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If Your Favorite Warframe Had A Theme Song... What Would It Be?


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Ah sod it. I like all the frames, I'll do as many as I can think of.


For Loki: (starts out slow and ends up crazy, just like him)



Zephyr...I'd have to with this. (Zephyr seems the most whimsical of the frames honestly)


Some Joplin for our ol' buddy Limbo.


For the King of Frames, Excalibur:


And for ol' Bonedaddy Nekros himself:

...Okay, not really



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I'm talking about polyamory, which is VERY different from Polygamy. Polyamory involves having no central relationship, and instead being engaged in a number of relationships, all of about equal value. Where polygamy is specifically one man having multiple wives, polyamory is not limited by gender whatsoever. It's not as restrictive as being locked into a single relationship, and permits much more freedom. Also, it (not quite) completely avoids the trope of cheating, which is something I never want to experience in my life.


However, you can be not monogamous, or polygamous, or polyamorous. There's miles of grey area in between all of those.


I'm progressive. Sexual and romantic freedom is hardly any different than homosexual relationship rights. Please try to not instantly shun everything that pushes the boundaries of your cultural norms, because then you end up acting like the 90-year old Mormon.


Excuse me for coming off as an intolerant jerk, I'm all for freedom, thats for sure, and homosexual rights, feminism, and things of that sort are all things I support despite being a heterosexual white male. After all, I was only pointing out an oddity in your post. However as Ehrgeiz said: "Keep this conversation to tumblr... 'Mo Fightin' Music!". This isn't the thread for this nor the forum for it.


Check my above post for some sweet fighting music :)

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