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Warframe Idea - Rook


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I doubt DE even looks at these, but a guy can still dream right?


Name: Rook

Description: What Rook lacks in offense he gains in battlefield control, as well as being able to hold his ground better then others.



Basic Stats:

Health: 100 (300 Max)

Shield: 150 (450 Max)

Power: 100 (150 Max)

Armor: 150

Recharge Rate: 22.5

Sprint: 0.8

Polarities: = x4, D x1, Vx1



**Blockade – Cost 25 energy

Creates a solid wall 2 meters from Rook at the direction the player aims. Can be climbed by players. Can create multiple Blockades.

Increase level increases duration. 15/20/25/30 Seconds.

(Wall size is the same height and width as Volt's Electric Shield, and thickness of 2 meters)


Lockdown – Cost 50 Energy

Prevents enemies around the Rook from moving for a short duration as well as pushes all enemies in range 2 meters back. Enemies can still attack freely. Effect Range 20 meters centered around the player.

Increase level increases duration. 5/10/15/20 Seconds.


Sanctuary – Cost 75 Energy

Emites a 5 meter shield centered around the Rook that follows him as he moves blocking all range attacks. Other players, and the Rook can shoot freely in the shield, however the Rook's speed is reduced by 30% when active. Enemies can enter the shield to attack the Rook.

Increase level increases duration. 5/10/15/20 Seconds.


Thundering Steps – Cost 100 Energy

For a short time whenever the Rook moves any enemy 10 meters around him is immediately knocked down as well as taking very little damage. (25 damage, armor can reduce the damage) Enemies that are knocked down that is still in range stay prone until either they are no longer in range, Thundering Steps ends, or the Rook stands still.

Increase level increases duration. 5/10/15/20 Seconds.



** There are currently two ideas floating around for blockade to help prevent it from being used for griefing purposes.


1) Destructible Wall - allow both players and enemies attack the wall, but make it easier for players to destroy it. Stats right below.


Name: Blockade

Shield: 0

Health: 150

Resistance: 100% Normal, 100% Poison, -100% Pierce, 0% Fire, 0% Electric, 0% Cold


2) Simply just allow players pass through the wall freely, but enemies obviously can't. Players also cannot shoot through the wall, and the wall cannot be destroyed.

Edited by Rafarix
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Base stats look good, standard for a bulky frame I suppose.

Blockade could do with some fixing. A SOLID wall the size of Volt's shield would be the perfect griefing tool in hallways, especially when you can create many of them for only 25 energy.

Lockdown is kinda iffy. Unless it literally slings enemies away that are close to you, that bit is not terribly necessary. If enemies can attack freely, the only purpose this would have is during infested missions or when coupled with loki's ultimate.

Good concept with Sanctuary, but Frost currently has a very similar ability with a negative effect on enemies who enter the shield, albeit the orb doesn't move

Thundering Steps activates every step you take I presume. Steps are pretty fast, running or walking, so 25 damage could be a bit much. Other than that the ability is pretty solid in my book.

Would appreciate a review of my own frame if you could. Heres the link.


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Base stats look good, standard for a bulky frame I suppose.

Blockade could do with some fixing. A SOLID wall the size of Volt's shield would be the perfect griefing tool in hallways, especially when you can create many of them for only 25 energy.

Lockdown is kinda iffy. Unless it literally slings enemies away that are close to you, that bit is not terribly necessary. If enemies can attack freely, the only purpose this would have is during infested missions or when coupled with loki's ultimate.

Good concept with Sanctuary, but Frost currently has a very similar ability with a negative effect on enemies who enter the shield, albeit the orb doesn't move

Thundering Steps activates every step you take I presume. Steps are pretty fast, running or walking, so 25 damage could be a bit much. Other than that the ability is pretty solid in my book.

Would appreciate a review of my own frame if you could. Heres the link.



Hmm your right about the griefing issue on blockade I'll definitely try to tweak it around.If anyone has a solution to help remove the girefing feel free to suggest it.


Lockdown is meant to be situational. The push back is meant to help give breathing room if enemies are all swarmed on you, and locks them in place. 


I guess your right about sanctuary, but I was originally thinking of reflecting shots in random directions, but I thought that might have pushed it to being OPish.


Yes, it only effects on steps only so to get the effect you have to keep moving. I should have put somewhere that the damage can be reduce by armor I'll edit that part in now.


Thanks for the constructive feedback, and I left an review on your too!

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Walls can be destroyed by enemy or friendly fire.


The walls have VERY low hp and very high armor damage reduction, so enemies hit them for peanuts by any player who does elemental damage, fires bolts, or uses a melee charge attack will instagib the wall.

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Hmm your right about the griefing issue on blockade I'll definitely try to tweak it around.If anyone has a solution to help remove the girefing feel free to suggest it.


Lockdown is meant to be situational. The push back is meant to help give breathing room if enemies are all swarmed on you, and locks them in place. 


I guess your right about sanctuary, but I was originally thinking of reflecting shots in random directions, but I thought that might have pushed it to being OPish.


Yes, it only effects on steps only so to get the effect you have to keep moving. I should have put somewhere that the damage can be reduce by armor I'll edit that part in now.


Thanks for the constructive feedback, and I left an review on your too!

Many thanks for the excellent review as well! The concept of purely defensive frame is very interesting and I hope yours can make it if mine can't.
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Walls can be destroyed by enemy or friendly fire.


The walls have VERY low hp and very high armor damage reduction, so enemies hit them for peanuts by any player who does elemental damage, fires bolts, or uses a melee charge attack will instagib the wall.

A destructible wall does sound good, but i'm concern about it's durability around stronger enemies.


Maybe it can be indestructible for the first 10 secs upon creation so it can't instantly get destroyed by tougher enemies.


I was also think instead of climbable just allow only players to pass through. However they cannot shoot through it, and well as make it transparent, but that might be crossing into Volt's territory now.

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Actually, there are small barrel stacks/pallets that are JUST above crouching height and are perfect for hiding behind. How about a small wall about those dimensions(except for length) to provide cover? The skill would summon one up right in front of your frame so you could just crouch immediately and have decent cover right away.

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Cover does sound interesting, but the ability is meant to create more of an obstacle for the enemy. I am looking back at the destructible idea, perhaps have the wall 100% resist normal damage, but all others pierce, elemental can damage it, as well as have it with low health. Enemies I assume most of them just deal normal damage and doesn't usually have elemental damage to their attacks. Maybe make it immune to poison too since you know it's a wall.


So the stats for the wall from blockade would be like:

Health: 150

Resistance: 100% Normal, 100% Poison, 0% Fire, 0% Pierce, 0% Electric, 0% Cold

Edited by Rafarix
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Added stats for the blockade wall making it destructible... yeah I'm shamelessly bumping too... anyways please leave your feedback or opinions. I decided to change the original states for the blockade a bit too making it easier to be destroyed by players. 

Edited by Rafarix
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why not make the blockade passable for players only?

That was one of my other ideas but I wasn't too sure if that would be good or not. Maybe I'll put that in as one of two ideas, and let the critics decided which would work better.

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