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Not Having To Wait For Incubation To Finish To Consign?


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I'm not sure if this is the right section, but I didn't see one for companions... Albeit I'm very tired and may have just missed it.

Anyway, have you ever started incubating a kubrow only to have it hatch and see it's all light brown/grey with a crappy pattern? We all have! Yet, you have to wait for this genetic defect to finish incubating just so you can pay to get rid of it? Pfft. Even the game knows how crappy it is and you have to PAY someone to take it.

Anyway, what if there was an option to launch unwanted incubating kubrows out of the airlock instead of waiting for it to finish? Mind you, this is just an idea, there could be other options, I suppose. This one also offers a different view from the front of the liset, where you can look out and see thousands of failed kubrow bodies floating around in space.

Just an idea.

Edited by SnowzSan
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