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A Fun Little Trick With Chroma


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So I've been trying to get SOMETHING useful from Chroma in PvP. Have found this one oddity that fellow PvPers may be interested in trying:


Poison in PvP is heavily nerfed because it ignores shields and is very effective against the flesh (+50%) and ferrite (+25%) that makes up tenno health.


Poison Chroma therefore has a very weak breath attack that is largely unusable. However DE seems to have overlooked the fixed amount of damage (per second) stored up and dealt by the augment Afterburn, a weapon that has a very fast projectile speed and a small splash radius.


- The attack will only work on motivated assailants- but try bullet driving into the air, going into a slide on the way down (so you don't get the sticky landing animation) while activating spectral scream (the breath attack).

- The second or so it will have charged in the air means when you land will give you a good 100/150ish damage (+modifiers for tenno vulnerabilities) allowing you to 1 shot any attacker that didn't also leap into the air.

- It's not what I would call "competitive" and it doesn't work on anyone trying to run away from you- but I find its energy-cost effective, fun, and a great way of getting "Focused Void Painter". Maybe something you might like to try if you feel you need a change of frame.

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@HoakinBlackforge - yeah except this is Toxic Chroma we are talking about. You might want to read what I typed again. I said what Toxic Chroma is useful for, which is nothing other than Augmented Spectral Scream.


Well, frost chroma rips off everyone's shields, around 100 damage per tick with spectral scream, if you manage to freeze the enemy, you have a deserved kill.




nah, kittag/Vectis is the best, for frames, Ember, they come, they burn








Edited by HoakinBlackforge
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Again, we are talking about Toxin Chroma. As in NOT Frost Chroma. It doesn't matter what Frost Chroma does seeing as that doesn't mean anything to what Toxin Chroma can and can't do. Toxin Chroma is near useless outside of this 1 tactic.


Frost chroma deals higher damage. Toxin Chroma needs to charge up afterburn.


Frost chroma can proc. Toxin cant.



Both are good. As a main chroma user, im pretty sure you dont have used him enough.

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