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Game Too Easy Or Too Hard? (Vote!)


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Its a shame i cannot create a poll here and have to use an external website:



Is Warframe too easy or too hard for you?

Do you wish there was a hardcore mode with some handicaps?


Do you run around pluto with your hek/boltor and one-shoot everything with a grin?

Or do you have trouble soloing and leveling up?

Or are you totally fine with the game difficulty as it is now?


Let us vote and collect data for the developers to notice! 



Also, please post your comments about game difficulty right here!

Some suggestions in tweaking the game difficulty will be appreciated!

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I think it's too easy once you remove stunlock enemies. I also think stunlock enemies are artificial difficulty that are no fun to deal with. Anyone who says otherwise, please tell me why stunning is fun.


There are many other ways to add difficulty to a game with dynamic moves that require responses from a player. Stun just removes the player from the game. For example, Corpus could have shock panels on the ground in certain places that zap most of your shields off if you step on them. I'm sure I could rattle out several others if I thought for a few minutes.


Soloing corpus and infested is just easy in general because of electricity and fire stunlocks. There is no reason to allow us to stunlock someone for having small doses of elemental damage. I think it should be removed and we should check difficulty then. I'm not saying to remove the damage multiplier, just the stunning.


Also, having some spine shooting infested would be cool, I think. I also think runners should be changed from a stun to perhaps splashing you with armor reducing acid if they explode on you, or something like that. See? More ideas.

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it needs to find its stride.

currently any amount of skill can get you anywhere. plus some decent mods to go with it.

but i can only imagine the crying if this game was actually hard. too many people just want to farm endless defense and feel like they accomplished something hard.

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What is it that we really want? 

Too easy - people quit because they find it boring

Too hard - people die too much and quit because they find it impossible to win 

Edited by wkfire
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Such a silly topic that keeps coming up. The game has a wide range of gear and the rank progression is based on leveling new items that start underpowered with ZERO mods. Once you clear the map you can basically pick your enemy and difficulty. Endless defense lets you pick when to stop to within five waves. 


if it's easy, you made it easy.

If it's hard, you made it hard.



The moral of the story is that the devs need to derail this train towards WoW style end game of gear tiers and endless searches for higher difficulties and the Diablo-style farming of endlessly running bosses, and create more compelling gameplay like they did with endless defense. Traps, time trials, endless spawns with triggers, invasions like the stalker. Frames with more challenge for their skills and higher rewards, like something tough to use that gives extra loot...


People just aren't satisfied with a sandbox. They go get the best sword right away, max it out, and then declare that they need a 'better' sandbox.

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there's a division here that needs to be considered. It's the division between new players who don't have anything. and old players who have everything.


new players.

solo- too hard

team play- too easy



solo- easy, but challenging enough to be somewhat engaging at times

team play- So frustratingly easy that you can just walk slowly towards the goal without firing a single shot, your teammates will overwhelm enemy forces.


Point being, there's not a lot of balance in game. and DE isn't willing to make the game challenging in the right way, so balance is never going to be properly obtained.

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Too Easy or Too Hard. It all depends on how you play.

I find some mission easy while others hard. Playing in a Group makes it easy. While soloing can turn some Missions into nightmare.

For those of you saying this game present no real challenge.

Here is a challenge from me to you :

Play a defense mission solo. See which wave you get up to before you lose.

No Restriction. Use your 4 Revives if you want. Any Weapon, Any Mods.

So far in a group the highest wave completed is 150 that I know of.

If you can get to that Number SOLO then yes this game is a waste of time with no form of challenge for you.

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there's a division here that needs to be considered. It's the division between new players who don't have anything. and old players who have everything.


new players.

solo- too hard

team play- too easy



solo- easy, but challenging enough to be somewhat engaging at times

team play- So frustratingly easy that you can just walk slowly towards the goal without firing a single shot, your teammates will overwhelm enemy forces.


Point being, there's not a lot of balance in game. and DE isn't willing to make the game challenging in the right way, so balance is never going to be properly obtained.


