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Council Of Top Gentlemen Is Recruiting Small Clans!


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  • 2 weeks later...

My good man, my clan is quite interested in joining your conglomerate of splendid individuals. 


We are a clan known as Combat Cold Cuts, and my name is Kicktacular. This alliance sounds like a smashing venture. 

Our clan is a basic ghost clan, consisting mainly of friends and acquaintances of the real life persuasion.


Hope to hear from you, chap.



Kicktacular, gentleman of Region chat.

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"Acolytes of the Void", would be interested in joining in an alliance with you.

We are a Ghost Clan.

I am a very laid back Founder Warlord, I have been playing for almost 2 yrs. I am a very active player.

If you deem worthy, my time and Clan is at your disposal.


My IGN - Takuku



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I'm the Warlord for a very old Shadow clan (still have some of the original tileset). We have a few active members and are looking for an extended family to be a part of. Hope to be a part of such a dashing group of tenno!


Clan Name: B1s Leigon

Tier: Shadow

Warlord: ImTheBlack1

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I created a Ghost clan for myself, my roommates and a couple friends. I was looking into recruiting more members just so we'd have more people to play with and learn more about the game and all that. This sounds like a MUCH better idea.


IGN is mooncow67


The clan name is Butternuts (I'm willing to change it if anyone views it as offensive or whatever, just needed a place holder to get it set up)


We currently have 5 members, 4 of whom are on at least every weekend.


Hope to see you in game!

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I, ShoneValtas, Co-Warlord of the Shone Samurais, would be honoured to join you fine gentleman. We've got a wicked fancy vintage dojo with some original tyles and S#&$, so by all means knock on our dojo's door for a fine cup of tea.


In al seriousness, me and the small circle of dudes I play with just dont want to give this dojo up in order to find a bigger clan, but we do kinda need some more people to play with :)


Looking forward hearing from you good gents.



WL:   ShoneValtias

Clan: Shone Samurais

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hullo there, I'm Delta and I've been watching this thread for a while and you seem like an interesting bunch, I've got myself and a pair of corpses in my clan, with me being a reasonably long term player. I also run a Teamspeak server, which is available on request, if  that interests you.


In game as Deta52 and the clan is Shadow in the Void.

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This Alliance looks prety awesome! i would love to join.

My name is RickiPitos, and i'm warlord of the clan Truth in Oblivion!

Thanks ;)

Hi again! I recieved the alliance invite, but i miss-clicked, and i rejected.I'm so sorry. If you could send the invite again it would be awesome, thanks and once again sorry for the trouble ;)

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A couple of friends and I created a small clan, and Im usually quite active while the rest get one at least once a week, if not daily for the sorties. I was wondering if this council of Top Gentlemen would be kind enough to allow us to join.


IGN: Endothermia

Clan: Little Girls

Members: 4, (3 of which range form semi-active to very active, while 1 is mostly dead.)

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Greetings to you,


Clan: Scions of the Forgotten

IGN: OmegaRechara


Ghost clan with 2 active members & 6 members total as well as a fully upgraded dojo who are interested in joining your alliance.  Please feel free to pm me in game if you'd be interested in adding my clan to your alliance.

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