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What Is A Player Looking For In A Clan?


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After jumping around from a few different clans and then finally deciding to make my own, what led me to leave other clans was:


Member inactivity

Warlord inactivity

Poor community (i've seen clan chats and alliance chats actually WORSE than region chat, which is just sad)

Rude and unhelpful members

Lack of member contributions to clan goals (research, building stuff, credit donations, etc)


You get the point...bad clan members and leaders ruin what a clan is supposed to be. 


My main goal was to make a good community of like minded gamers that actually enjoy playing together, and who actually work together. I have 14 day inactivity limits, mic requirements, and a maturity requirement. People that are just a genuine &#! I don't want to be part of the group, which I have had to remove a few of them already. It's no hard feelings to them, but they aren't a fit for our goal. Bad attitudes spread like cancer, and it doesn't take long for them to completely ruin a clan's moral. 


We've finally gotten into an alliance that is like minded in our goals as well, which adds into a good community. You don't see constant profanity, racial slurs, or vulgar remarks. You see guys from a lot of different clans all talking about frame or weapon builds, putting together PUG groups, or just casual friendly chat. 


Recruit wisely. I'd rather be apart of a group of 30 people having fun and working together, than a group of 1000 people working against each other that make you not want to play the game. It should always be fun and enjoyable! 

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All of that^ 

But I'm going to add the warlord should be being him/herself in clan/alliance chat and act like any other member unless there is something he needs to do. 

For example, sometimes one person can make a few go out of the rules and it might be easier to say "Anyone continuing this after this line will be demoted/warlords spoken to_________________________________________"

Which, works like a charm when there is a group of bad eggs. Although if it's just one person, it's usually better to just give them a warning imo and kick if it continues. 


I think the only other thing excat didn't mention is communication.

When there is an important decision to be made, you should ALWAYS discuss it with your clan/alliance. Even if you start by just discussing it with high ranks. 

Also, on communication, talk to your members and make friends with them. Don't just be the type of leader that lurks in alliance chat until needed. If you don't make friends with your members, you're defeating the purpose of your clan.

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All of that^ 

But I'm going to add the warlord should be being him/herself in clan/alliance chat and act like any other member unless there is something he needs to do. 

For example, sometimes one person can make a few go out of the rules and it might be easier to say "Anyone continuing this after this line will be demoted/warlords spoken to_________________________________________"

Which, works like a charm when there is a group of bad eggs. Although if it's just one person, it's usually better to just give them a warning imo and kick if it continues. 


I think the only other thing excat didn't mention is communication.

When there is an important decision to be made, you should ALWAYS discuss it with your clan/alliance. Even if you start by just discussing it with high ranks. 

Also, on communication, talk to your members and make friends with them. Don't just be the type of leader that lurks in alliance chat until needed. If you don't make friends with your members, you're defeating the purpose of your clan.



Ha, yeah. I forgot to mention things like that. I tend to over look that stuff as I always have a clan chat open, and when my guys are on, we are always in chat together. So whatever gets discussed it discussed between everyone unless someone just isn't online at the time. 

You make very valid points, especially when you start to get larger and not everyone knows everyone anymore. 

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