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Stop Killin' Mah Pinky!


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I'm sure it's been requested before, but one more time couldn't hurt. Please, for the love of Tenno, could we please, please, pretty please (with sprinkles on top) get a toggle option for sprint? You know, like we already have for crouch? 


After only a handful of matches, my pinky goes numb. Mind you, I don't care... I keep playing. But my buddy who has repetitive strain injury or carpal tunnel syndrome or one of those mouse/keyboard related issues (I can never remember the proper acronym) has to stop after only a few minutes of gameplay.


That's no fun. I wanna play with my pals. And I'm hesitent to suggest third party remedies like AutoHotKey or whatever as: a) they're a pain in the arse to setup, and b) could unintentionally get flagged as "botting" or cheating or something else dumb.


So please, think of all those Tenno pinkies, and strongly consider giving us a sprint toggle ASAP. We'll love you long time, promise.


Thank you!
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they cant make it a toggle with the way its implemented.

they need to rework how they want to shift key to function. currently it does too much and the biggest problem is sprint as it forces you to hold/tap constantly.

at times i stop playing this game. switch to another game with similar setup and the pain is gone. the second i switch back it kicks in again.

one way or another, sprint needs to be looked at and redone.

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they cant make it a toggle with the way its implemented.


Sure they can. It might not be ideal, or perfect in every situation. But it would be darn well a heckofa lot better than what we have now. The alternative is to simply stop playing.

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I stuck the Sprint key on the middle mouse button.


However, yes, a toggle for Sprint is very much needed.  Either that or better key, but I'm not sure which one would be better.


The real reason we need to hold down the Sprint key for so long is generally based around catching up to people or rushing ahead (and therefore making others have to rush to catch up).


So, yeah.

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Have you tried remapping the sprint key? I'm good with sprint per se but I remapped the melee from E to F and moved the X to E and am now having a better time at controlling my frame.



Tried making the suggestion. My buddy insists it's either toggle or bust.
Again, if it were just me, I'd suffer through the numbness. Heck, it's not like I use my pinky for much of anything else anyway. But my friend doesn't have that luxury. So yeah, c'mon DE... you're our only hope.
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