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Hello everyone.

So far i been playing Warframe from the day i got my invite until now . I noticed lots of bugs being fixed in the recent 2-3 patches. Still this game needs improvement, so this is why i want to share and leave my feedback here.

1. Map/Minimap

- It would be great if the game had a map, I know there is a minimap but i mean a larger map that show the entire "Mission map" Why? Well I'm sure im not the only one but I always end up being lost in missions. Yes there is a marker that tells you where to go but What if i want to check other rooms when Im searching for loot (I enter a room not knowing i was there earlier). Yes unexplored rooms appear Gray in the minimap and once you enter them they become... welll not gray. Also bigger map of the entire mission would be bad because it would be easier to locate teamates or just find your own path to the target without having to look at the minimap the entire time.

-Ok The minimap is great, i havent had any problem with it (maybe just when the game was released and the minimap never showed your correct location) But the Minimap needs a little bit of extra stuff. What do i mean by extra stuff? I want the Minimap to show the position of enemies, Sometimes i have to take cover behind walls not knowing how many enemies im fighting agaisnt, and in the end i end up runing into a room full of enemies and instantly dying. Having the minimap showing enemies would allow me to sprint from place to place using my sowrd to make this full rooms a little bit easier.

2. Solo Missions

- Im not sure if im bad at completing missions by my self or the missions are just hard to be done alone. So it would be great if that difficultity of the mission was reduced when you are doing missions alone. I'm just including this because when you dont find teamates in the matchmaking you end up dying a lot and this making the rewards of the missions decreased due to the times you revive. Im not saying "decrease the difficultity in general" im just saying decrease it when you are alone and once people join your game increase it little by little.

3. Lobby inestead of Matchmaking.

-Yes you would call a lobby the place where all the players get ready before they enter a mission. But I mean a main lobby where you can see all the matches being hosted. Most of the times i want to join a game i press the "play button" and no one is in my room (maybe because there is no one playing or other rooms are full). If there is a lobby that contains all the rooms it would be easier to join them without letting anyone play alone (unless they want to, thats why there is a solo option) Im not saying remove matchmaking, but matchmaking would be better if it was used in some sort of PvP mode (it would match you with people your own level).

4, User options

-What i mean with user options i mean kicking other player from your missions (no penalty). Why? Well recently I been placed in Solo rooms due to the lack of players (I dont know). When someone joins my room this is what happens most of the time. I end up fihgting most of the enemies when they run through the whole missions map looking for MODs. You guys would think im lying when im not, how do i know this? well i had a teamate that join my room and ran from room to room ignoring the mission just to rush and break the pumpkins, once the mission ended we had to chose a card and a got the "Defend" mission, which you have to defend wave after wave of enemies, once mission started he tried to look for rooms and "pumpkins" once he noticed that there were none he left. I tried this mission again and someone new joined, the only thing he did was destroy the "pumpkins" that pass through the room, sadly we failed the mission.

This is why i want user options like kicking players based by votes, or if there is only 2 players the host should just be able to kick them. This brings me to a new point.

5. Loot system.

-The current loot system is break the pumpkins and the closest person to the MOD gets the ... MOD.I think this should be randomised inestead of being free loot. Once a person finds a MOD and picks it up the MOD should be given to a random player in that mission. That would prevent players from joining random games and just dash for all the loot.

Well thats all i have for now, This is just my feedback and my own opinions of what should be in the game. If you agrees plese leave your own feedback. If you have any questions feel free to ask.


English is not my primary lenguage, it would be great if you guys found any spelling errors to report them to me. If you guys dont understand something ask and ill try to explain it in a more clear way.

Edited by Rexgad
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