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Just Got A Orokin Catalyst From Daily Award, What Is It?


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dude...that was my friendly gesture to you by making a kind joke. and you go off and call me stupid?? and then you're saying that you wanna know how nice the community of this forum is??? seriously....wtf is going on with u....


you're asking what the orokin catalyst bp that you got in the daily reward is, i reply, its a bp. i did not go and call you stupid and stuff, i dont go and be rude to you. so dont around and be rude to others.


and this is NOT "your" forum. this is your "thread". you do not own this forum. learn some manners, dont call a fellow member of the community stupid when you are the one thats being stupid about it. i was being friendly and you go and throw S#&$ back at my face...what a day...learn some manners and be cooperative in the forum community man.

Edited by asurako989
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