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Bosses - I currently feel like bosses are just far too easy, there Is no better feeling than farming a hard boss with a group of friends. Currently there is only one boss with enough dps that can 1 shot which Is the jackal, I feel like the bosses should be made harder so people actually have to think about buying ammo / hp refills and search for groups / use skills properly / thus working together more and making the experience more fun.
Quality / Difficulty - Each region should have a public vote every 5 hours on one planet having a specific quality for extra resources for an increased mob level. q1 - +10% increase In resource drops - +20% increase of mob hp / +10% damage etc. Not only will this give a group of friends looking for something harder to do than defense, it will help dedicated players farm what they may be looking for. 
Alerts including plat - Increasing Warframe slots / weapon slots Is a core aspect of game-play that will keep players going for countless hours, limiting them too slots with no way to further there game-play Is only hurting yourselves. Have maybe a max of 2-4 random alerts a day for around 2-4 plat will allow people to grind for more content if they put the hours I'n. This will increase game investment thus increasing the chances of players buying plat at a later time for colour packs etc.
More annoying mobs - Everyone knows the roller balls, everyone hates them but they are a much needed aspect too a game, when you see a big spawn of grineer or something and your being slapped around by a roller-ball you have to focus on which target to pick out first which creates a much more interesting environment. 
Online Host / Group Selection - Being able to select a group with a view of In group member names and host ping. This would also mean more detailed group selection thus growing the community *Mic Only / English Speaking / Clan Searching / N Banchee etc*
Clan TAB - being able to place adverts under a clan tab to look for specific kind of players would also be a lovely thing to add into the game. 
Warframe / Weapon Balance:
Fix banchee - Currently she is a 1 button wonder her skills are all amazingly good but her ulti is completely broken once modded up and If you look at any of the top 10% players your see they heavily favor her for this. There should never be just a Warframe that will boost a player through ranking by just pressing 1 button.
Weapons - I feel that the weapons truly do lack immersion anyone who has used the Grakata will know what I'm talking about, when using this gun you truly feel like your firing a rifle. No other weapon In the game par say the gorgon has this affect. You feel the recoil and It brings a much needed feeling to the game. Even If people complain about this It would give you the option to add more weapon specific mods like lower recoil / spread etc. 

Rhino - I feel as If rhino should have his aoe fist pump removed and replaced with a taunt not only would this give him a role I'n a boss fight It will also allow him to be more than just a solo god. 
Warframe Production time - 3 Days Is two much anyone who Is active will be bored within this time and will look for something else to do 2 days Is fine. It will keep people alert hunting or farming a new 12 hour weapon, 3 days gives them far to much inactive time If they are trying to increase their content. 
I'l be expanding this as I go but I just thought I'd post what I've noticed I'n the short time I've been playing. 
Edited by lucidityuk
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I disagree with almost everything you said. So much so that it would just be horrid to type it all, suffice to say you do not speak for me, or what I want. I will claim for no one else, but no. Just no. Have a nice day.

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Banshee's Sound Quake is really only good in the low-mid tier defence/mobile defence missions. It actually scales horribly considering that it gets reduced by Armour and barely does anything (other than the stagger) within the 40+ range of enemies.


Banshee's Silence is also bad.

Edited by sylothix
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Banshee's Sound Quake is really only good in the low-mid tier defence/mobile defence missions. It actually scales horribly considering that it gets reduced by Armour and barely does anything (other than the stagger) within the 40+ range of enemies.


Banshee's Silence is also bad.


I'm talking about people who literally just spam defense all day for insane mod / rank farm. Why make it more challenging when you can just solo farm 300 kills I'n literally 10 minutes on kappa =]. 



I disagree with almost everything you said. So much so that it would just be horrid to type it all, suffice to say you do not speak for me, or what I want. I will claim for no one else, but no. Just no. Have a nice day.

What part exactly? your lack of feedback Is kinda well useless. Expanding on content creating a more rewarding and fun experience Is bad I'n your book? 
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I'm talking about people who literally just spam defense all day for insane mod / rank farm. Why make it more challenging when you can just solo farm 300 kills I'n literally 10 minutes on kappa =]. 


