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Selling Arcane Helmets

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Frost Arcane Squall Helmet. Current bid- 115p (Melkijad)

Frost Arcane Aurora Helmet. Current bid- 65p (DarkDarastrix)

Rhino Arcane Vanguard Helmet. Current bid- 215p (Stylish-Sama)

Saryn Arcane Chlora Helmet. Current bid- 90p (Mr.JohnDoe)

Saryn Arcane Hemlock Helmet. Current bid- 35p (DarkDarastrix)

Banshee Arcane Chorus Helmet. Current bid- 70p (Mr.JohnDoe)

Banshee Arcane Reverb Helmet. Current bid- 25p (DarkDarastrix)

Excalibur Arcane Avalon Helmet. Current bid- 40p (Dylshero)

Ash Arcane Scorpion Helmet. Current bid- 30p (DarkDarastrix)

Ember Arcane Pheonix Helmet. Current bid- 55p (DarkDarastrix)

Mag Arcane Coil Helmet. Current bid- 220p (kswong98)

Volt Arcane Pulse Helmet. Current bid- 65p (DarkDarastrix)




This is a bidding post. You may bid for one or more parts, but will have to pay for them seperately. The highest bid wins for said item. I only have one of each so first come first serve. The bidding for each helmet will start at 10p. Good luck to you all. Bidding ends on July 4th @11:30pm UTC or the following morning when I decide to get up.. Update: Found some more helmets in my inventory.

Link to original post https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/482310-selling-arcane-helmets/#entry5379602

I'm gonna make this a new rule... Your bid has to be at least 5 platinum or higher of the original bid. If you bid anything under 5 plat I will not count it. It's getting repetitive.

Edited by Diagon197
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 Frost Arcane Squal Helmet 90p and Excaliburs Arcane Avalon Helmet 40p


I am away for the next few weeks so if your willing to wait I will be back middle of july and you can pm on the forums I might have internet for a bit of holiday so I will be able to keep bidding and keep intouch just wont be able to take them off you until middle of july if thats ok


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