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What I Think About Rhino


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I think all invulnerability in the game should be removed. Or at least limited to a point where you can't chain it together repeatedly.

So I find this 80% damage reduction for Iron Skin heading in the right direction. Though as a tank that is supposed to CC he can't do that very well when knocked on his &#!. So the imunity to knockdown, and stagger should come back.

As for the toxic damage from toxic ancients that people who used to love Rhino really dislike all of a sudden. I think I have a solution that would help alleviate the sore bruise Rhino players got to their egos after the last patch. It would be neat to have nice health regen during Iron Skin's duration. Something similar to shields when you haven't taken damage for a while.

What do you think?

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Linking some health regen into iron skin is an interesting idea. Alternatively trading one of his other abilities for a self-heal is also an option. Either way I'm a big fan of adding some form of healing to Rhino to place a greater importance on armour and damage reduction skills.

Would also like to see poison damage be tweaked to be affected  by armour....it could be a reduced effect when compared to other damage types, but still give Rhino (and other tanky frames) a good reason to go for full armour+health builds over shields, leaving shield builds for the faster frames.


In conjunction with this, a modification to Trinity (or possibly a new "healer" type frame) to give reliable targeted heals also makes armour more worthwhile, and makes Rhino once more the tank frame of choice while encouraging close teamwork. I'd even go so far as to make the armour mod decrease speed as you upgrade it (not sure if it already does this as I've not noticed any difference when using it)...I have no problem being slow as long as I'm tough enough to mix it up with whatever catches me.


Before the reset Rhino was my favorite frame, his lack of speed more than compensated for by IS, and the fact he really was a Tank. The whole "wade-in swinging" gameplay is fun for me and I sorely lament the loss of that invulnerability....however if there was an ability to use healing in conjunction with the new IS, that could make him interesting to play again. If I want to play the kite+fight style game, I'll pick a different frame, Rhino is/ was a different playstyle and was a lot of fun because of it. IS as it was was certainly one hell of a powerful ability, but the nerf to it really should of come as part of a package, not a stand-alone nerf in my opinion.


Healing is one aspect of gameplay that currently feels rather underdeveloped, the more this game heads towards serious teamwork (which appears to be the way it's heading) clearly defined group roles become more important, healing and tanking have long been closely linked, and for good reason. It's one of the best ways to encourage teamwork and (for the soloers) more careful use of more than just one ability.

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