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Omg Such Dmg~Plz Nerf Tonkor


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I'd really like if this thread would be allowed to die out, iirc, op hasn't posted anything here in a while.


People keep saying the Tonkor is difficult to use and that's why it's balanced compared to the Penta/Ogris, but personally I think the weapon that doesn't threaten to kill you at any moment is the one that's easier to use. Tonkor just requires the ability to lead targets and compensate for projectile drop. While it does punish misses more than the Penta/Ogris, at least your life can't be ended by detonating a grenade a fraction of a second too early or a stray bullet hitting the rocket right as it leaves the barrel.


The constant need for an AOE buffer also means these weapons are just horrible for anything besides defense - if you round a corner and find yourself face to face with a prodman, have fun trying to create space to kill him or dodge his attacks while nullifiers and detron crewmen are spraying you down.


As I said before, bows only hit single target and you have to lead too. They don't have such big drop off in trajectory over distance like Tonkor, but they can't one shot kill everything in 5m radius either.


Wait what, Boltor and Soma Prime are absurdly OP too, why nobody mentions nerfing it, then?! ಠ_ಠ

     Huh. Why don't you go tell this to all the people wanting a tonkor qol buff because they're having so much trouble hitting stuff.....maybe you could persuade them to....y'know...stop hating the tonkor for being so unforgiving? We have too many people who can't aim for crap. Dread and Paris are FAR easier to hit stuff with. About bolty and soma? They seem to sit right on the edge of op, just barely touching, but not enough to warrant a nerf. Same with our high tier bows, and same with our brand new tonkor ^_^ I love the thing, but don't get me wrong, its not because I'm a sharp shooter or anything, its cause of how rewarding it is to get a hit and see all those crits pop up. We finally have a skill based weapon, (which many people hate because of that) please don't ruin it and make it become a boring old thing to sit between an ogris and penta. 


     Also, its not just about tracking, btw, its about trickshots. with the tonkor, you can hit almost anything from almost anywhere, depending on how creative you are with your bounces. some people can't hit crap, some people could hit anythign if they put their mind to it, and some people (like me) can hit a few things behind cover but still miss quite a bit. 

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