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[Recruiting] Blood Of The Dovahkiin | Active | Supportive | Emblem | Competitions |


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We are the Blood. We are the Dovahkiin of the Tenno. Each and every one of us. Do you have the Blood within you?

We're a tight-knit community, to say the least; we take care of one another. We want to find others of whom have the Blood inside them. Those who know true passion. We're looking for you Tenno who are committed to your Clan and would immediately go in to help another member. We are all Brothers and Sisters of the Blood, in the end.

We are all Dovahkiin.

Our main focus is to provide a supportive family of Tenno both new and old to Warframe, our Dragon Lords both strive to know each and every member, and will continue to do so throughout the clan's entire existence, from Storm Clan to Moon Clan, regardless of player or Mastery Rank, everyone means a lot to each and every one of us. Our Brothers and Sisters are what makes us strong.

Our Ranks

Dragon Lord

Only the most honored and revered Tenno can find themselves in this position. They run the Clan and support it with their very being. They will deal with any problem, big or small, and they are not above the Brothers and Sisters. They only seek to support and guide all Tenno of our Blood. The Dragon Lords form a part of our Dragon Council.

Dragon Tamer

Another part of the Dragon Council, the Left and Right hands of the Dragon Lords, the Tamers of the Blood have earned their position by being a supportive and trustworthy member of the Clan, through thick and thin. They are the true heroes in our Ranks.

Dragon Hunter

Revered and deadly, our Hunters are the Brothers and Sisters who have earned their place alongside our highest in Ranks. Their most honourable acts within the clan have been awarded with this Title. These Hunters are yet another vital part of our Dragon Council.


Brothers and Sisters who have proved themselves worthy of recognition for their acts as a member of the Blood. We honour them as they deserve, and treat them with respect.


If a Warrior has proven his or herself, this Brother or Sister will be given the Title of Guard. Brave acts of defense and support are why we bestow our trust upon these Tenno.


Once initiated, Mercenaries become our Warriors, fighting honourably for our Clan. For our family. Our Brothers and Sisters, regardless of what Rank, depend on these Tenno to fight for and with them.


We send word to Mercenaries of whom we know carry the Blood within them.


Although still a part of our Clan, the Wanderers are those that still support the Blood, however, have either gone against their Brothers and Sisters, or who are destined to pursue their dreams on their own. Our only hope is that they will not desert our Family, as they will be sorely missed.



We are a Family, our Dojo—our Lair—is our home, and we are all Brothers and Sisters of the Blood. We support each other to pursue both of individual goals, and the goals we as a Clan have to achieve greatness and glory for all. After twenty-five days of inactivity, any Ranked member will be demoted to Warrior, and again to Wanderer after fifty. After one hundred days, we will have to let them go.


Regardless of Rank, we are all equal. Our Rank is what defines our role, not what defines our ability or importance. Any breaches of this point will be dealt with immediately, and if a firm word is not heeded, then obviously, you do not have our Blood. Seriously, no one likes a stuck up jerk.


Sure, newcomers to the game may seem a little 'dumb', but then again, so were you when you first started (hell, I didn't even know what a 'potato'/reactor/catalyst was or did until I'd been playing for at least three months). Again, we're a Family. Even if you don't entirely like someone for whatever, please try your best to get along. If any member has an issue with this, then this will be dealt with swiftly in the same manner as above.


Don't be shy; as was already said, we are all equal. It doesn't matter if you're a Mercenary who has just come to us, or a Dragon Lord like Yngvarr_05 or myself, we are all Brothers and Sisters of the Blood, and we will talk to you, so speak up! We want you to enjoy yourselves and make friends—that's what a Clan is all about!

What do we have to offer?

The Blood is indeed a little less embellished than most Storm Clans; we don't have all the bragging rights from the Leaderboards or fully completed research. However, we do work a little differently too, offering more than victory and glory for the Clan, but also the chance to find your own path through us to achieve your own victories and glory through teamwork, effort, and of course, all the research you need. We also love a joke (plenty of inside ones), and always enjoy a little roleplay when it gets to it.


