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Does Waframe Help Improving Aim?


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If your aim was already bad at the beginning, any FPS/TPS will make it better.


If this is your first FPS/TPS I suppose it would.

It wasn't my first FPS/TPS and I guess I was somewhat decent at aiming regular AR but I was tterible at sniper, after I started playing warframe though, my sniping aim improved alot. Not sure if it was because I used the dread/paris prime alot or that i shot in burst with ARs

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I've played many fps and I can say that aim is really only important in high level matches (against really good players) and most of that is focused more on games like halo where sustained precision shots really matter.

I would think that what really improved is situational awareness, anticipation, and map control. Getting the first shot off is a huge factor in being good at any fps on any level.

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