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A Bit Of Feedback From A Fan.


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Acquisition of weapons/frames is much more easier compared to how much you need to pay, hence it not being pay2win since the prices discourage players from buying.

This is exactly the problem. There's no incentive to buy any weapons or warframes with plat because how expensive they are. No one here is whining, they're making a point that DE is probably receiving less sales because the high prices for weapons are scaring away potential customers. And lowering the prices a bit wouldn't be suddenly turning the game into play2pay, it would just be pay for convenience, something that is already in the game.

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Here's the thing about F2P. You don't make money off macrotransactions. You make money off microtransactions.


$15-$20 isn't a microtransaction. It's a transaction that's equivalent of going out to eat one night, or picking up a indie game on Steam. Yes, a -full- game on steam. It's also the price of a monthly subscription fee for some non F2P games.


$3-$5 is a microtransaction. If you're wanting to make money in a indie-game business or just as a F2P mmo game - then that's the price point you want to hit. You hit your players with something they don't mind spending. 


You nickle and dime your playerbase because in the end they'll spend more then 15 bucks a month buying 2-3 buck things here and there and not realizing at the end - 


"Holy crap I've spent $50 bucks this month on this game."


That's how you make money in a F2P game. Making things too expensive for the median playerbase means they'll be more frugal with their money. (Especially in world-wide recession - if you're cheaper then everyone else - you'll get more customers.. it's common business sense.. that I've yet to see a F2P game do.)

Edited by Deost
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That's how you make money in a F2P game. Making things too expensive for the median playerbase means they'll be more frugal with their money. (Especially in world-wide recession - if you're cheaper then everyone else - you'll get more customers.. it's common business sense.. that I've yet to see a F2P game do.)

For clarification, I upvoted you because this is true, not because it's good. I support DE, so I support them making more money even if it a little sleezy.

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So we can't get a certain frame, so what? There are plenty of other frames you can farm out. Everyone is so spoiled when it comes to frames. You know what isn't fair? DE creating new content with no payback. They work hard creating this content, so they should be able to implement the way to get it any way they choose.


You know what isn't fair?  $600 for this game.  There is not $600 worth of content in this game.  But, DE thinks that the game is a $600 value.  I added up the cost of buying all the frames, weapons, colors, alternate helmets, sentinels, sentinel alternate parts, and weapon skins without bundles and the result was $687.62.  Bundles would reduce this a little bit.  But the price of this entire game would still be astronomically ridiculous if you factored in bundles when any other complete game costs about 1/10th.

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You know what isn't fair?  $600 for this game.  There is not $600 worth of content in this game.  But, DE thinks that the game is a $600 value.  I added up the cost of buying all the frames, weapons, colors, alternate helmets, sentinels, sentinel alternate parts, and weapon skins without bundles and the result was $687.62.  Bundles would reduce this a little bit.  But the price of this entire game would still be astronomically ridiculous if you factored in bundles when any other complete game costs about 1/10th.

I agree with this, though if there were much more content available at a more reasonable price it wouldn't be such an issue.

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