhead
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The first four ideas(particularly movement being slow and sluggish- thank god for the imminent rework- and armor being the most useless stat when the current "endgame" is full of enemies that don't care about it) I completely agree with.


However, I personally enjoy the current damage system because you're not at an absolute loss for using something other than what's the most effective- meaning you can focus a build for one particular enemy and not end up getting rekt because you're flicking spitwads at everything else.


I'm not entirely sure what you're talking about when you say "Lost Mods" as in I'm not sure if you're refering to an existing system, or a suggested one.


As for the last, I've not had an absolutely terrible time with the various hitscan weapons from enemies, but it's gotten a bit... "annoying" that I can't roll away reliably once the enemy's gotten a "lock" on me.


(formatting suggestion, could try making this a numbered list to make it easier for people to refer to specific points)

Edited by KamijoTouma
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You are right about the current damage system, I am just lazy hahaha.


Yeah lost Mods is just a suggestion a different kind of negative effect, I wanted to title it Corrupt mod rework but negative power strength builds can be pretty effective


On hit scan weapons, rolling should break enemy aim like you say, once they get a lock on it's over.

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