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How Does Valkyr's Ulti Work Now?



Ok, since Valkyr's ulti has been changed so often, it could double as a metronome, i wondered how it works this time.


So it say it is affected by the weapon mods. Is it also affected by the weapon itself? And if so, by all stats or only certain stats?


Because the nifty window that is supposed to show you how the ability's stats change with the mods only affects the ones in the warframe itself.


The only thing i figured out so far is that it has no duration anymore and only eats through energy. The more duration/efficiency, the slower. Basically you can now leave it on forever.


Anyways, hope anyone already figured out.

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Wait just the syndicate procs, or the syndicate mods as a whole don't work? E.g. do Justice Blades still give Hysteria the 100% melee damage despite the fact that I don't get to explosively fart?


Also do Leech Eximus still drain with Hysteria on? Someone told me toggle abilities were immune to drains now but I was running an Infested Survival and got gangbanged by a bunch of Ancients when my Hysteria suddenly turned off (running ~220% duration so the drain is super slow) and I had no energy despite being over 200+ energy not long ago.

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afaik its kinda bugged thing that should in theory show you how much damage you'll receive straight into your hp if you leave hysteria now


[aka damage that enemies in certain range already did to you]


issue is that for said damage to be applied sadi enemies must not only be in range but also alive....


and in many cases that counter never goes down


basically I don;t thing I recall getting ever anything from said counter actually dealt to my hp.... [and I jump in and out of hysteria pretty often]


and when I stay in hysteria for prolonged while I often gets ridicoulous numbers stored in there ^^

As far as I can tell this counter is a percentage of the damage you have received whilst in Hysteria. 

If any enemies are in range when hysteria is canceled both yourself and said enemies will be dealt this damage. This means that if no enemies are in range then you will take no damage.


So for my perma-hysteria build I have negative range. So just in-case I pop out of Hysteria for whatever reason I don't instantly die :')

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