Well, the issue then is that mods drop to frequently on missions that are too easy? 


It really is just the prevalence of defence missions for being the ideal place to farm for modules. Some frames being good on certain missions is fine and Banshee falls on the really good performance list on defence missions of low-mid tier (while still being useful in the higher level stuff). Why are you so bothered though of how people farm their gear? Some people just do rushes of M-Prime in the hope of getting a Banshee Chasis, would you like to phase that out as well?

Edited by sylothix
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Because like I did on my stream being able to literally rest my face on my keyboard to cast an ulti to complete a mission is ridiculous and shouldn't be rewarded I'n anyway :) I like her abilities I just feel the range needs to be slightly tweaked, or the cost could be increased so she actually has to do something with a higher dps output I'm not sure. 

Edited by lucidityuk
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What part exactly? your lack of feedback Is kinda well useless. Expanding on content creating a more rewarding and fun experience Is bad I'n your book? 

Probably talking about this:


Alerts including plat
More annoying mobs

I'm with him on this one, I don't agree/like most of your ideas. Some are ok, nothing special though, some are known problems that have been discussed in one thousand other threads, while some are just your personal preferences, where you see problems I don't.

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Probably talking about this:


I'm with him on this one, I don't agree/like most of your ideas. Some are ok, nothing special though, some are known problems that have been discussed in one thousand other threads, while some are just your personal preferences, where you see problems I don't.

When I play a game I play It extremely actively clocking I'n over 200 hours 2 weeks, I'm looking at the game I'n a way that will increase player investment and making the experience more rewarding. The more a person invests mentally I'n a game the longer they will stay and enjoy the experience laid out for them. 


Being able to Rambo through content with no effort diminishes content and stops people sticking to games, I farmed all content myself except maybe two pieces and this Is the outcome I've come to so far. 

Edited by lucidityuk
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why do people keep asking for the ability to earn slots/plat in game? that is just asking for way too much, just about 90% of whats in the market can already be bought with credits then crafted or earned through alerts. this is really something people need to stop complaining about because ive yet to see a F2P game as generous as DE has been to its players. Im amazed they give us the chance to earn honestly the most powerful items in game which are the orokin reactor and catalyst throught alerts, they even give new players 50 plat to start with come on.


this game needs some ways to keep earning steady income because if DE keeps getting paid we can get nice things like our own servers to play on (servers are expensive) and more content for the game to keep it alive. IF (i said if, i know not every person is financially well) you have some extra money on hand to support your hobbies or things you like such as this game then its not going to kill you to shell out at least $5 to support it.


as for frames taking 3 days to craft be happy we can even just craft them at all, they aren't supposed to be easy to get.

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I love how people keep saying that banshee is OP due to soundquake. Don't get me wrong, I love banshee, it's my favorite frame. (90% of my days in Warframe consist of defense missions, mostly Pluto).

The thing is, the moment I'm going hgih wave defense I remove soundquake in favor for higher flow/continuation/etc. mods and only use 1 skill: Sonar.

If you want to talk about OP, take sonar: +400% damage. 1 shotting ancients/moa's at high (100+) level with a multi shot hek..... yum :)


And I disagree on earning play/slots through the game, unless DE finds another business model I really like what they did; you can buy things that will help you in game but do not restrict you if you don't have them.

My biggest fear is that if they'd remove the best reason for selling plat (slots) I'm afraid they'll have to resort to plat only weapons/frames, turning this into a pay2win game.


Then again, their game, their business model.

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why do people keep asking for the ability to earn slots/plat in game? that is just asking for way too much, just about 90% of whats in the market can already be bought with credits then crafted or earned through alerts. this is really something people need to stop complaining about because ive yet to see a F2P game as generous as DE has been to its players. Im amazed they give us the chance to earn honestly the most powerful items in game which are the orokin reactor and catalyst throught alerts, they even give new players 50 plat to start with come on.


this game needs some ways to keep earning steady income because if DE keeps getting paid we can get nice things like our own servers to play on (servers are expensive) and more content for the game to keep it alive. IF (i said if, i know not every person is financially well) you have some extra money on hand to support your hobbies or things you like such as this game then its not going to kill you to shell out at least $5 to support it.


as for frames taking 3 days to craft be happy we can even just craft them at all, they aren't supposed to be easy to get.


