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Warframe Feedback And Suggestions Or How To Instill Fear Of Dying


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Evenin' all! Been playing the game for roughly just a month or so and enjoying the game so far. Yes, the hot topic of today is clan dojo and how ungodly its requirements are. This list of suggestions aren't focused entirely on it, but rather things that could be done and some things that are outright shameful for not being there to begin with! I'll simply be throwing out suggestions and feedback about the various aspects of Warframe, such as mapgen and enemey types and mods, so on, as well as the possibility of integrating with Steam's STS (Steam Translation Server) to open up to a wider array of languages. I know a language option exists, but it doesn't seem all that fleshed out just yet. If it is, someone correct me and I'll take back my statement! Right, first up...




Mods: So I've seen some of the newer mods that have been released, and have gotten a few myself. Personally, these new mods seem to fill a niche that otherwise does not need to be filled. Handspring and Lightning Rod to name a few. In what scenario will someone end up being on the ground so often that Handspring will be super useful? Sure you have the Infested Ancient's, Grineer heavy units, and Corpus Moa, along with bosses and such. However, these types have triggers or tell-signs that allow the player to avoid it outright or suffer for triggering it to begin with. Situations exist that you'll curse yourself for not having it, but that's just it: It is situational. You'll excel in that one point in time, but outside of that, it just lingers.


Resistance mods, excluding Iron Skin which is all around general defense, seem to be quite lackluster and, again, filling a niche that really does not need to be filled. Even at max, they only shave off 12% of the incoming damage source, but they must match a specific element type to be resisted. And even then, at 12%, you'd only be saving yourself a couple damage points since there are not exactly large amounts of elemental creatures. The Scorcher exists, yes, but his range is so poor you can rip him to pieces before he can do anything. I feel these mods are probably there just for PvP's sake, but I'm not entirely sure. I can't read minds!


One suggestion would be to either alter Handspring in a way that would be useful outside of that tiny niche or just dump it altogether. For elemental resistances and other situational mods: Give the player a reason for taking these along. Ice levels are random and not exactly frequent enough to justify usage of Warm Coat, why not just grab Redirection and not worry about awful shield levels when its still fairly good? I welcome any counter-arguments to this case!


Enemies: I hate Ancient Disrupters with a passion that would melt the eyes of Lotus. However, this is not one of those times! Recently, namely the Update 8 additions, the Warframe galaxy has seen a fairshare of new enemy types. The Grineer have the Scorpion, who can knock others down and pull them ever so slowly towards them, and Scorcher, which is simply a firebug. Scorpion might be one reason why one may take Handspring, but in reality they're just a surprising bunch of foes. You probably may not even see them and you'll find yourself at their mercy. Stars help you if you run into more than two of them. Scorchers are just flame-based Grineer, nothing fancy really. If anything, these are fine. I don't mind the Scorpion types as they make running into a horde more dangerous. No more easy ults, it seems!


Corpus have their new guy, Tech, who just seems to be a bigger Crewman in a orange jumpsuit. He can throw out a Shield Osprey either on whim or at certain percentages of health. He does not seem to be threatening in the least. Its that damn Shield Osprey they can throw out that are the real problem. Sometimes there will be many of them and it'll be like a scene of The Birds in a Bladerunner-esque theme. However, the Tech itself sorta fills the role of 'big dude with lots of HP' or something, like the Infested and Grineer.


Infested did not get anything new, which makes me sad face! I was expecting some kind of new creature, but there was nothing. Nothing to really feedback here, but will make suggestions later on.


The Void: I really like this place. I really do. Its a new world, full of strange little places to get to and surprising elements not seen in the other worlds, such as trap doors and the little 'race to the finish' portion that is seen in the Raid part of the Void. I'm still working my way through and trying to get keys that aren't Exterminate, but I really like what has been done with the Void and hope for more places like this in the future!


Dojo: When I first heard about this, I was pretty excited that me and the little group of people I call a clan could finally get together and make their own custom fortress full of neat stuff and stuff! When Update 8 hit, our excite levels were so high we could've built a dojo out of it. The insides were beautiful and such and we were wondering just what we could do. Unfortunately it quickly deflated when we saw the costs related to building and expanding. We understand DE wants people in a clan, sure, but I don't think they emphasized the "big clan" portion enough. The amount of resources required is pretty staggering and quite intimidating. I'm not exactly sure why DE wishes for people to be a part of huge clans when not everyone wants that. We still work for our resources because its a goal, but damn me if I think it's good as is. You won't have to look far to see the various topics discussing this, so I'll leave it as just feedback.




Trap Doors and Rooms: I noticed that there was little consequence upon hitting trap panels in the Void and failing to crack a console meant nothing more than just trying again. Typically when someone fails to crack something, they screw up the insides or the system just locks them out until some techie comes to unscrew it. Trap panels, especially large ones that sink into the ground, typically meant something awful was about to happen. Instead, free cannisters! And some lasters that cross-hatch an archway that is easily avoided by just shooting the panels. In all honesty, these traps are more funny than sinister. Suggestion? Make traps something to fear. The Void is not a playground (it sorta is, but with the deadly part implied), why make it all jollies and fun when there are dangers to avoid? Laser traps are super easy to avoid and falling down to one just gives your allies a heads up 'hey better totally blow up that trap'. For consoles, failure should lead to some consequence and not 'try again, kiddo'. Unless Grineer computers run on Windows 98, or have a reset button on the side of it, there should be something that makes the player curse for failing a crack. Locking them out of a console, maybe, or force spawning foes to swarm you. Something. I know it won't please everyone, but I'm not trying to do that!


