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 I love how we ALL claim to fight for the public... if that were the case, we would all be fighting on the same team. We all can't be fighting for them and each other at the same time lol. We gotta start being honest here, none of us fight for the people, we all fight because it is simply an option in the game and we all enjoy it.


 Alot of the people claiming to "fight for the public" end up having the exact same tax rates as the faction before them on any current node, and some even raise their taxes after claiming to be for the public haha (not saying this about you MMA)... either way, it really is a minuscule difference in taxes on our console Warframe compared to PC. If anyone wants to see or complain about unfair taxes, go to PC and join their community where the lowest tax is 18%, and the average is 23-49% with some sitting at 99%.... so our 5-15 %'s really aren't all that big of a deal over here lol. I am sure some of our governments charge more in taxes in real life and I don't see you starting a revolution and rallying war against them claiming it is for the people. The tax differences on our platform are like 5% when actually followed up on and that 5%, really doesn't make a difference to the guy running and a mission and getting taxed 1.5k credits instead of 1k Credits... and the public doesn't get crap from us taxing anything at all so it is impossible to conquer a node "for them" unless you are gonna take it and set your taxes to 0% immediately after and never change it. The only thing we can possibly give back to the public is Credits through Battle Pay, and all of the factions put up some fair battle pays from 25k to even upwards of 200k. I would say the one who is for the people, is the one who pays them the most... no? Even then... No, we all fight for ourselves.


 The reason to fight and conquer in this game, atleast for our group, isn't for "the people" or "lower taxes", and even though we don't modify or change our taxes to higher numbers, and often offer the best battle pays in the system ( "for the people" lol ), we simply do it for the fun of conquering and the hopes that our group at AoW is recognized as being the best in the game one day. Anyone else who says it is for any other reason is simply lying to gain your support because there is no real fight between "The People" and some big Monopolizing faction. Even if Aow, The Arbiters, or even Imperial Tenno were to take over the whole game, the public would recognize it as strength, but they aren't going give a damn about it until whoever does it raises taxes to some unreasonable amount which none of us do. So let's call it like it is, you fight for your group, we fight for ours... none of us fight for the public... but we all pay them for their services.

Edited by (XB1)Xodus03
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Anyone else who says it is for any other reason is simply lying to gain your support because there is no real fight between "The People" and some big Monopolizing faction. 

This is an interesting point for me. I have a small clan of a few friends and we are not with an Alliance, mostly because I am not sure what an Alliance would really do for us. This reply reinforces my thought that really they are all about Dark Sectors, which isn't my clan's thing. We are all friends IRL that just like playing together, so I suspect even after they are in the late-game that won't change.


So, there are clans that are really into helping new players, but there doesn't appear to be an Alliance into helping new clans. Is it because there aren't tools (like the Session box on the clan) that allow easy matchmaking or a unified place for Alliances to hang out? Or is it because the only point to an Alliance is DS battles and nothing else really matters?

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We can all claim it you are correct sir but would you like to compare taxes because I assure you my taxe being half of what yours is helps the people quite a bit more so please sit down and S#&$ your mouth we all know what you about xodus and the people is the last thing on your mond makes me sick that you would even attempt to tell people that.

I love how we ALL claim to fight for the public... if that were the case, we would all be fighting on the same team. We all can't be fighting for them and each other at the same time lol. We gotta start being honest here, none of us fight for the people, we all fight because it is simply an option in the game and we all enjoy it.

Alot of the people claiming to "fight for the public" end up having the exact same tax rates as the faction before them on any current node, and some even raise their taxes after claiming to be for the public haha (not saying this about you MMA)... either way, it really is a minuscule difference in taxes on our console Warframe compared to PC. If anyone wants to see or complain about unfair taxes, go to PC and join their community where the lowest tax is 18%, and the average is 23-49% with some sitting at 99%.... so our 5-15 %'s really aren't all that big of a deal over here lol. I am sure some of our governments charge more in taxes in real life and I don't see you starting a revolution and rallying war against them claiming it is for the people. The tax differences on our platform are like 5% when actually followed up on and that 5%, really doesn't make a difference to the guy running and a mission and getting taxed 1.5k credits instead of 1k Credits... and the public doesn't get crap from us taxing anything at all so it is impossible to conquer a node "for them" unless you are gonna take it and set your taxes to 0% immediately after and never change it. The only thing we can possibly give back to the public is Credits through Battle Pay, and all of the factions put up some fair battle pays from 25k to even upwards of 200k. I would say the one who is for the people, is the one who pays them the most... no? Even then... No, we all fight for ourselves.