Earning 4-8 plat a day isn't going to bankrupt the company and It will give more for a player to invest In, when someone has mentally invested and spent time on leveling up they will be more likely to spend money on a game when they have it, rather than being limited to a small amount of content then having to delete past content which would leave a bad taste In any gamers mouth. 

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"Bosses - I currently feel like bosses are just far too easy, there Is no better feeling than farming a hard boss with a group of friends. Currently there is only one boss with enough dps that can 1 shot which Is the jackal, I feel like the bosses should be made harder so people actually have to think about buying ammo / hp refills and search for groups / use skills properly / thus working together more and making the experience more fun. "


Well for one, difficulty is stupid way of making this suggestion.
You can make a boss do 7000 damage per attack and have 16 million health. It'll be @(*()$ difficult, but it won't be fun, it won't be enjoyable. It will just be difficult.
What the game actually needs is more entertaining bosses, bosses with additional strategy.
Sure, a "If you mess up, you will die" fight is fine, but not every fight should be like that.
Nor are bullet sponges enjoyable either.
I don't think your views on what's enjoyable in regards to boss fights are actually representative of the community, just the way you worded it has a very "I LOVE FINAL FANTASY X MORE THAN ANY OTHER GAME" feel to it.
"Quality / Difficulty - Each region should have a public vote every 5 hours on one planet having a specific quality for extra resources for an increased mob level. q1 - +10% increase In resource drops - +20% increase of mob hp / +10% damage etc. Not only will this give a group of friends looking for something harder to do than defense, it will help dedicated players farm what they may be looking for."
There's that word again, difficulty.
I think your view on it is not very accurate. Giving monsters 20% more health and damage doesn't make them that much harder, until it makes them so hard to kill that it's impossible. That's what defence missions do, they artificially bump up difficulty by increasing numbers.
If you want a bigger challenge, the game needs more enemy varients, in different settings requiring different strategies in different numbers and ratios..
In addition, a global vote is dumb
People can troll it, or it could just be the easiest planet each time, or always alloy plate, or what have you. The point is, it won't suit many people and I doubt it will add anything other than complication and frustration to the game.
As for increased resource drops;
Farm 'em. I've got everything I need and I don't even farm that much, just keeping up with the constructing all my catalyst blueprints gives me enough of the other mats I need.

"Alerts including plat - Increasing Warframe slots / weapon slots Is a core aspect of game-play that will keep players going for countless hours, limiting them too slots with no way to further there game-play Is only hurting yourselves. Have maybe a max of 2-4 random alerts a day for around 2-4 plat will allow people to grind for more content if they put the hours I'n. This will increase game investment thus increasing the chances of players buying plat at a later time for colour packs etc."
No. Just no.
DE has mentioned slots in the past, the rumour is they're going to increase them based on mastery rank. That is; as you progress, your ability to progress develops.
Slots are, at present, some of the only things in the game that are ONLY acquirable with platinum, they should stay that way.
You got 50 plat to start with, that's enough for a few slots, a buck or two more and you can buy more than enough for a long time yet.
What's more, alerts that grant platinum won't necesarily go towards slots, far more likely people will hoard plat.
This devalues what should be a premium currency and diminishes the likelyhood people will buy plat, why buy it if an alert could pop up at any minute?
Again, just no.



"More annoying mobs - Everyone knows the roller balls, everyone hates them but they are a much needed aspect too a game, when you see a big spawn of grineer or something and your being slapped around by a roller-ball you have to focus on which target to pick out first which creates a much more interesting environment. "
I'm not sure if you're joking or trolling.
They are not "needed" Once again, they are artificial difficulty, knocking people back constantly, stun locking a single player while being hard to kill.... that's not fun for anyone, that's frustrating, time consuming and annoying.
That's not a good thing.
None of those qualities are things people want in a game.
"Online Host / Group Selection - Being able to select a group with a view of In group member names and host ping. This would also mean more detailed group selection thus growing the community *Mic Only / English Speaking / Clan Searching / N Banchee etc*"
How does excluding people from games grow the community?
If you want to be exclusive, make your game private and only invite your friends.




