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Wtb Wtt Always Trading And Selling

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Greetings Tenno, this is my trading list. Make an offer on parts or Platinum. Always trading.


Saludos Tenno, esta es mi lista de intercambios. Haz una oferta en partes o Platinum. Siempre intercambiando.


Guardian00 (Steam & Warframe). Feel free to add me.


Always update list:






Volt Prime BP
Eleventh Storm (mod)
Final Harbinger (mod)
Sahasa Kubrow imprint
Life Strike (mod)
Stalking Fan (mod)
Four Riders (mod)
Extermine IV keys
Red Veil (any mod)
Winds of Purity (New Loka Furis Mod)
Akabronco prime Blueprint
Akabronco prime Link
Ankyros Prime Blade
Ankyros Prime gaunlet
Bo Prime Blueprint
Bo Prime  Handle
Bo Prime Ornament
Boar Prime Barrel
Boar Prime Blue Print
Boltor Prime Barrel
Boar Prime Receiver
Boar Prime Stock
Braton Prime Barrel
Braton Prime Blueprint
Braton Prime Stock
Boltor Prime Barrel
Boltor Prime Stock
Bronco Prime Receiver
Burston Prime Barrel
Burston Prime Stock
Dakra Prime Blueprint
Dakra prime blade
Dakra Prime Handle
Ember Prime Chasis
Ember Prime Helmet
Fang Prime Blueprint
Fang Prime Blade
Fang Prime Handle
Frost Prime Chasis
Frost Prime Helmet
Glaive Prime Blueprint
Glaive Prime Disc
Glaive Prime Blade
Hikou Prime Blueprint
Latron Prime Barrel
Latron Prime Receiver
Latron Prime Stock
Lex Prime Blueprint
Lex Prime Barrel
Loki Prime Helmet
Mag Prime Blueprint
Mag Prime Chasis
Mag Prime systems
Nova Prime Blueprint
Nyx Prime Systems
Odonata Prime Systems
Orthos Prime Blueprint
Orthos Prime Handle
Orthos Prime Blade
Paris Prime Blue Print
Paris Prime Lower limb
Paris Prime Handle
Paris Prime Upper limb
Reaper Prime Blueprint
Reaper Prime Handle
Rhino Prime Blueprint
Rhino Prime Chasis
Rhino Prime Helmet
Rhino Prime Systems
Sicarus Prime Blueprint
Sicarus Prime Barrel
Sicarus Prime Receiver
Soma Prime Blueprint
Volt Prime Helmet
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