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Warframe Concept: Lupin The Master Thief Warframe (New Art)


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I realized "Lupin" is a name derved from wolves so I based his helmet to look kinda like a wolf mask.


concept_zpsjyk9g9sv.jpgold design



I designed Lupin to be a master thief warframe that excels in infiltration and quick escapes.  He would also have very good abilities that allow him to disguise himself as his enemies.  




Health: 75
Shield: 100
Power: 150
Armor: 10
Speed: 1.1
Stamina: 100

Polarities20px-Bar.png and 20px-D.png




Passive ability: Lupin can detect canisters 10m around him.


Master of Disguise:

Cost: 50

Enables Lupin to transform into the last enemy he killed for 10/12/14/16s.  You cannot copy bosses.  You gain the enemy's weapons. Flying enemies (like ospreys) allow you to fly around.  You also benefit from enemy auras and entering nullifier shields will not remove the disguise.  You will not be affected and you will not trigger any enemy alarms while in disguise.  You will not be targeted by enemy fire as long as you do not attack them.  The disguise will disappear if you take damage to your hp.  


EXAMPLE SITUATION: In a corpus ship, you can mimic a Moa and run through laser equipped doors without any problems.  You can then proceed to capture your target very quicky with the moa's movement speed.


Clean Getaway:

Cost: 75

grants a buff to Lupin and all surrounding allies 10/12/14/16 seconds.  During this time they are immune to CC are recovered from all statuses.  In addition, the effects of picked up health and energy orbs are doubled. .


Example Situation: It is already 60 minutes in a tier 4 survival, your team has been camping a lot and you need a way to reach extraction from your tunnel.  You pop this ability and you team will be temporarily immune to knockbacks and knockdowns from bombards and heavy gunners.  They will also run past iced traps with no difficulty.  If they happen to get injured, they can pick up a single life orb and get a lot of HP back.  This buff will make it very easy for everyone to extract quickly, especially if you happen to have a volt in your team.


Skeleton Key:

Cost: 50

Ability affects a radius affected by range mods.  If ability reaches a control panel, it will hack it.  If it reaches a locked locker, it has an chance to unlock it.  


Example situation: You are trying to escape to extraction and the door in front of you suddenly locks.  You are surrounded by high level enemies and you don't have any ciphers left.  The control panel is just a few meters away from the locked door so all you do is press 3, and it automatically hacks the console, unlocking the door.  This also saves your team time because they do not need to hack a console.


False Orders:

Cost 50 + 5 every second

Lupin uses his power of voice throwing and mimicry to make surrounding enemies run and gather around a targeted area.  If an enemy is selected, other enemies are forced to attack that enemy for a small duration.  This ability doesn't alert enemies of your presence.  


Example situation:  You need to steal data from a console but it's surrounded by high level enemies.  You can throw your voice into another room and the enemies will go and investigate leaving the console unprotected.  


You can also aim down to your spot to make enemies get closer to you.  Making faraway enemies more in range to be destroyed Mesa's peacemaker.







Master of mimicry and deception, The Lupin warframe is the primary warframe preferred by tenno outlaws.




should i make it female instead?

Edited by DetectiveGame
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breaking it down piece by piece here to optimize feedback






I designed Lupin to be a master thief warframe that excels in infiltration and quick escapes.  He would also have very good abilities that allow him to disguise himself as his enemies.  




Health: 75
Shield: 100
Power: 150
Armor: 10
Speed: 1.1
Stamina: 100

Polarities20px-Bar.png and 20px-D.png

So far so good, low health and high power means this is meant as a caster type frame wich is ok, his speed being on par with loki would support this notion. His polarities are a bit meh considering the 20px-Bar.png aura has been done to death on recent frames.


On to the next bit







Passive ability: Lupin has Loot Detector built in.  Also has a chance to unlock locked lockers near him.


Passives making 2 mods even more obsolete thant they are considered now, where to start? First thing is that passives shouldnt emulate mods (the unlocking mod is called master thief) and reading ahead the second passive becomes obsolete even more than the mod




Master of Disguise:

Cost: 50

Enables Lupin to transform into the last enemy he killed.  Enemies of the same faction will not attack Lupin.  Lupin will gain the weapons and auras (Like ancient healing auras and ospray shield auras) as the enemy transformed into.  The spell last 10/12/14/16s and can be made longer by duration mods.  The disguise can be removed by pressing the skill again.