The reason to fight and conquer in this game, atleast for our group, isn't for "the people" or "lower taxes", and even though we don't modify or change our taxes to higher numbers, and often offer the best battle pays in the system ( "for the people" lol ), we simply do it for the fun of conquering and the hopes that our group at AoW is recognized as being the best in the game one day. Anyone else who says it is for any other reason is simply lying to gain your support because there is no real fight between "The People" and some big Monopolizing faction. Even if Aow, The Arbiters, or even Imperial Tenno were to take over the whole game, the public would recognize it as strength, but they aren't going give a damn about it until whoever does it raises taxes to some unreasonable amount which none of us do. So let's call it like it is, you fight for your group, we fight for ours... none of us fight for the public... but we all pay them for their services.

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This is an interesting point for me. I have a small clan of a few friends and we are not with an Alliance, mostly because I am not sure what an Alliance would really do for us. This reply reinforces my thought that really they are all about Dark Sectors, which isn't my clan's thing. We are all friends IRL that just like playing together, so I suspect even after they are in the late-game that won't change.


So, there are clans that are really into helping new players, but there doesn't appear to be an Alliance into helping new clans. Is it because there aren't tools (like the Session box on the clan) that allow easy matchmaking or a unified place for Alliances to hang out? Or is it because the only point to an Alliance is DS battles and nothing else really matters?

Honestly there are limited tools past a chat tab for an alliance. I, myself, try to reach out to less experienced clan leaders and help their clans through helping the leader. It's then the leader's responsibility to relay the info and knowledge to their people. I have been through just about every process of clan growth, and have had some coaching along the way from many different people more experienced than I. So in return I try to help those with similar starts and issues as I have dealt with and give them valid options to deal with those issues or obstacles. I feel there should be more implementation on clan and alliance tools and management, though.
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MMA Punk. Keep you name in my mouth and your head in my crosshairs. You know me and mine quite well don't you? This clan leader wanted to be SUCCESSFUL. Not to join your alliance and have their members plastered all over YouTube with my teabags tied to their chin. AoW has Xodus to be the level headed smart one. Me? I'm a killer. I am the big bad wolf. I am The Dark One, and I would suggest you change your tone PUNK. Hitsquaddriver won't be there to cover you forever. Thin ice mate, and under it? Is me...

Vulari Batman

Founder of Caduceus Fawkes Elite

The Dark One

P.S- I dug this for watermelon, but there is a Lil' room left for you MMA


Edited by (XB1)Vulari Batman
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This is an interesting point for me. I have a small clan of a few friends and we are not with an Alliance, mostly because I am not sure what an Alliance would really do for us. This reply reinforces my thought that really they are all about Dark Sectors, which isn't my clan's thing. We are all friends IRL that just like playing together, so I suspect even after they are in the late-game that won't change.


So, there are clans that are really into helping new players, but there doesn't appear to be an Alliance into helping new clans. Is it because there aren't tools (like the Session box on the clan) that allow easy matchmaking or a unified place for Alliances to hang out? Or is it because the only point to an Alliance is DS battles and nothing else really matters?


 Yeah the only real "goal" of Alliances that DE have really made a clear accomplishment, would be to win Dark Sector Battles, but there is much more purpose to Alliances aside from that if that is what you make your focus. It can be a community where many clans become one, and have a large pool of players to play, trade or reference for information. Like Slvr said, if you are part of the right group, you will receive guidance and help from those more experienced than yourself, and if you are a good leader, you will pay it forward to the rest you work with.


We can all claim it you are correct sir but would you like to compare taxes because I assure you my taxe being half of what yours is helps the people quite a bit more so please sit down and S#&$ your mouth we all know what you about xodus and the people is the last thing on your mond makes me sick that you would even attempt to tell people that.


 lol Wow you sound angry sir. So first off, you are telling me that 10% is half of 15%...? lol actually it would be 2/3 of 15, just saying... secondly you are telling me that (On Memphis - Phobos, 8k Cred bonus) losing 1200 credits instead of 800 credits, making you an extra 400 credits, is going to make or break players on your node? If so, you should probably tell them to stop farming Memphis - Phobos, and start farming Sechura - Pluto to get the extra 2k bonus lol. Because the way that I see it, that extra 400 credits that we tax per mission is payed back and then some if one of these people come play a single war for us and receive anywhere from 50-100k... Pretty sure even if someone played our node ALL DAY and payed the taxes for it, they could get it all back... and then some... if they just come fight 1 battle for us. Hell if they play the node as much during the war as they do when its not on, then they could, instead of losing 100's or 1000's of credits, make 100's of thousands if not millions of credits. So you can save the community their pennies, while our Alliance feeds them riches... who is for the people now? STILL NO ONE lol. (Don't get me wrong people, we still love you... just not going to lie to you for the purpose of using you... that's all).