"Clan TAB - being able to place adverts under a clan tab to look for specific kind of players would also be a lovely thing to add into the game."
This sort of thing leads to the region chat being filled with "____ Hiring! Come join ___ because we're the greatest" sort of nonsense that every MMO on the planet is filled with now.
Nobody enjoys it, most people ignore it.
It's not a good thing.

"Fix banchee - Currently she is a 1 button wonder her skills are all amazingly good but her ulti is completely broken once modded up and If you look at any of the top 10% players your see they heavily favor her for this. There should never be just a Warframe that will boost a player through ranking by just pressing 1 button."


The word is "Banshee". at first I thought it was a typo but you've spelt it a couple of times this way. It's not cute, so I hope you're just making an ESL mistake.


Anyway, the way you are mentioning the "Rankings" is silly, ranking atm is based solely on kills, you'll get almost as many with rifle scavenger and a gorgon on tolstoj. Making everything you've said just about defunct already.

But As for banshee being overpowered, she falls off really quickly, and certainly doesn't represent of the majority of play in the top 10%.

What's more... Her ult isn't even what makes her strong, Look at saryn's ult, it does almost as much damage in almost the same range and it does it instantly.


" I feel that the weapons truly do lack immersion anyone who has used the Grakata will know what I'm talking about, when using this gun you truly feel like your firing a rifle. No other weapon In the game par say the gorgon has this affect. You feel the recoil and It brings a much needed feeling to the game. Even If people complain about this It would give you the option to add more weapon specific mods like lower recoil / spread etc."

You're implying here that the only way to enjoy a weapon is if it has high recoil... and somehow that makes the game more immersive?
Do you know what that word means?
I'm not holding a gun, having my screen gradually slide up when I'm shooting does not make me feel like I am holding one.
In fact it distracts me and makes me dislike the weapon.
Being able to aim smoothly and fluidly with the mouse is the closest thing one can get to immersion in a third person shooter.
"Rhino - I feel as If rhino should have his aoe fist pump removed and replaced with a taunt not only would this give him a role I'n a boss fight It will also allow him to be more than just a solo god. "
AoE taunt on a class with a low cost immortality?
No. Like seriously no.
Holding boss aggro is the only skill involved in playing rhino, giving him a button to do it for him is just stupid.
"Warframe Production time - 3 Days Is two much anyone who Is active will be bored within this time and will look for something else to do 2 days Is fine. It will keep people alert hunting or farming a new 12 hour weapon, 3 days gives them far to much inactive time If they are trying to increase their content."
3 days makes it feel worth it. It gives you time to do other things, it lets you do stuff like craft one warframe while levelling up another and be done just in time to play the new one.
Besides, good things come to those who wait.
If you completely lose attention in a game after less than 3 days, you've got some issues.
All in all, you've really not thought these through.
And your suggestions have a running theme of a failure to understand the type of game this is.
You seem like the type who'd enjoy MMO's more than third person Action shooters.
head to; http://us.battle.net/wow/en/ for a game you might enjoy more.


Edited by NotaCobra
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Earning 4-8 plat a day isn't going to bankrupt the company and It will give more for a player to invest In, when someone has mentally invested and spent time on leveling up they will be more likely to spend money on a game when they have it, rather than being limited to a small amount of content then having to delete past content which would leave a bad taste In any gamers mouth. 


allowing the player base to earn 4-8 plat a day can quickly add up especially when your number of players starts to get bigger and bigger and this can actually hurt profits. when people can start earning your game's cash currency in the game then over time people will actually buy plat less and less, they would also most likely have to raise cash shop plat prices because you can earn the money in game. did you think of these outcomes? 


you are not looking at this like a company yes DE has been great communicating with its players, fixing bugs asap  and letting us earn a lot of the cash shop in game but this is a business first. just because this is a non subscription based game doesn't mean we get everything for free and people seem to have trouble with that idea as this generation of players transitions from sub based games to F2P. irritates me because people think everything should be straight up given to them just because a game is free to play when in reality the company needs profits just like any other sub based game.

Edited by MarcusGraves
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