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Looking For New Family Blood


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Shadow clan Omega 3, a name that has been kept alive and hidden down through the ages. While it is not the original true family name, that has been lost to the annals of time, it is the title bestowed upon the last reigning Shadow Master, a true master of the shadows. Who earned the title of Omega principium et finis trium. For his removal of the heads of the three mega corporations that started the war known as the Threefold War, a war that caused much of the destruction of old Earth, it ended shortly after their death. Even though the true family name had not been lost yet, Omega 3 was adopted in rememberance, after Shadow Master Gyro disappeared into the Void. Only to be awoken by the Lotus within the last year or so. Gyro lives, but has been changed by the Void. Upon awaking Gyro started, at the urging of the Lotus, the slow process of rebuilding the family home. Having found, with the help of the Lotus, the last living true blooded family members. They have managed to rebuild the family home into a semblance of its former glory. Now they seek to fill out their ranks with dedicated and loyal members to strengthen the family bloodline.

Omega 3 is looking for new family members. 18+ with mic is a plus, but not necessary. We are an international family. With ties to Arbiters Rage Alliance.

Our goals are - first and for most, to have fun. Second is to maintain balance in the universe. To accomplish our goals We play daily.

We are looking for loyalty and longevity in the family. We do not plan on growing beyond shadow clan. We do want to maintain a strong presence in the shadows.

So if you are seeking a home where everyone knows your name, whether you are a new blooded ninja or a shadowy master ninja. Then contact me.


If you are looking for something bigger then might I suggest you contact DarkHart1.

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