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Void Drops Influenced By Number Of Players?


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I've been playing T1 Survival trying for the Volt Prime systems. I've been doing them solo, going 60-80 minutes per match, Every time I get lots of everything else as far as drops but never that VP systems. I've burned about 14 keys with no results.


Is there any influence on the number of players in a match as to the probability of a drop on a given rotation? Solo is convenient to go as long as possible, but at this rate I'm not getting the drop.

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not to my knowlege. however i think the rewards are dependant on the host. so try joining someone else's game or ask someone else to host and use your key. this should potentially give you access to a different seed for the rng generating the rewards.


having said that i must warn you that T1 and 2 rewards are very diluded so getting something good from those tiers has a very low chance


also it's more fun running with a group

Edited by ..atom..
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