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Deathcure Is Now Recruiting! No Specific Mr Required!


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Hello fellow Tennoes,

Let me tell you a story about me and the clan, Deathcure.


This clan was originally founded for me & my friends when we were starting Warframe, however now they have never played Warframe, the game was to time demanding for them.


I have journeyed Warframe, almost always solo-ing (MR15 & 500H+ Warframe Game Time, not Steam) for a very long time, once even I have abandoned the clan, leaving it with a dupe account just because I love it too much for it to be disbanded. However now I am returning back to the clan, and this time for good, the clan is using an old emblem right now the new emblem is under it's way to be applied (just need to wait for the next hotfix).


On this task I am going to uphold, a newfound friend of mine in Warframe joined me. We're going to build a clan, aiming towards creating a comfortable community for everyone. The community itself right now is good enough (in my point of view), but it can be better. Working towards this goal, we wished to have more fellow tennoes to join us and build this dream together. I know there are many big clans and alliances already out there, but during my journey I have still yet to find (I'm not saying there are none) an alliances whose people in it are willing to help each other out without much reason but just to help them.


With that, fellow tennoes. You who share the same dream with us,

Let's work together building this wishful dream.


Well that's about it, sorry for the long text. Now here comes the listing.


Clan Features:
• Energy Lab Research - 100%

• Chemical Lab Research - 100%

• Tenno Lab Research - 100%

• Bio Lab Research - 100%

• Decorated & Colored Dojo


Dojo Maps:

• Clan Main Hall & Spawn Room - Level 2



• 2 Duel Rooms

• 2 Obstacle Course

• 2 Gardens

• 3 Trading Center

• 4 Research Labs (All labs are here)

• 2 Dead Ends for potential dojo expansion.



• Operation Center & Engine Rooms - Level 1



• Power Generators... All of them...

• 1 Trading Center

• 1 Clan Vault

• Very nicely decorated (IMO), I really like to chill in this quarter...



Additional Features:

• Teamspeak Server (Asia, 32 User Limit - It's enough for now)

• Clan Website & Forum - http://www.gamers.ms


Incoming Features:

• Non-profit licensed Teamspeak Server.

• Any suggestion?



• Sorry, but I'm gonna underline this, this basically the one and only requirement for the clan... Be Loyal to Your Clan.

• We will do our best to accept you as soon as possible, but it may take up to 2x24h, we're online most of the time but sometimes we're busy too.

• I don't care about mastery ranks.... 0 to whatever the current maximum MR is, you're welcome.

• Preferably tennoes who lives in around in more or less GMT+7 timezone.

• Hopefully we all can work together towards this goal and be a solid community. I dream of being able to recruit just about anyone in the clan for a mission and have fun together while achieving great feats, and without worrying about being required to do a keyshare, people should be free to use their keys when they want to use it, but they should never demand someone to use their keys as well. A good community will be able to work together achieving a great, comfortable place to play in.


Note for Newbies:

• We'll do our best to farm (sometimes spoon feed maybe, but will do our best to avoid spoon feeding) with you for your needs, but please, do not beg. You're very welcome to ask, but do not beg. Sometimes we'll be busy farming our own needs as well thought, if a spot is available, you're always welcome.


Thank you for your time Tenno.

Oh and I don't usually speak like the above, I speak a lot more casually. Also I'm not a native English speaker, so I am sorry for any bad English up there. Hope to see you in game!


Please do PM me or SmallBirdFly to join in, or yeah... just post here :D

Edited by Kaltharos
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hope you'll join!
I'll see you in-game :D


Oh and SmallBirdFly is currently busy with his exam, but he'll be back soon in a week.




Note: Posted on my own thread for updates.

Edited by Kaltharos
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Recruitment Drive: 
Hi fellow tennos, we are [DeathCure], a newly found clan. We are  looking for casual player, no matter what rank you are. Lets hold the hand of fellow tenno and work together .Lab research status: 100%. Also, we have our own dedicated ts3 server which we can hang out on. Kindly PM me or Kaltharos for more details.

Edited by SmallBirdFly
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  • 3 weeks later...


Lonely tenno here looking for a tight-knit group to play with.

I recently ventured into warframe since I grew tired of playing dota 2 and thought that this game would be a great way to pass the time. And ever since I finished the tutorial and started running my first few missions, I basically got hooked. Lol

Been playing for almost 2 weeks now,mostly playing alone soloing every node I can muster. And then the loneliness and boredom kicks in.

I recently found a clan to join in but sadly, most of them aren't even active anymore. The only company I have left there are the sounds of imaginary internet crickets. </3

Games get boring fast, more so when you don't have someone to play it with. But then I found this thread and felt that this clan might be for me.

So, If you have available spots left, I would really like to join. I think this clan can grow and has the potential to stand toe-to-toe with the bigger clans and might even surpass them as well. I'm fairly a new player but I am willing to learn or even help and share my resources if need be. =)

Although I don't really know how to use ts, I'm also willing to venture into that as well. Haha

Hope to hear from you guys soon. God bless!

Sorry for the exhaustive post just now, that's just how I roll! xD


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I sent a friend request to you guys,

I'm looking to get back into playing, I'm not new to these types of games, played Destiny a fair bit and play a few other MMOs and raid heavily on them.


I know I'm new and still picking up on some of the stuff that has been added to the game since I haven't played since the game came out.


Hope to grow and eventually add to the clan!


ING: Bitingcold

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