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Thoughts About Weapon Polarization, Anyone?


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What do you think about this unlimited weapon polarization chance?

To me it seems one more thing to grind. I can't really see myself grinding same weapon 2-4times from unranked to rank 30 just to get it fully polarized. (somebody mentioned 'snipetron' = vulkar takes 4 rounds, and i think gorgon needs 3-4 rolls too.)

If somebody asks me, one polarization / weapon had been nice, but now it seems your gonna have max 1-2 weapons ur gonna use because of this new system. No more so much weapon variety because some of your weapons will 'get behind' and be just outdamaged by those polarized weapons in most of situation.

I am a player who wants to use wide variety of weapons to keep game interesting, but this new system seems to kill that possibility from me.

Of course, i could try to change my mindset and not think about numbers, but it's pretty hard for me.

I don't know, content is not so hard that you HAVE TO fully polarize weapons (not atleast atm). Still i think i wont be able to take this never ending story of grinding like this. There is not enough content atm in this game, and this polarization seems to destroy some of the variation of the game from me... maybe for some other people too.

Anyway, THIS IS NOT, one of those whine messages "DE CHANGE THIS OR I LEAVE" warframe doesn't need one player, or one more - teenager blackmail thread - but this polarization update really makes me feel sad.

I don't know if there is any sense to write this thread because DE already released unlimited polarization and maybe they can't go back on it anymore ~~~

I just wanted to write some of my own thouhgts on forum and hear more from others.

Any thoughts about new polarization system will be appreciated. I hope some of the players are happy with it.

PS:Going to grind my unranked ember with my lvl 8 gorgon (which has been just polarized first time). Well see what happens.

EDIT: Only positive thing about this i could come up with would be, players can now... zzz... i dont believe im gonna write this.

Players can choose one or two warframes & weapon set's they really wanna invest in, so they can be more or less 'specialized' in something.

- Anyway, i think that endless grinding is still not worth it. -

EDIT: I edited 6-8x times polarization sentence for obvious reasons.

Edited by Milkin
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you only really need to do it 2-3 times.

gotta remember the mod power limit. having all the slots polarized gets you the same thing as having half of the polarized but with a ton of mod power you arent using o.O

not to mention that on some weps there really is no need to have all the slots filled. like some weps not being able to crit or some being so ammo efficient that +ammo mod is worthless on it.

unless they release more high cost mods that are worth using, the system allows you to fine tune an item. and you only need one or two for that.

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Gold Seeker, actually i didn't think about that for some reason. Makes me feel a bit better about this game, can't still say im happy with this polarization system.

EDIT: If you 'have to' only grind weapon 2-3 times, that seems to be somehow humanly with xp boost, but with so small variety of missions... >.< not gonna be cool if you ask me.

Edited by Milkin
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Me personally love polarizing. I think it's great. But if players don't like it they don't have to do it. It's optional. There's a wide number of features that I choose not to take part in because it's just not what I find to be enjoyable.

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Along with the fact that we can now tweak ourfavorite weapon/frame at our leasure it's also a good idea because it allows us to keep running with those without wasting experience.


Although it's sad that we can't get rank experience through a frame we used forma on.

It was predictable but still i wished we would still get some, maybe from level 20 to 30 instead of 1 to 30, or maybe a good chunk of rank XP everytime the frame hits 30 again.

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Muscarine, best point so far.

Seems i could next time think twice before posting something to forums.

EDIT: Anyway, thanks for comments guys. Maybe even I can live with polarization now :) But if u want to keep commenting, keep going!

PSAnd by the way, Im still pretty sure i will open my big mouth next time i don't seem to like some feature! xD

Good thig is, probably you guys are there again for me to point out how much Commander Milkin is wrong AGAIN ^^

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You're not wrong, Milkin, it's just that many players seem to feel differently.  If you don't feel like polarizing anything, then you don't have to.  It costs resources, time and effort for a max of 7 mod slots.  That's not for everyone and could be skillfully argued to not be sufficient reward for the cost.


I personally felt that polarizing my favorite frame and rifle were worth it once.  I'm considering polarizing another frame I have to make it more effective, but I don't think I like it enough to grind the levels on it.  I look at polarizing as an opportunity to celebrate my favorite gear and make it even better; an opportunity to revisit old comrades in arms and watch their bars go up yet again; an opportunity to play the game however I want and feel like I'm accomplishing something rather than standing still.


But you're certainly right that it can be a grind.  I'm never touching a Burstron again, no matter what they do to it.  I, like you, enjoy experimenting with a wide variety of weapons and we are rewarded with high Mastery ranks.  Some players love their loadout and want it to be better and better and they are rewarded with amazing results for their loadout.  