We have a range of friendly and aggressive competitions for our Brothers and Sisters, to keep us all active, in good spirits, and striving to achieve greatness. We want what is best for our kin, and we will do all we can to do this. In our competitions, we have prizes ranging from bragging rights, to prime parts, to platinum—we give nothing more than the best for those who achieve the greatest. Our Brothers and Sisters, our Family, deserve no less than this.


Time Trials (Obstacle Course)

Our recurring contest, and at the moment, the record is 0:34.54 by 101H4X0R. Is anyone willing to take him on?

Prizes: bragging rights, Prime set.

Deadline: every 3 months (March, June, September, December)


Arena Battles (Dojo)

Clan members will partake in battles in the Dueling Room in a predetermined order to fight to see who is strongest and shall be our victor.

Prizes: TBA

Deadline: TBA

Arena Battles (Conclave)

Brothers and Sisters of the Blood will participate in singular or Team conclave battles until we find our ultimate victors.

Prizes: TBA

Deadline: TBA

Time Trials (Missions)

A specific mission (or set of missions) will be set for Clan members to complete. Screenshots will be sent to either of the Dragon Lords who will name the winner once the participation time is over.

Prizes: TBA

Deadline: TBA

Stylish Lair

By Lair...we mean spawn room; the rest of the Dojo is being rebuilt, as the initial architecture was very poor. Room by room, we're updating the entire layout, and will eventually have an entirely different Lair that will, hopefully, be a lot more structured and easy to navigate than its original version. Currently, though, resources are tight, thanks to there being only six of us, so every new member is another huge step towards this remodeling process.


Tenno Lab

Status: Complete!

Energy Lab

Status: Complete!

Chem Lab

Status: Complete!

Bio Lab

Status: Complete!

Orokin Lab

Status: Complete!

Obstacle Course

Status: Complete!

Dueling Room

Status: Complete!

Clan Research

Almost all research for all labs is done, and our Solar Rails are in production. Only a few more projects in the Tenno and Bio labs are needing to be completed.

Close & Supportive Community

Even through times when we had more Brothers and Sisters in our Ranks, everyone knew everyone, and we would all support one another. Through member inactivity, though, this support has dwindled to only a handful of members; our sociality has died. Rarely is there more than one or two members online at one time, and rarely are we able to form a squad. This needs to change—this is why we need you. We want to restore our Family to what it once was, and extend it further.

Dragon Council

Our three highest ranks are that of Dragon Lord, Tamer, and Hunter. These three ranks form our Council, who make up the Council.

Dragon Lord

Managing the entire Clan, and having done so since the Blood's beginning, the Lords play a major role in the deliberation process, and will be the main Tenno to propose improvement within the Clan.

Dragon Tamer

As the Left and Right hands to the Dragon Lords, these Tenno are those who have practically done just as the Dragon Lords; management and major decision making is handled by the Tamers, as they have long since earned the right to do so.

Dragon Hunter

The Hunters are the eyes and ears of the Blood, both within and outside our members. Our Brothers and Sisters who earn this rank have received our utmost trust and respect. They are very important in the deliberation process.

Although we have this Council, our members are still most important when it comes to decisions; no matter what, we will listen—we are a Family, and every one of our Brothers and Sisters means so much, as do their opinions. No matter what, if there is an issue that needs to be addressed, or there's something that you think would be a great new addition, let us know, and we'll see what we can do (and hopefully, that'll be what everyone wants!)

If there's anything you'd like to know, feel free to ask! We look forward to taking in new Brothers and Sisters of the Blood.

Edited by NavyBluePanda
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I'm...I'm actually really interested in this. This sounds really cool and I'd love to see it be built up into something truly awesome.


However, I think that the Activity requirement should be a lot shorter, say, a month of inactivity = removal instead of three, but that's my opinion.


Shoot me a friend request and an invite. I'll be ready whenever.

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I'm glad you like the idea! We're really passionate about this Clan, so we're glad that we've done something right to get others interested! Even though you have joined another clan, it's nice to know that we're doing something right.


The Activity requirement is fairly high because Yngvarr_05 has no PC at the moment, and can't play, and I'm prone to going offline for long periods of time without warning (damn you life), and we don't want to make it so we're the exception to the rule, though we will always return!

Edited by NavyBluePanda
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