 P.S. I will shut my mouth when you stop making it so damn easy to make you look... well people can read for themselves. Also, for someone part of the whole "play the game fair and stop covering" crew, you seem to have alotta action going on over at your so very valuable node on Memphis... weird how it has seen so much attention as of late... Must be why you couldn't take UR or Assur or Sechura over the last 3 attacks... too busy "defending"?

....Still waiting for you guys to go down to 0% taxes.... and punctuate your sentances.... for the people.

Edited by (XB1)Xodus03
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@ MMA Punk - Look I'm not here to say what's right or what's wrong, but Xodus definitely has a point. And my two cents below, you can read or ignore it doesn't really matter because honestly I'm not that important and I'm no warlord or leader like yourself. But if you care, here's my poor man's two cents.

So if you're still reading this, let me put it to you this way man, when I first joined the game, I wasn't part of any clan or any alliance for the first couple of month (maybe longer; don't really recall exact time). I was just playing for myself, by myself, on my own, and enjoying the game. BTW this was back when the Order was still pretty much unchallenged and there weren't as many clans and alliances popping up all over the place.

I didn't feel like I needed a Clan or an Alliance to fight for me (and me at the time would be what you consider the 'Public'). I never felt like I needed an Alliance to FREE any nodes for me and to SAVE me (once again the public - not in any clans or alliances) from some other clan/alliance.

Nowadays I am indeed in a clan and an alliance (LNL/AOW) and I'm very happy with my decision, but that's besides the point. The point is even now, if you asked me why I joined, I would never in a million years tell you it's because I felt like I needed LNL or AOW to fight for poor old me, or because I felt like I needed to put myself out there and fight for the public.

Come on, let's be real with each other for a minute. Not as rival clans or alliance members, but just as a Warframe player to another Warframe player. If one single Tenno will come on this thread and publically pronounce, "Hey, I need so-and-so alliance to represent me and fight for me, and free the nodes for me because I am part of the public." then please have him come on here and post that. Because since I've joined (the game not necessarily this forum) back in like October or some S#&$ of last year I have frequented the forums many, many times and have never seen any Tenno  ever once go on an Alliance thread or Clan Thread and say "Hey please fight for me, because you represent freedom from these other oppressive regimes".

Also let's be frank about another thing, everything you guys are saying now, about we fight for the public, we will free up the nodes, we will lower the taxes, we won't F*** you over in the ! has all been said before. You aren't really saying anything new or anything so incredibly unique that it separates you from the pack.

At least what Xodus is saying is honest here.

Look, I know you think I'm being biased towards Xodus because I'm in Lock N Load and Art of War and of course I'm going to come on here and support my dude. And you would be right. I'm not going to lie to you, because if I said "Nah, I'm not here to support my dude" I would be bull-S#&$ting you to your face and that's not what I'm about. So I'm going to keep it one hundred with you and tell you you're right, I am a little biased. But that doesn't mean my points aren't relevant.

So to summarize

1) I have never ever met a single Tenno from the quote and un-quote PUBLIC who has ever posted live to a Clan or Alliance "hey guys, I really, really need you guys to fight for me, represent me, free me from oppression, etc, etc, etc..." So let's ALL not act like we are doing God's work here or something.

2)  Everything, EVERYONE has really said on these alliance boards have been said before ---> fighting for public, freeing this node and that, lowering taxes,and yada, yada, yada... So let's all stop that too.

3) If you REALLY ARE FOR THE PEOPLE...then my good sir, I too am waiting...just like Xodus, for you to FREE these nodes and lower your taxes ALL the way down to ZERO and give these nodes back to the people. Please, please, please do that and show all of us, how generous and benevolent of a leader you are. How gracious you are to the public. We are all waiting to see.


Edited by (XB1)Lorewalker1022
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