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Armati Legio Ex Fatum (Storm Clan) Is Recruiting!


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About our clan:


We are a friendly and helpful community clan and enjoy helping one another whether it be trekking on a suicide mission on a T4 defence hoping to make it to wave 70 or helping you get your very first kubrow it doesn't matter we can and will help because at the end of the day we are all working towards the same goal..... finding out what's wrong with our little A.I buddy Ordis,


Clan back story:


This lost military force that was formed on the bases and theory of earth's ancient Roman empire was amongst the most grand military organization in the universe, and their finest outfit was none other than Armati Legio ex fatum(Armed Legion of fate) which had currently been sent on a re-con mission to Pluto Sechura to investigate the sudden Infestation outbreak only to find that when they left to return home with the data they had collected that everything the knew had gone their whole organization had been wiped out by some unknown origin and now only a shadow of their former self they have vowed to find out who was responsible.


Ranking System:


Ranking up within the clan is straight forward all you have to do is to BE ACTIVEHELP OUT (either with clan projects or with our community or both) and RECRUIT NEW MEMBER'S Its as simple as that.


Our ranks and what they do:


Recruit- you can recruit other member's and host game's.


Veteran-​ you've helped out enough to be promoted but can still only recruit new member's and host game's but youve been recognised.


Decanus- you no longer need to worry about you'r own credits or resource's when it comes to clan projects as you can use any credits and resources gathered in the clan vault.


Assassin- tired of waiting for that piece of sweet kick arse clan gear to start building not a problem as you can now queue the clan tech research and prioritise what gets done first.


Centurion- you're a trusted commander and with such a title your granted access to our fleet of rail's to get your squad to build and when given word to deploy them onto the designated target's.


Frumentarii- as a frumentarii you can promote does who have shown true valour on the battle field to the same position as your current self.


Praetor- you're now the emperors most trusted and hardy warrior in the legion your his right hand of fury to be rained down upon his foe's and for this you have all but one of the right's and get your own personal room within the dojo to which you can build and design what ever you see fit you've earned it.


Emperor- when a Praetor show's he is more than just a warrior to be feared and praised upon he can get the option to start his own clan and to join the legion's alliance to which he will be able to take 2 other warriors from each rank if they agree to go with him and will be given help to build the clan to however he/she see's fit after all what else can you do if you've done everything apart from run it you'r self. P.S you can decline and be compensated in another form if you desire.


How to join:


If you would like to get into the action and join a helpful kind and talented clan no matter you'r skill, play-style or rank then either reply to the post with you'r PSN or send me a message Mr-Tally94 and I hope to see you very soon.  

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we have most research done and have started construction on our first rail and have plenty of spaces for any one willing to help out and make a name for yourself in always on after work (gmt) but will always try to do my best for the clan to help out in anyway I can

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Hey I would definitely love to join your guys clan! I started playing the game not to long ago, I was on the destiny grind for the longest until I found warframe, and I absolutely love it! My psn is: EvanNastyHo, looking forward to hearing back from you guys!

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we now have 12 great and helpful active members and are proud to say defences are being built on our rail and more research is being completed we would love to have more tenno such as yourself to help out and to contribute to something great :) current members have already been promoted for being outstanding towards other members and helping out all the time!

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wow 13 active members in less Than a week nearly all tenno lab research is done our rails defences are nearly done and my amazing gang of warriors have all been promoted, if you feel like you would like to join but are unsure well we don't care about your mastery rank or your skill level all we ask is that you are mature enough to not fight over "yo mummas so fat" -." And just help out ;) its very simple and in return you'll get help promotion rewards and help understanding and building unstoppable warframes and weapons ^.^

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Hello, I am looking for a clan as I miss the team play I used to get in my previous clan (PC Battlefield), emigrated from UK to Australia so can't play with them any more. I am happy to play in a group whether I be the strongest or weakest on the team but definitely with an emphasis on team play and sticking together. I rarely have the ability to use voice but will try my limited connection to see if it works and hope you can find a spot for me.




Simon (Bigglesbulterz)

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we nearly have 20 active members all are lovely people and all help out I can feel our rail almost set to be deployed if we get some more members just gotta finish off the rail rooms and defenses and hopefully we will get some very kind tenno willing to help out high ranking tenno wishing to help out massively are being set to frumentarii rank but yet we don't have any noble preators yet and I would love to have some all do our new members have already helped out enough to become assassin rank and some will be promoted tomorrow ^_^ super impressed guys!!!

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Hello, im currently a lone Tenno looking for a purpose and a good cause to lend my sword to. It would be an honour if you welcomed me to serve the Armati Legio ex fatum, I would be humbled to fight alongside such a proud group of warriors. 

PSN: Jackavou

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