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Ember Rework Time?


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So now that Excalibur and Frost have gotten fireworks, do you thinks it's about time that DE pays some attention to Ember?

To be honest I have been waiting for a good update on ember ever since her first few changes, which in my opinion have both been good and bad(just s little)

To start this off I'm.going to say why I bring this up; a lot of players don't like the change to "World on Fire," some because we were expecting a full toggle, others.because of.the new energy drain we get from it.

From the start Ember was strong, even if she wasn't as good vs factions outside of the Infested, but I kind of feel that her damage fell off even more after damage 2.0 and not only that she technically became weaker ever since her kit change (kind of).

"Accelerant" is an amazing skill which I love, but I still do miss "Overheat." People said it lacked utility and didn't go well with her kit, but back then,and I can still say even now, it.most definitely does go well with her kit and still does have an amazing amount of utility. "Overheat" gave damage mitigation as.well as constant.heat damage around ember with a chance to ignite enemies. I'm not saying it was better than accelerate but I'd like to see it get reintroduced some how, kind of like that sneaky way you reintroduced mags original "Pull," but a buffed version and as a mod.

I was thinking of maybe implementing "Overheat" into "World on Fire," but not.in a way that would make her too over-powered. Like having the mitigation benefits and the small amount of continuous damage in a radius around her while the ability is active since the ability isn't constantly hitting everything simotainiously, I think that would be sweet.

Another thing I noticed is with the new Frost change to his "Freeze" ability, you can now lay down ice and still have the AOE, why did you remove the lingering flames from "Fire ball" when it was changed, that lessened potential damage and some utility, when removing it, could it be returned maybe?

And now "Fire Blast," I can say that this one of the least used abilities on Ember, to the point where people use to remove that ability card to have another mod in its place, it was not to be desired. The recent change to this ability is good, but I don't know if it's just me, but it still seems to be lacking, and I know that DE has moved Ember closer toward the Utilitarian side, but can we get more DPS? Because after that huge blast why does fire only stay at the outer ring of where.you cast the ability, can we have lingering flames on the inside that do damage, and if needed can you just add the lingering flames to this ability for the DPS and utility of the lingering flames from the original "Fire Ball" ability, I really miss all the fire.

And just because we want it so badly (a few of us) please make "World on Fire a FULL toggle the energy drain isn't worth it, it's more energy that what we use to have to pay, don't even know why this was done.

I'd like to know what others think, should Ember get the next rework/tweek?

We're there any of my ideas that you liked?

Any thing you think Ember needs, or what you'd like to see?

Edited by GhostMelody
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I feel like DE is overloaded with rework requests now, so I honestly thing either in chronological order or in necessitated order.

Ember definitely has a high need for one.

Honestly, she isn't -bad-. She really isn't. She just isn't in a place to compete with other frames in any specific area. Every frame should have a specific set of niches/expertises- I say a set because only having one warrants one being chose as the best option.

But yes. Anything that makes her better has my approval. I try to use her as much as I can, but no matter what I do she falls off at about 25 minutes into a T3 survival.

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