Trap panels should also trip up the player and lock them into a room that requires a bit of ninja movement to get out. That or unleash a horde of enemies upon the players and are forced to kill them before going on.


"Spellcaster Foes": One thing I've noticed is a lack of fireball wielding, ice slinging creatures. The Grineer are no strangers to Orokin artifacts that allow them all manner of powers and the Corpus can simply buy technology that would allow Iron Man-esque powers. The Infested may as well evolve in a manner that can violently emit electrical discharges or the sort. Imagine coming across a floating Corpus firing bolts of electricity at you, surrounded by a squad of Crewmen? Or perhaps an angry Grineer chef that can use Slash Dash? An Infested that blasts electricity instead of healing waves? There is quite a bit of room when it comes to these sort of things, which would justify the usage of the elemental resistance mods. Hell, why not planets that are consistently showing off a specific element, like fire spewing everywhere, a Grineer foundry locked in the middle of it all?


Jumpy Elevators: Just a small thing, but ever since the Vauban came out, I LOVE the little Jump thing it has. It'd be even greater if there were 'jump elevators' in some places, maybe in a Rank Test or the Void? It'd be super fun!


Mapgen or "Where are my outdoors rainy levels?": One thing I've noticed is the large amount of water in the Void, along with splash particles. What I'm curious about is why we've no outside rainy levels. We've plenty of snow and space, what about some burnt earth of the Grineer empire or cleared rainforest with a Corpus complex in the middle of it all during a thunderstorm?


Dojo Benefits: I actually got this idea from other places. Simply put, if a clan has nothing else to build for, why not spend resources for special benefits? Would probably require a research room or two, but with said rooms, the clan could research benefits that would last a certain period of time for them. Benefits such as higher drop amounts of certain resources (Meaning instead of 200 Ferrite, they could earn 250-300 Ferrite at max) and perhaps a booster for all of the clan (amount of money earned, experience, so forth) that'd last for a period of time. Maybe build a resource bank that players can shove parts into and can be prompted to use when building new parts of the dojo. Perhaps something funny like Clown Death (enemies sometimes explode into a coloful array of lights). Galaxy's the limit!


Dojo Trophy Room: If achievements ever come into play, one way people can show them off is via Steam profile or user profile ingame. A better way? Actual trophies in the Clan Dojo. A Trophy room could be built and host a multitude of trophies and awards of various sizes and value, all for the sake of looking good. The idea isn't really all that fleshed out since achievements don't exist just yet.


Dojo Resource Bank?: As touched on before, a bank where players can willingly put stuff in for the good of the Dojo. Whether or not one should be allowed to withdraw is unsure. I suppose a double confirm dialogue saying "Are you really sure? This can't be undone" will make the player think critically of the resources they wish to pour into the reserves. Upon doing this, players building a room can then use said resources from the bank to build rooms. There will be a tag that says "X contributed Y (From Bank)" and so on. Again, this will probably boil down to Clan rights.


HARD MODE: Why does one not exist? A mode where everything is harder yet the rewards are so much more sweeter. Hard mode will exist for players that are looking for a real challenge without going to Kappa/Kiste/Outer Term in search of hordes of tough creatures and good loot. Hard mode will be optional and can easily be ticked on and off at the main overview. What this'll do is lock off every planet except Mercury, Terminus. Enemies will be much tougher. Not in the sense that they have insane HP, but they will regenerate it. The creatures you meet will always be around 50, with bosses being higher leveled, will regnerate HP, have greater damage, move faster, but lower max HP, halved shields and slightly lower fire rate. Just a rough idea. Hard mode leaves little room for error however. Dying will automatically make you forfeit and you get nothing. So wait, why bother if you don't even get a second chance? Simple, everything drops much more and everything is plentiful. Credits drop by the oodles, resources drop more frequently and, if a boss/Stalker appears, BP drops are much more common. All waiting for you if you can survive the hell. Upon completing a planet, you could get a neato achievement for it or something. People like being rewarded!


Looking for Clan/Trade Channel: A channel dedicated to looking for Clans and, when it comes, Trading. Simple!


Boss Drops: Lately I've been noticing clan resources or common resources dropping from bosses...but only normal amounts. These guys are some tough bastards, but the small piddly common drops are shameful! One suggestion is to boost the amount of resources bosses drop. Not the rate of which they drop, just the amount. Instead of getting that 150 Ferrite, you could walk away with 300!


Figured I'd get this out there sooner than later. Ideasguy, awaaaaaaay!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Mapgen or "Where are my outdoors rainy levels?": One thing I've noticed is the large amount of water in the Void, along with splash particles. What I'm curious about is why we've no outside rainy levels. We've plenty of snow and space, what about some burnt earth of the Grineer empire or cleared rainforest with a Corpus complex in the middle of it all during a thunderstorm?


Bump for some epic level design ideas.

Especially clear-cut rainforest, complete with rain.

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