This is probably the best argument I can find that also goes along with how I feel the game is:


It's not a matter of the game being too difficult, or easy, but i think the way the game scales itself... makes finding a balance 'awkward'.


The probably, LARGEST, offender to this, is the start. A majority of Warframe is about personal playstyle, when you first start the game, you are effectively locked to one for atleast several hours: MK1, Lato, Skana.


You're also forced to use this weapon loadout... against an enemy it's quite frankly not all that effective against. While this does promote a 'better' play style of aiming for the head with a semi-precision... not everyone wants to do that, and some people feel awkward with it...


I think the game could stand to have tweakable starting loadouts, with like, a MK1 Strun, tweaked MK1 Braton, and like a MK1 Latron (Or perhaps Burston), so that Mr. Excalibur can Dash in and PB some people,or Loki can drop is decoy and kinda snipe from a distance, or Mag can... well, be Mag, and have a balanced weapon for being Mag.


Just, an idea, and my thoughts on the matter.

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The difficulty right now is pretty much just fine....for solo. The game difficulty drops drastically when co-oping, unless you're in a T3 Void mission where everything is a bullet sponge and the Heavies eat your 800+ shields in seconds.

Aside from enemy spawning and level scaling to player number better, what the game needs is better enemy AI and more diverse enemy variety. I don't think Warframe should become some kind of Dark Souls ultra-sadistic self-torture difficulty game, but it definately needs to be more interesting and challenging on the harder planets. If anything, the Corpus Techs (Shield Osprey summon, decent health pool, insane DPS if caught out in open) and the Grineer Scorches (medium-short range high sustained DPS, ambush unit) were steps in the right direction.

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I'm actually pretty happy where the difficulty is right now at my stage of the game. By the time I've collected everything and ranked up all my mods fully I could imagine it being too easy, though. I will focus on the enemies in my analysis of game difficulty, as I believe that they are the key.


The latest tweaks to Scorpions and Rollers make them pleasantly challenging but not as grief-causing either. The AI adjustments to Flamers are good, as they ambush you around corners and such. Still needs work. Damage and armor scaling is okay, but unbalances mods and damage types a bit in the later stages of the game. Elite Grineer enemies are rather bland.


The Corpus are hard to nail down. The additions of Techs makes fighting them a lot more interesting, but Shield Ospreys are really annoying, and Techs mean a lot of Ospreys going up! I would like to see Ospreys become less maneuverable but gain more defense. Mine Ospreys are boring and don't make much sense. Leeches should be able to be shot midair like rockets, and shaken off of your Sentinel. There needs to be a Gun Osprey. Drones have messed up collision boxes, but otherwise Fusions don't pose much of a challenge. I think MOA spawners need to operate in a more intuitive and predictable way. The Corpus ship level should have its cover adjusted, as it plays rather awkwardly right now.


The Infested show a lot of need for improvement. Right now they just crowd around you as you run away and stagger you to kingdom come. Runners are very meh next to the comparable Flood Carrier Form, and the stagger is obnoxious. Remove the stagger and increase their damage, and I'm mostly happy. Leapers are my favorite of the Infested enemies to fight, because they pose an interesting awareness and agility challenge without being overly frustrating. They're a bit too easy to gun down though. Chargers are awful and annoying. I honestly don't know how to fix them, but I can't stand them as is. Something about their speed, armor, attack timing, animations, everything. Fighting Infested with melee is kind of weird, simply because of the various attack animations and timing and nasty stuff like that. It's not really that fun. Ancients are being tweaked, so hopefully those are cooler. They are mostly fun to fight though, so that's good.


I can assume that as the enemies become more diversified and the AI improves, the game will become more fun and challenging in a good way.

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Today i found a shining example of warframe being too easy.


rank14 ember with unmodded weapons (leveling them up) solo at Io (infested defense).

Lights flicker. Im beginning to think im gonna get completely and utterly raped...

Turn on Overheat and World On Fire.

