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I'm not sure what there is to give up but okay cool whatever.


Back on topic, have the devs ever commented on the Ankyros not ignoring armor even on charge attacks? It's one thing if their normals don't (even though I could have sworn the furax does have armor ignore on its normals, so it'd be kinda odd what with both of them being punchy blunt weapons) but on charges it's just weird.

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I rushed Ankyros as the first weapon I ever got because it looked so cool. My excitment to get it could only match my disapointment to try it.


Basicaly when I got them I only ever had starter weapons before it, so you could say my expectations and comparison value were pretty low. I leveled them 12 trying everything to make it work but even the spam invisibility from Loki didn't make it worthwhile in my eyes.

I went back to Skana after that, yes the Skana !

Even the excitement of discovering the game and the expensive ressources I spent on it as a first crafted weapon didn't entice me to stick to it. Now I also figured out it is designed to underperform against 2 out of 3 races and doesn't have a single unique good perk to it.

It is not multi target, doesn't stagger, it doesn't have a polarity slot, range is a tie for shortest in the game, moves' efficiency ranges from terrible to average, it is fast but not the fastest, damage is on the low side of average, it has high critical rate but only average critical damage.
It is meant to spam regular attack with a crit oriented moding to make use of the good attack speed and the high crit rate, but what good is a crit build when you do reduced damage to 2/3rd of the enemies you meet?

So is it really efficient when killing corpus? Sure you can wreck crewmen and regular MOAs although I fail to see how that is impressive. You can't really kill shock MOA with it since the range is so small you will put yourself in danger of being knocked down in the middle of the pack and you can't ever reach flying bots.

How about boss killing? Well for good damage you need to stand near them for extended periods of time and rack up the crits on regular attacks, unless you are a rhino or frost it is unwise to attempt that as most bosses will tear you a new one in the process.

What about using stealth mechanics when killing bosses to avoid damage? Then you defeat the purpose of having high crit rate (which is the only strength of the weapon) since stealth attacks are already 100% crit and the crit damage is barely average.


To sum it up, this weapon has a lot of bad case scenari in which she doesn't shine or is just plain inefficient.

She has one very narrow best case scenario in which you are a tank with enough energy to stay safely in melee against a boss. I didn't check if the damage reduction also applies to bosses, in which case the narrow best case scenario becomes narrower and only happens against Corpus bosses.


This weapon really needs to not suck at 2 thirds of the game and she needs better moves and stats so you don't kill yourself trying to kill the ennemy. I think it makes sense that the range is bad and you can't stagger with it, I can also live with no polarity slot. But a weapon which has so many requirements and put you at risk while using it just can't be forgiven for not outputting impressive damage when you meet all those heavy requirements.

Honnestly I think the artistic design is really spot on and it has sentimental value to me, I really hope they will fix it into something I can have fun using.

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Talking about a potatoed ankyros is not really effective considering a non-potatoed furax is amazing, and there are plenty of other melee weapons out there that work fine without spending $1.50 on them.

Unpotatoed Furax 100% more effective than Potatoed Ankyros...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Any dev comment about what they think the state of this weapon is? I still have it using a weapon slot and I would love to make use of it if it is getting fixed some day. If it is not even on their radar I most likely will get rid of it and get better use of my weapon slot so any information about it would be useful thanks in advance.
To the guy telling it is a combo based weapon, that is nice and all but dropping people on the ground with this weapon is not easy. The range on the jump attack is just too damn small.

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