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Dx12 Vs Vulcan Further Down The Road Things To Consider.


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I will list here things that DE should consider, while they are making their research on new DX12 and Vulcan OpenGL.

This is mostly directed to DE itself, not the community but if You the player want to contribute to this, state your opinion do it so.




+ No special staff re-training is required, since they already are trainied and familar with DX11/9 standards.

+ Fairly good support.

+ Ability to advertise that your game supports DX12 ~ swag.


- You have to pay for licences. (DX11, DX12, and maybe DX9 too)

- Single platform, your game will most likely won't be played on different platforms except MS Windows.

- Locking users to Windows 10 (Users with no w10 won't be able to use DX12)


Vulcan OpenGL

+ Free and Open, no licences required.

+ Open standard, you may very easily modify and edit whole API.

+ You will be able to run your game in *nix, MacOSX systems including Windows.

+ Your players will be able to run Vulcan/OpenGL whatever systems they have, as long as they have decent GPU and drivers installed.


- Staff will have to be retrained, tought to use OpenGL/Vulcan

- Small community support, unless You[DE] find someone who's willing to work with you.



In my opinion:

By switching to OpenGL Warframe will be able to attract more users from different platforms like: Mac users and Linux users even minizming potential business its around 10% more players and 10% more potential revenue. You will be more user friendly as you won't restrict us from improvments to Windows 10 and DX12.





Edited by CyklonDX
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except no one who really wants to game on pc isn't using windows.

there's good reason for that,

regardless of whatever else they may be,

windows is the way to  for an OS in terms of gaming.

it has nothing to with developers don't accommodate linux and IOS as much and  everything to do with compared to Windows

IOS and linux is utter garbage for gaming.


literally no one who games for living uses anything but windows.


because it works and its thr proper choice to make

maybe if IOS and linux ever get good

"they wont"

"they have proven that time and time again"



it would be like any programmer worth their salt, hell any body who uses computers their living recommending norton as virus protection software

"the only people who do have only used norton or or just plain morons"

norton is famously bad at what it says it does.

virus sweep right by, it digs too deep and S#&$ the bed all over your core files and can do serious damage costing you years of work

no one who works from a pc would recommend it.


their gonna end up going dx12.

and it doesn't really force people to use windows ten like your saying it does.

we have known for sometime now that windows ten is coming and everyone who uses pc will be on it more or less

plus dx12 will work for windows 8

why wouldn't it?


windows will do what they always do, there will be two forms of windows viable at time and one will eventually die off, right now its windows 7 and 8,

because vista and whatever the hell the other one was called were downright disasters of an OS

so we have windows 8 or 7, 7 only recently known to be going obsolete simply because with windows 10,

it will be windows 8 and 10 that continue to receiver updates and work from microsoft,

nothing new, they have been doing this for years and its work just fine and no one get hurts by it.

both current in trend or favored windows operating systems will for the most part, be the same more or less minor very small details for very long time.


plus the game can run off dx 10 or dx 11 now and even before that i  believe so even if dx12 only worked on windows 10

" a very unlikely thing as dx11 and 10 worked on my old laptop windows 7 and my current one windows 8"

people will still be able to use windows 8 for very very long time.



the reason alot of games dont get to IOS and linux

" well for one IOS is a horrible S#&$ty designed OS with huge amount of issues and often many of them and so called apple fans have windows emulator which makes buying an apple computer beyond stupid considered my comp if it was apple would be almost 3 times the price for what i got mine for yet not be any better in fact would be worse and maybe run half of programs because IOS sucks"


and linux while better then IOS "which inst saying much at all, its like saying being shot in the foot is better then being shot in the hand"

its just not worth a company's time or money to make version for two other operating systems when more then 90 % will be on one of the two current windows operating systems that work very well.


the time that takes, the issues along the way unique to each operating systems and all the crap involved is almost never worth it in terms of company making game that will do well. people know this hence why

windows dominates gaming/ programming and is the most used OS in terms of anything done on computers


lemme put it this way


linux and IOS users frequently have windows emulator on their computer to run alot if not most of their stuff better


no one has a IOS or linux emulator on their windows PC


im not even sure there any for those two and there is very good reason for that.

plain and simple,

they both need alot work to even hold candle to windows as an OS for a pc

its not like the console hardware/software and all around tech war

where for the most part, PlayStation and Xbox are generally on par with each other minus few tiny things that don't really matter much.

with the three OS choices windows is years ahead and far better designed.


you can easily research this

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players asked for Dx12 in the last devstream but it's too early as its not even out at !!


But they said, they will look into it once it released..i'm also waiting


we can worry about other OS platforms when WF stable in windows itself


Actually windows 10 is going to be released in around the late June. (Leaked by AMD)

DX12 devkit is available. [ since around Dec- Feb ]



~ zip


There's plenty of gamers on ubuntu, debian, fedora, opensuse systems. While OSX is bad system, it supports Opengl so users who use it benefit aswell from Vulcan. There's more and more support for Linux games, as microsoft is walking steps on closing down windows (and it looks more and more with windows 8 to osx.) (even Shadow of Mordor is scheduled to be recompiled to OpenGL api's)


Only Windows 10 will have DX12, other systems will be stuck with their respective

WinXP -> DX9, OpenGL(all versions)

WinVista -> DX10, OpenGL(all versions)

Win7 -> DX11, OpenGL(all versions)

Win8 -> DX11, OpenGL(all versions)

[Win10 -> DX12, OpenGL(all versions)]

There's quite possiblity that proper desktop/workstation users will hate Windows 10, as they did windows 8. This would mean you would lock people into Windows 10 to gain better performance from their hardware - while with OpenGL you could get the same thing without new system.


unfurtunatly you didn't make much sens to me after that. I don't think you fully understand API's to discuss the issues between them.

by my understanding and few world leaders like John Carmack of computer game development belive opengl is the proper way. As you don't have to pay licencing fees to microsoft, and you are not restricted to platform. As time shown microsoft has been locking down their platform more and more.

Edited by CyklonDX
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