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Psa:ophelia And Hydriod Pilfer Swarm Nerf Hotfix 17.0.4. Warframe's Issue:farming And The Unhealthy Progression Of This Game.


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I beg to differ. DE wants the game to be fun, 

Come to think of it, lately with what DE has been doing I kind of feel that's more on the skeptical side for me to really believe that, because lately since U16 and Ash Prime access, i've never found any fun grinding endless amount of T3 Defense keys for the Ash Prime BP, it got so bad to a point where on Devstream 56 or 57 I believe? people were actually demanding forma to not be dropped as frequently in that mission, same with the systems. Do tell me how Digital Extreme is trying to make the grind fun when many people were quite frustrated spending a lot of time farming for Ash in the void with little to no chances of ever hope of seeing those parts drop.

Then the Greedy Pull Nerf, removing a great potential form of team play that was sadly abused by many people with mesa and mag, and Im not saying the nerf was bad at all, but I don't feel that the nerf on the greedy pull augment was necessary, however, due to the large amount of people that saw Mag to be viable only because of her Pull was justifiable enough to nerf, and I later on slowly found out that players were discriminating different varieties of build on mag that didn't include the mod greedy pull that slowly started to form a toxic environment for many people who played Mag and the amount of people having a sense of entitlement that the next person who plays with him or her must have greedy pull augment, with max range on her abilities for the entire team. I dare say that I'd probably bring in Nekro's desecrate into this topic as that ability definitely rears an ugly head when people are farming and see that their nekros aren't kitted to spam 3 all day.

As much as I try to see and understand the way how this game is going, ever since U8, I've never once actually seen DE try to nerf the grind, nor make it as fun as it was before, you used to be able to easily make 100k per mission in the void just by completing a mission, now we barely get 1/5th of that payment on the highest tier reward in the void. If  I as a new player kicked into this game at a later time, where Dark sectors don't even give payouts anymore I'd probably wouldn't have even invested my time nor my money, I remember how Darksectors were, they were usually just mobile defense missions and if you were lucky you could easily make 100k-3m per mission per conflict and at that time, there were lot's of socializing/planning while being involved in an alliance active to go into conflict for darksectors and definitely a lot of playing and grinding all together it was very fun. Things have changed, a lot of things, I still yet have to see that DE will actually hold up to their word for a year of quality, rather than ''improving a quality of life'' on Hydriod when they basically nerfed his pilfering swarm and instead of focusing on some main issues (and bugs) with how flawed the rewards system is, and how the meta is basically relying on how we must be able to get high kill numbers to have some sense of a reward after completing a mission, they decide to still stomp on some issues rather than give a real fix, I'm counting on star chart 3.0 but I'm not keeping my hopes high, because I've learned that once I expect too much from Digital Extremes, they would turn my smile upside down right after the hype. I just hope that one day, this game can be fixed and everyone can have loads of fun instead of worrying about grinding, and have different ideas and opinions about how this game should be, as it stands now, you and I both know just how divided this community can be when it comes to fixes, nerfs and ultimately an overhaul of a system they still have yet to perfect.

I haven't given up my faith in DE, I'm still counting on you.

Edited by MikeTheAshmigo
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Okay when I heard people yelling about a hydroid pilfering swarm nerf I thought it would actually be something veyr bad, instead: Now other people can kill the enemies trapped by pilfering swarm and you still get the extra drops.


Which isn't actually bad as then the hydroid becase crowd control with extra loot.


That being said the game is ridiculously weighted on dodgy RNG tables and blatantly greedy cash grabs.


Also unless you own every frame and weapon you will see 'buy it' promps in every inventory screen (f*** off DE I'm not going to buy your overpriced guns that way you grubbing b******'s)

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The main problem here is the progression of the game. The way we grind for items, loot for resources and the enemies we fight. It all seems so repetive, useless and futile after playing serveral hundred hours. Thus what DE needs to change is the way we grind and fight. What I purpose is to drastically change the mastery system, put the foucus system in (Tie it in with the mastery rank, kinda like how league skill trees works, gives small buffs or changes the frame/weapons play style). Create more incentives to play the current "boreing" mission nodes like leaving caches in exterminates. Also throw in combined gamemodes as well it could create a lot more diversity without making new game modes.


Last but not least the guys we have to fight D: Jesus they are boring as hell, they behave the same regardless if they are lvl 1 or lvl 100,  come on it is just artifical diffculty if the enemies just have increased health and armor. Thus we need more different enmies types plus a better combat AI that scales with level. Currently our enimes just charge, they don't do formations or use tatics at all. What I would like to see is that the higher level the enemies get they start to behave more differently.


For example, a level 10 scorpion would just charge at you swinging there machete, but a level 20 scorpion would try to stay out of your line of sight and attack you from behind, or start trying to doge your shots, this can create real difficutly without resorting to today's methods.


So all in all, a lot of work needs to be done to change the way we progress as a whole.

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there definitely needs of a progression system and a remake of the mastery system +1

Was playing The Crew earlier and Ubisoft has a much better way of leveling along with system called perks that gives you bonuses on specific things as you level up. Small bonuses for braking, acceleration, max speed, handling, discounts etc on specific cars or parts, perks that benefited you for just simply playing the game. And it's an AAA title game with co-op missions with open world MMO. A racing game that has a better system than Warframe's progression at the moment, and I find it quite odd that there hasn't been a system added in 2 years for this game.

Some of those systems I feel should definitely be applied in this game.

Why can't that be implemented with mastery rank? That will definitely give some sort of edges to try to give motivation and an incentive for trying out other weapons and equipment, and will help encourage players who feel that after attaining mastery rank of 8 that there will be more reasons and benefit for leveling up, effectively creating endgame content as it is, to make a perk system where you can have tiny bonuses in parkour skills or a buff damage to specific elemental or gun types that you mainly like to focus in, rewarding players for playing the game if you are MR18, you'd have 18 points to apply to specific abilities, weapons or skills that can help enhance your warframe's experience. DE tried to do this with the syndicates but apparently at the very first time they tried to implement it, they tied experience with points, what they should try to do is add a mastery rank point system that rewards players for leveling up their equipment and trying to see, and seek out more content in the game.

Ubisoft is well known to have players explore contents in their games, remember the Assassin's creed? well if not they added viewpoints on specific maps in their games which encourages players to try to explore as they allow a system that helps players be able to fast travel through content and learn more about the game and history of the content they made, why can't we have that same feature except switch a few things? like instead of looking for Kurai's in this game (orokin kittens) why doesn't DE give any incentive to players who like to explore their maps? or reach new contents by rewarding players with a nice reward every now a then and adding a lore when they reach a specific map tile that has a connection to the game, lore-wise?

So many things they can try to add in this game, and I feel that Digital Extremes isn't pushing that effort to make their game much more better for the money we're giving them, especially when it comes to prime access.

Edited by MikeTheAshmigo
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+1 to you good sir :D, The thing is DE is kinda understaffed, 250 people manages a game that has 5.5 million players >.> and only like 20 of them are programmers so its going to be a long long time before they could implement new content :S maybe they will do this for U18?

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