Thanks for sharing your opinion with us all, Milkin.  It sparked quite a nice, respectful and informative conversation about how Polarization fits into the game right now.  I hope this forum has helped you reconsider the sadness you've expressed and that you continue to have fun with Warframe.

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Thanks for your kind words, GearBox, kinda made my day. It's always nice to hear someone reads the whole long message when somebody puts atleast some effort in the thought.

I don't always think too much ahead when i start thread here, but atleast i try to make up my point without being hostile / singleminded.

PS: As things are now, I think Im just going to polarize my weapon(s) & frame(s) 1-2 times max. My brain just can't handle more grinding, no matter what, as the game is at the moment.

EDIT: And yes, i think this polarization hits harder us who like to use wider variety of weapons than just one set.

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you only really need to do it 2-3 times.

gotta remember the mod power limit. having all the slots polarized gets you the same thing as having half of the polarized but with a ton of mod power you arent using o.O

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3 times are the MAXIMUM required to max every mod on your weapon.

Depends on the weapon, and the mods. My snipetron for example needs to be polarized 4 times adding up to 5 polarities inorder to have all mods maxed. Serration, split chamber, point strike, vital sense, hellfire, stormbringer, piercing hit, and cryo rounds. Three V polarities for Serration, split chamber, and point strike/vital sense then two - polarities for hellfire, and stormbringer will leave me with 1 point spare after they are all maxed.

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To me it seems one more thing to grind.


You don't have to do it, default polarities are good enough if you have good mods.


My beef is that it costs Forma. There we were, a few steps from a good system that doesn't rely on the rng of catalysts/reactors, and you had to put another grindy resource into it. Of course, it's CHEAPO in the store.

Edited by krisp
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Polarization needs to be limited or else it'll just make any weapon a 1 shot 1 kill excluding high level defense mission. We all know DE's balancing logic is to bump up the damage, shield, armor and hp of the enemies instead of making them "smarter". Though some people would disagree with this fact and tend to defend it, like " I PAY/GRIND FOR WHAT I WANT SO I CAN BE THE MOST POWERFUL SPACE NINJA EVER, ONE-SHOTTING EVERYTHING IS WHAT I WANT AND BEST AT." or " I AM SO MAD THAT DE NERFED THE LIMIT ON POLARIZATION, WORST NERF EVER, THIS GAME SUCK BECAUSE I CAN'T ONE-SHOT ANYTHING WITH A LEX" or maybe " WHO NEEDS SKILL WHEN YOU GOT THE POWER TO ONE-SHOT ANYTHING"

This is the kind of silly rage of half of the community in Warframe about the game nerf because they can't stand NOT having a single standalone, most powerful equipment as their " end game "

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Milkin - exactly what i thought and 2 days later i met a guy who actually had a fully polarized weapon - no matter if u have to or not (thats just a personal opinion) u r able to put way more mods in it - even if u dont really need 'em

especially the high cost mods are now more atractive and you can use all of 'em now


i was thinking about to change 1 skill slot of a warframe because the skill isnt useful and i can put in a sprint mod instead with half cost  :D


even if the grinding prevents normal human beings from grinding a thing up to 8 times its still possible and a limit to max half polarized slots for all weapons would be a feature that keep a small diversitiy - maybe




i hope what i wrote make any sense to native speakers ;-)

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To me it seems one more thing to grind. I can't really see myself grinding same weapon 6-8times from unranked to rank 30 just to get it fully polarized.


I don't think anybody needs to grind a weapon that many times. I've polarized my Latron Prime twice now and that is all I needed. Two (V) Slots and Two (-) slots. That was just enough to get a full build I wanted on the rifle. Plus it helps others guns with no polarities, like the gorgon you polarized. :)

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Along with the fact that we can now tweak ourfavorite weapon/frame at our leasure it's also a good idea because it allows us to keep running with those without wasting experience.


Although it's sad that we can't get rank experience through a frame we used forma on.

It was predictable but still i wished we would still get some, maybe from level 20 to 30 instead of 1 to 30, or maybe a good chunk of rank XP everytime the frame hits 30 again.



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FrostbiteOH, on 30 May 2013 - 03:10 AM, said:

To me it seems one more thing to grind. I can't really see myself grinding same weapon 6-8times from unranked to rank 30 just to get it fully polarized.

I don't think anybody needs to grind a weapon that many times. I've polarized my Latron Prime twice now and that is all I needed. Two (V) Slots and Two (-) slots. That was just enough to get a full build I wanted on the rifle. Plus it helps others guns with no polarities, like the gorgon you polarized. :)

This has already been talked over in this thread. Couple of times actually. :)

Edited by Milkin
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