While sounding awesome this is going to be a nightmare for balance, the skill if implemented would be appearance only, you cant make yourself an exact copy of the enemy, disguises dont work that way. We dont get their auras, we only can prevent them from shooting us. this skill has similarities with stealth but giving us the weapons and auras of what we copy would be either too weak (low lvl enemies) or ludicrously OP (hey, lets copy the juggernaut)


Cost: 50

Lupin releases a radial charge of energy from his location that permanently disables enemy traps (cameras, lasers, turrets, alarms, alarm panels, etc.)  Using this ability while hacking will automatically solve the hacking puzzle.  When cast near enemies, the wave will also disable their sensors and blind them for 5/7/9/12s.  The wave has a range of 10/13/17/20 meters and will surround Lupin for 10/12/14/16 seconds.


Permanent trap disablement (wich for most things is also done by shooting them) a built in cypher, and a radial blind effect. how can i put this without sounding condescending? oh right. too op to balance. make it do one of them (preferably the disable thing) for a duration and maybe this will fly



Greedy Phantom:


Lupin teleports to a chosen closet, canister, or container and unlocks it if its locked.  If Lupin aims this ability at an enemy,  Lupin appears behind them.  The enemy has a 50% chance to release loot as Lupin appears behind them.  


A teleport you dont need to target (but can) that brings you to the closest canister if you dont, and that gives you loot without killing, an original though but i think this kinda silly. it also makes (like i said before) his second passive completley useless since this unlocks the lockers anyway. part of this abillity kinda shot itself in the foot there




Phantom's Treasure:

Cost: 100

Greedy Devil's buff is applied to Lupin for 10/12/14/16 seconds.  Picking up energy orbs while this buff is active will boost Lupin's move speed and attack speed.  Picking up health orbs will raise all allies damage.  Credits picked up by Lupin will be increased by 50% (the 50% increase will also be gained by his allies.  Picking up ammunition will cause an explosion around Lupin that knocks away enemies with blast damage.  Picking up anything else will fully heal allies.


This abillity does too much, movement speed, alllied damage, more money, radial explosions, and a full heal. there is NO downside to this abillity. wich is ok since its an ultimate where its cost would count as a limiting factor. but considering this makes it almost manditory to bring this frame anywhere it kinda feels like you went overboard here





overall feels a bit mary-sue ish needs someone with more of a game-developer kind of eye to go over it and balance it. potential though if balanced

Edited by sickness24
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It sounds like a good start, but I don't think his aesthetic really fits the other frames. He seems very blocky and robotic as opposed to the usual swirling or curved patterns to look like metallic flesh.

thanks I will do my best to make the next art design fit warframe better

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Ok made you wait a bit but heres my second review (less points to comment on this time so no multiple quoteboxes)


the re-balancing of his passive seems still a bit too powerfull (since loot detector is a "thing" i would probably make his innate version not as powerfull)

removing the second passive (because honestly the lockerunlock on his 3rd made it kinda silly to have this) was a good move


Disguise: Better, but still i would preferr it more as an aggro-dump/reset in the sense that its only optical (you gain the full appearance but are still you.

benefitting from their auras does make it less OP but still arent their aura's more intelligent than that? either way you should probably add the caveat that if you try to disguise in sight of them they arent fooled (untill you remove all witnesses that is)


infiltrate: ok this power is now more reasonable, but now comes the crux, now disguise is enemy character stealth and this is enemy equipment stealth i would suggest you roll the sensors cant see you thing into his disguise (that way you can remove the "benefit from aura" thing wich i seem to have a problem with from the powerset) unfortunatly that leaves this power with just the blind and the door unlocking (wich i think would be more served under his skeleton key more on that later) the solution here would be to make this his "thief" thing and do something like steal cash from enemies (fixed value unaffected by powerstrenght, to prevent ridiculous ammounts of cash influx)


Skeleton key: the cypher thing would be hard to realize (can you actually use powers in a hacking thing?) but the unlocking thing may be a good fit here, roll the lockdown negating into this and make it more of a radial chance to do for the lockers (unlocking every locker would make it a bit too cash heavy) based on how high you boost your power str (max of 80% ish i would reckon) if someone would help me on if you can actually activate powers on a console when hacking that would be great but for now i am gonna assume its not possible and suggest that it just remotely hacks them


Clean getaway: now this is the big change i liked the most, not doing too much, and still effective, feels less like an ultimate though. look at his existing powerset (the revised one, maybe with my suggestions implemented) doesnt skeleton key and this feel reversed? just a thought


overall the changes are on their way. take your time considering my suggestions and dont get defeated by all that text i tend to throw at you

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likeing the new changes, still a bit iffy about the disguise but i can live with the result. not sure about the ultimate though. cant put my finger on it why though. the new armor design though is awesome

sleeping it over, and looking at it again, I did think the ultimate wasn't cool enough.  Ill fix it again.

I'm kind of indecisive on how his ultimate should be though.  Should it be a support skill?  A damage nuke?  or a CC?


Thanks for your constant comments, I really appreciate it.

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