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Pvp Ctc: More Balancing/functionality Issues


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(These are just my opinions)

1) Melee & melee channeling damage needs to be severely toned down or removed from PVP.  For how many times this has been addressed by a great number of players, it’s shocking that DE has not at least responded to these threads on the matter. Considering the shear lack of skill required to spam melee combos while channeling, the damage is just out of this world.


2) Matchmaking (or the lack thereof) needs work. A match should not begin if there are four premade players matched against one single player. That’s just fundamental PVP structuring. This doesn’t even scratch the surface on the actual functionality limitations of the current matchmaking system: you can’t set a match to private, you can’t 1v1 other players, you can’t organize a competitive 4v4, etc.


3) Map design/scale needs work. These maps are far too small for a Capture the Flag” game mode. It is understandable that speed of play will be lowered once Parkour 2.0 hits, but to think that these maps were designed for real, competitive, balanced gameplay is laughable. They are very basic, there is very little cover outside of the mountainous map, also maps seem to have that MOBA-style “three lanes” between bases (whether it be left-mid-right, or in the case of the void map: left-upper-lower)


4) The speed at which your PVP task force is balancing weapons is far too slow. Admittedly, this is a S#&$ty thing to complain about. However, I most likely am not alone in thinking that it takes the task force an absurd amount of time to add even one or two new weapons (when all it takes is stat changes – no changes in functionality). For example: weapons like Chronus and Pangolian Sword are so similar to the Skana, it’s crazy that they aren’t balanced yet.

(^^^To those of you reading, I am actually very open to the criticism of this point. As it is a rather “bit-chee” comment for me to have made, do try to stay constructive)


5) Rewards are pitiful. And I mean the rewards after the match AND Tenshin’s “rewards”. Sure, the mods are useful, but we are getting R1 Common cores as an end-of-match reward? I’m not even asking for anything insane: credits are nice, R1-R3 Uncommon cores, etc.


6) For the billionth time: energy is too abundant. I can get behind this whole “weaving abilities into gunplay/swordplay” thing, but right now it is just a spam-fest. My solutions for this problem are fairly basic: increase the time between energy spawns (double it), and then instead of spawning double energy (after 4 captures or with 5 mins remaining) simply leave it at one energy spawn, but halve the rate at which they spawn.

(In other words, I am saying for you to double the spawn rate of energy at the beginning of the match and once there are 4 captures or 5 minutes remaining, reduce the spawn rate of energy back down to the original (NO DOUBLE ENERGY, it should not be that easy to obtain an ultimate)


7) Dedicated PVP Servers? I know we all suggested them, with little to no disagreements on the topic... Still no word from DE on it. If you want real balanced/competitive play: servers.

Edited by AuraMau
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Down the channeling damage yes, down the damage from melee, no.
They have already removed Spin damage from melees, making it on base damage, The maps desings (i think) they made in small scale for more "face to face" and not a "speed, rushing, hide" mode.
Yes, remove or down the amount of energy in maps, like making the energy spawn every 3 minutes or 4 in CTC, actually 50 energy for pick up, make the game a warframe skill fest.

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What you refer to as "MOBA-style" has been a standard in most FPS game's map design since the last 10 years, before MOBA's were even a thing.


A good example is mp_toujane from CoD 2 which clearly shows the three 'lanes'.




You're pretty much spot-on.

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