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Global Trading Planet / Peace Zone


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As an Australian, playing in the Australian region, I find that the trade chat has become obsolete, as no one is on it any more, and I have to keep switching my region to the US or EU regions. Also, as people play in different time zones, it can get awfully quiet during different times of the day. Hence, I bring up the idea of a merchant planet/ a planet to trade on. It is a global trade centre where everyone can post their trades in the trade head quarters. Each player's post is limited to their mastery rank (e.g. MR3 = 1 post, MR6 = 2 posts, MR9= 3 posts). Each post allows a maximum of 5 items to be in the post, with the choice of the poster to have everything bought as a set, or individually. Multiple mods take up one item slot in the post. Posts last 72 hours before being purged from the system.


Also as it is a planet, it would seem pretty bare if it was just a trade centre. So I was thinking about the planet having a kind of shifty feeling where everybody is paranoid. Also, as it is a trade centre, all factions can be found in the streets of this planet (yes even the Grineer needs mods and different items). Because of the multiple factions being in on one planet, they will most likely fight each other (or will they?). I suggest a new faction to act as the "police" of the warframe system. The police control the planet so that outbreaks of fights are kept to a minimum.


Because of the multiple factions, they can also have their own embassies, where they post mission that the Tenno can complete for large credit sums. E.g. Collect x amount of resources, Kill x amount of faction y. And as the Tenno are helping the factions, they build a "Trust" system with the faction, giving the Tenno more credits with the higher "Trust" brackets, the "trust" system will also mean that the faction that you have been helping will not deal as much damage to you or would be weary when attacking you. With a "Trust" system, there also needs to be a "Hatred" system, with the factions that you go against gain "Hate" towards you. This "Hate" system, gives the the faction that 'hates' you more damage or you become more of the focus.


By using a system to help the different factions we can then utilise the "police" system. The developers can add Tenno factions as well, where you can either join the "police" or be a lone Tenno that acts a "bounty hunter". Tenno that helps factions gradually gain a bounty on their head, placed on them by the faction that are being murdered. Higher bounty =  higher pay. This means that random Tenno can go out into the fields and have an item in equip in the gear section that tells another player if the other player has a bounty on their head. In a way this allows real players to some way be a real life "Stalker" that hunts player for killing different factions. Because there are players that will think this is unfair if they go out with low level gear, it is also possible for player to go to the "police" and pay a fine to remove the bounty. Players caught by a "bounty hunter" find themselves waking up in prison, and having to pay a bail (which is higher than the fine).


And to touch it off, we may as well add a cafe for the Tenno to hangout in and chat.


Any thoughts? Something that should be added? Please leave a comment if so, and a +1 if you think it's a great idea.

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Well considering that they're decreasing the nodes to around 20 or so. This in a way will become the new relay station, but rather than a station it's a bigger planet.

The stuff about the "police" system can be implement at a later stage as I can see it being difficult to add. But everything else seems to not be too hard. The void trader will have his own little black market ;)

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These are just some idea that I have been proposing here in forums for a long time now. How about adding other neutral colony planets with other races that we can choose to interact or visit which we can either defend or attack depending on the certain syndicates we side with something like that I WANT MORE SANDBOX STYLE OPEN WORLD ELEMENTS! :) and better stealth mechanics assassination from cover, being able to peak or see from behind cover and better and more fluid assassination kills or counter kills similar to Assassins creed games along with more destructible and interactive environment and landscapes add these and the game becomes PERFECT. Also allowing us to change from archwing flight battles in planets to land battles or battles with mounts or mobile artillery! Lore based events/quests will be developed along with this naturally throughout the course of the game to coincide with the open world mission/elements that the new tile sets can bring. On the topic of relays add more functionality by adding trading zones or like what I proposed earlier the option of a clan or alliance controlling the relay by developing certain land areas that DE can make available to public where they can set up shop or a satellite clan office and also an optional mission where enemies can invade the relays and we would have to protect it while minimizing the damage done internally to the structure.

Edited by --.B.--HARDCOREDAVE-
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These are just some idea that I have been proposing here in forums for a long time now. How about adding other neutral colony planets with other races that we can choose to interact or visit which we can either defend or attack depending on the certain syndicates we side with something like that I WANT MORE SANDBOX STYLE OPEN WORLD ELEMENTS! :) and better stealth mechanics assassination from cover, being able to peak or see from behind cover and better and more fluid assassination kills or counter kills similar to Assassins creed games along with more destructible and interactive environment and landscapes add these and the game becomes PERFECT. Also allowing us to change from archwing flight battles in planets to land battles or battles with mounts or mobile artillery! Lore based events/quests will be developed along with this naturally throughout the course of the game to coincide with the open world mission/elements that the new tile sets can bring. On the topic of relays add more functionality by adding trading zones or like what I proposed earlier the option of a clan or alliance controlling the relay by developing certain land areas that DE can make available to public where they can set up shop or a satellite clan office and also an optional mission where enemies can invade the relays and we would have to protect it while minimizing the damage done internally to the structure.


I was thinking the same thing

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