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New Clan In The Making!


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Fellow Tenno,


We are in the process of developing a new clan. The few of us that have come together to start it have been avid gamers on every platform for decades. Most of us come from a background of end-game raiding and competitive MMO's, but are looking to take a more casual approach to gaming this time around.


Now, that being said, we do play a lot =)


I would like to invite you all to be a part of this new clan. We have plenty of resources we are willing to invest into making it a great one, but there is no great clan without great membership. If you are as avid a gamer as us, please feel free to message us for an invite and we will gladly welcome you into the community we are trying to create.


As our ranks grow, we will be looking for members among us that carry themselves well and help the newer players to take a leadership role within the clan.


We realize that there are some VERY established clans on Warframe, but to us, part of the fun is GROWING with a clan, not having everything already done for you. For that reason, we decided to start from scratch. If having a group of players to grow with sounds appealing, then send us a message and join our ranks!


Looking forward to having you with us!



Edited by (XB1)Izack6900
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Hey, this is just what I've been looking for! The only clans that seem to advertise are the big ones with everything already built and researched, but that's no fun. I'd rather be involved in all that. That said, I'm also interested in a larger alliance that is active on the solar rail scene, if that's something you're planning on. I play often and would be willing to do the work to make it a great clan and a fun community.

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I do love killing solitary confinement members. Please watch my tutorials to better your PvP game. Check out warframe shinobi's YouTube channel to see some epic work being put in.

I started my little clan on Christmas. Thanks to Critterb1 I was trained and aimed. The Art of War is a powerful alliance only because so much blood sweat and tears were put into it. Talk about alliances controlling the nodes, you will see the nodes are split evenly. Heck we even left the Order with one lol.

My claiming to not be greedy, should not dissuade you from attacking me. No, no. I would even ask clans to please stop covering for us, we appreciate the support, but would rather be smearing tenno across our rails then sitting around twiddling our thumbs.

Starting a new clan is fun! But difficult. As for having a fully researched dojo, yes all of our research labs are done as for all of our color schemes, but there hours and hours left to grind for our decorations. We completely destroyed and remade our dojo twice now. The layout being now completely symmetrical. There are many aspects to this game, and building a new clan is so time consuming you will rarely get to play as ever real warlord will tell you.

Myself have twenty five available spots in my clan, Caduceus Fawkes Elite. We host training for each recruit, where a warlord will personally take you aside and train you in PvP, PvE, and basic controller settings and mod setups. You will notice some weapons seem to take certain mod better. I can help you with that.

Now I can tell by the way you write you are at your wits ends with your clan

You could just give up and join my clan or another.

The other option is to send me a message via Xbox, and I will take some time to help you set up your dojo, your defenses (rail schema), and give you a run down on how I run PvP missions. You don't have to join my clan or The Art of War. I will do this purely for the fact that it was done for me. I didn't join my teachers clan. And he still trained me.

As I offer you. Worse case senerio, you join Solitary Confuddlement, and with my training, offer an actual challenge.

I am the Dark One. I am a viking, and how will I ever get to Valhalla without facing enemies who's death or victory will bring me no honor?

Vulari Batman

Founder of Caduceus Fawkes Elite

The Dark One


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Well said batman are alliance is strong and starting a new clan is rough so I offer you ten spots to fill with your own guys in my small yet elite clan what you do with your ten is up to you we are a very diplomatic clan with a high concil that discusses every thing before action all we ask is for you to stay active and help are clan and alliance if interested pm me

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