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[Recruiting] Clan Frostgarde


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Obligatory icebreaker: I used to have a microwave that would break my internet connection whenever it was used. Yup. It pissed me off, but it got a good laugh out of my old clanmates. Such a good laugh that it was a running joke until the clan died.


(I like to think that the devil microwave made them laugh so much that they couldn't handle being in my presence anymore.)


Now that I've gotten your attention, here's some background info. I started playing in late December, joined a clan sometime in January, hung out with that clan until it died about a month ago. Tried to get it back up and running, failed miserably, jumped ship, tried to find other clans, failed miserably, got the idea to make my own, and here we are!


I'm looking to gather people who are looking for a group of friendlies to screw around with while they play. Nothing too hardcore, nothing too casual. I've met many bitter and run down MR18s, I've met many hopeful new kids who fall off the face of the Earth two weeks later. I found many people leading clans who were telling me to trash my five forma Attica, and I found loads of people who didn't even know what a forma was and didn't care to learn.


Which is fine. You do what you want, but neither of those extremes are what I'm looking for.


I give no S#&$s about what you use, as long as you can use it effectively. Zephyr is my most dependable frame, I wouldn't give my Attica up for the world, and we're not even going to get into how much work I've put into my dog. I want people who are willing to learn about what really makes this game great, people who are willing to share their knowledge, and—most importantly—people who know how to have a good laugh.


I don't care if you're MR19 or MR0. I don't care if you love your Carrier and nicknamed it Roomba or Hoover or whatever. You can bring Oberon into a longhaul T4S if you want, as long as you've got your S#&$ together. I don't take this game super seriously—I've started calling the Paris Prime the noodle slurp bow because that's what it freaking sounds like. A bunch of people I met didn't like that, and they weren't a good fit. I play this game to have fun, and it's not fun if you can't laugh with the people you're playing with.


You can only run ODS for Nova Systems so many times before it gets old, and in that 30th run, you're going to want people who can make those twenty minutes go by faster. If you're looking for the same thing (and I know you people exist), then hit me up here or send me a friend request in game so we can talk.


For the more serious parts:

  • The clan is literally only about a week old. It's currently only my girlfriend and me. We're situated in EST and CST, so we're mainly looking for players who are around there. Timezones and all that crap.

  • We've got all the labs built, with the exception of the Orokin Lab, but we've just started on the research. Because of this, we're also looking for people who are willing to help out and contribute to the clan itself. You don't have to and I won't force you, but the dojo is for everybody. You get back what you put in.

  • I don't ask much other than you don't be a $&*^, and that you play with your clanmates. There's no point being in a clan if you're not going to play with people in it.

  • We're a Ghost Clan. We'll upgrade to a Shadow Clan if need be, but nothing past that. If you're looking for a big clan feel, look elsewhere. Joining or creating an Alliance is always something that will be considered, however.

  • Please be active. I have no rules about how active, but if you're gone longer than three weeks without telling me why or if you're coming back, you're getting the boot.

  • Voice chat is a thing. It's easier to talk to someone than it is to type to someone. There's Warframe TS I know of that we can use until we can set up our own.

Edited by Kristorkian
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Hi there, I'm currently in a small ghost clan by myself. I come from small tight knit guild but they didn't like warframe and would like to join yours and help with the building. I prefer small guilds for comaraderie and playing together instead of the larger zerg ones.


IGN is same. Thanks.

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