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I'm Ready To Join A Clan. What Clan Fits?


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I see "casual and mature", and that's me. I'm definitely older, I'm not sure about mature. When I say "older" I don't mean I'm in college. It means I have full grown kids and I've been playing video games since my dad brought home "Pong". I'm looking for a good fit. I don't take it too seriously. I have fun, like to banter, but I like to help with goals and appreciate help. I believe that a clan should interview me, but I'm interviewing you too. So there it is; I'm open for auditions.

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I see "casual and mature", and that's me. I'm definitely older, I'm not sure about mature. When I say "older" I don't mean I'm in college. It means I have full grown kids and I've been playing video games since my dad brought home "Pong". I'm looking for a good fit. I don't take it too seriously. I have fun, like to banter, but I like to help with goals and appreciate help. I believe that a clan should interview me, but I'm interviewing you too. So there it is; I'm open for auditions.



You sound like the kind of guy we're looking for. Little about my clan. After Dark Action, currently sitting with a full roster of 10 members, BUT we're going to be expanding as soon as update 16 drops and we get the research going so we can offer the newest research as quickly as possible. 


Our entire clan is MR8+, all with mics, and all mature age wise (18+) at least, we all have mics, have all research done, and we all like to have a good time. Some of us have kids young and old, wives (not more than 1 wife...1 woman to keep happy is more than enough), in college, all the above. We have a diverse group of guys I'm proud of. Always willing to help out, no matter what. I recruited the group I have for a reason, as our goal once we expand is to invite all MR into the clan, and we would then have the core group to help out any new players we may get.

As far as an interview, the only thing I care about is personality fit and that you're active. Every member that I've gotten I've invited into a chat, and bs'ed with to some degree for a while, and played with as well. I want the people in our clan to be like a family, and keep a vested interested in each other. So that means people have to get along.  I can generally tell if you'll get along with the majority of us pretty quickly. Being realistic, sure we are all easy to get along with, but there are just some personalities that just aren't going to get along, and we understand that. Some of us can come off a bit harsh or abrasive if you don't know us, but most of us have been playing together long enough now we know each other pretty well and give each other a lot of hell for the fun of it. We are all on a first name basis with each other for the most part. 


As far as game skill, I don't get too worried about that. If you play with us long enough, we'll drag you around to enough stuff to hone your skills the natural way....dying a lot! HA! 

U16 should be out within a few weeks, and we'll be immediately going up in clan size. So, if you'd be interested in meeting up and playing/bs'ing and we think we'd be a good fit for each other, we'd definitely have a place for you once the update is here. If you don't want to wait it out, hey that's cool, I understand, but keep me in mind if you ever find yourself looking again. 


Hit me up on psn - excat_56   if I don't hear from you, good luck and hope you find what you're looking for! 

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excat, thanks for showing me around the dojo. I seem to have misplaced my car keys. If you would check between the cushions in the dojo sofa, I'd appreciate it. Any platinum you may find is mine too.



You can get them back in a few weeks when you can let yourself in the front door ;)

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(Celestial Ronin) is looking for active players Rail fighters 18+ Mr8+, We are part of (Quality over Quantity Alliance) We have a clan and Alliance Emblem, Big Dojo labs, all resource done, We are all Mature 18yrs and older players hard working and helpful ppl, join our side, and fight for us, for more info Pm (PSN Name) (DARK_PHOENIX_05) (EVIL_EARTH_WORM) (razoreyes85) (weeler)               We expected you to be well trained and resisted from those who attack us..

Edited by (PS4)weeler
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weeler, I'm not that active. I'm a casual player. I'm 47 and a single father. Video games and riding the Harley are my only "me" time. So when I play. I play for fun. Sure, I like to kick &#! and run down goals and help people, but I'm going to crack jokes the entire way. I've already played with a few people, and have enjoyed it so far. I'm still weighing my options, but I have narrowed it to two clans.

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Hey, just letting you know, April 23rd has just been confirmed when we are getting U16, so April 24th, we will have an opening for you. If you still want it, it's yours my friend.


Talk to you soon.

Oooooohhhit comes out this Thursday? Looks like I need to get my Chroma Parts ready. :D
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Well, after much reconnaissance, playing and talking with potentials, I have left the keys to my dusty dojo to my 17 year old daughter and moved out. I joined After Dark Action. They were nice, not shocked by my off color sense of humor, had an established dojo with just enough active members to actually get to know all of the members, and were mature enough to know when and how to be immature. Thank you all for the offers and the PM's.

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Well, after much reconnaissance, playing and talking with potentials, I have left the keys to my dusty dojo to my 17 year old daughter and moved out. I joined After Dark Action. They were nice, not shocked by my off color sense of humor, had an established dojo with just enough active members to actually get to know all of the members, and were mature enough to know when and how to be immature. Thank you all for the offers and the PM's.



Don't worry my friend, we have all the colors covered :-) 

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