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The People Under The Suit...who Are They?


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I know warframes are just suits that adjust to the user, but what if they were people?, I always feel they have too much personality to just be a suit. So here is my idea.
 Imagine the tenno sacrificed themselves to lock away an ancient evil, binding their suits with a fragment of their consciousness to guide a new tenno force when the time came. When the need for new tenno arises. certain people take up the mantle. Like for example, the wearer of Loki could be an arrogant upstart bartender, and the younger brother of the wearer of volt, a doctor who has one upped him with his success, and who draws the jealousy of his younger brother. Excalibur could be stuck in a dead end white collar job, and has to work several jobs to meet ends meet. Rhino could be a bouncer at the bar Loki works at. Banshee a Dj. Mag a conductor, Saren a tatoo artist, Nyx a street cop, Frost a navy colonel, Ember a contemporary dancer, Vauban an architect, and Ash, a discharged SAS soldier, unemployed, and commiting the occasional crime to get by. 
They end up being called up by Lotus, who was dormant until the grineer, and corpus legions rebuilded, and the Infested recolonised, and all of these enemies have their eyes on the resource rich earth. Where no one knows of the approaching enemies. But for now, ignorance is bliss.
So, what do you guys think? Any ideas for character development? I have ideas for Ash, and Loki, who I intend to be the naive antihero protagonist. But I will definitely need some help with this. 
ps. If this seems underdeveloped, my friend an I only thought this up half an hour ago, and I thought some people would be interested in being a part of this.
i would also like some ideas for the warframes voices e.g. any character in a movie that you feel ties in with the warframes "personality".
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