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Entering An Already Active Mission Esp Alerts.


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Apologies if this has been spoken about already.

I never gave this much thought until last night.

There was an alert which still had plenty of time to go so I clicked to join.

When I spawned there was only one player and he/she had just about finished.

I wasn't sure what to do or if my quiting would effect the game negitively for them so I headed to the extraction point with them but I felt like a real prick.

They had done all the hard work and I had jumped in during the last minutes and got the reward with them.


I didn't even get the chance to apoligise to them afterwards which made me feel worse.

It would be nice to be able to say "Hey! Sorry. Heres what I got. Take it!"

Is that even possible?


Personally I don't care if someone pops up half way though one I'm doing but I suspect it may annoy others.

I've had people pop in just when I needed help.


So what are peoples thoughts?



Are there any plans on limiting when a new player can join a current mission?

Say once a mission is 3/4 done no new players can join.

Instead the new player(s) get a message saying they have to wait and will start as soon as the current mission is finished.

I gather this could effect alerts but my understanding was aslong as you click accept before the time runs out you still get in.

Is that wrong?

Not being a programmer I don't know if it's possible or too resouce hungry to implement in a cost effective manner.





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I don't don't think it's a bother. You got a free win. They weren't expecting anyone to join at a certain point. Besides the number of enemies scales with the number of players so it's not like he/she was pulling dead weight the whole mission.

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