That weird black-red dude did 0 damage to me and died in 4 seconds. No shooting involved.

"Tenno abilities useless", riiiiiiight...


He dropped Hate blueprint btw.




Play a defense mission solo. See which wave you get up to before you lose.

No Restriction. Use your 4 Revives if you want. Any Weapon, Any Mods.

So far in a group the highest wave completed is 150 that I know of.

If you can get to that Number SOLO then yes this game is a waste of time with no form of challenge for you.

 It takes like 10 hours to get to wave 150. Its mostly a stamina race, not a skill test.

And... where is fun in that?

Frost uses Ice Globe, Vauban uses Bastilla, Nyx uses Chaos. Invincible party out of nowhere. The only probable issue is ammo. SO VERY CHALLENGING.

You can have scripts or bots instead of people - they will get to wave 1000 and beyond that way.

I can hardly understand how pressing a single button requires a lot of skill and is challenging.


I effortlessly got to wave 25 with Nyx solo and got bored of pressing 3. Pretty sure i can get to wave 50 if im careful enough.

My dethcube can defend the cryopod up to wave 10 with me being completely AFK.


The only challenge i managed to find was restricting myself to melee and having no offensive powers while going on a mission. But its like playing counter-strike with knives only.



Warframe really needs some hardcore gameplay things. Not just stunlocks or bullet-sponge enemies.

Id say half-invisible enemies, more slash-dashing ones.... generally more MOBILE enemies that keep the gameplay intense.


We can have a hardcore mode for those bored, can we not? That way you can play either easy mode or a hard one. And difference shouldnt be just hit points and damage of enemies.

Later i will create a detailed description of what a hardcore mode should be in my personal view.

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Depends on several things...


The beginning of the game is brutal if you are playing solo, but as soon as you start playing with other people, the game becomes a joke. I spent my first 40 or so hours playing alone, and the game is decently difficult that way. Playing with at least one more person makes the game tremendously less difficult, it makes it incredibly easy to just kite enemies around.


The frame that you use also makes quite a bit of difference. I was stupid enough to start with a Loki (and to date, that is the only frame I have, because I can't be bothered to grind for other frames), and as most probably know, the Loki frame has no offensive skills whatsoever (not much in the way of defensive skills either, he's more of a distraction-based frame). Even with a level 30 Lato Vandal with pretty good mods, I have issues with some solo runs.


The biggest issue I have with the game is how it handles difficulty. Difficulty is solely based on number of enemies and their health. The only times I really die are when I get bum rushed solo by like 30 Corpus bots and am unable to kill them fast enough because I am a solo Loki. If you are playing with at least one more person, this becomes infinitely easier. Difficulty should be at least somewhat dynamic, the game shouldn't be a total joke if you're playing co-op, and it shouldn't be a chore playing solo.

Edited by fatfree
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Why the game can be considered hard for an average player


#1 hard to find mods

#2 grinding

#3 un-leveled equipment

#4 millions of enemy spawns that hurt your cpu so extra choppiness/stuttering

#5 Infinite stunlock in some situations


How the game becomes easy


#1 Mods grinded

#2 Mods leveled

#3 Frame of right chocie

#4 Everything leveled

#5 Experienced people join your game



So I'd say its a 2 way relation. It is both hard and easy in different sectors, although a particular sector is based plainly on luck and nothing else. Which makes the game annoying, not easy or  hard.

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Game is pretty easy. The only times I've felt I was in danger were when my Warframe was under Rank 10 and thus had trash shields and health and when I solo high level missions. 4 players trivializes every mission sans wave 20+ Defense missions. It's not as simple as "stuff deals too little damage" or "stuff dies too fast", though those are valid points. There are very few game mechanics to challenge the player. Good encounter design demands the player to think outside the box. To change behavior from "run forward and shoot" to something else. That sort of thing just doesn't happen often. The Orokin Void and its traps were a step in the right direction.


On a tangentially related note, missions have very little sense of progression. A Grineer Sabotage mission on Venus is basically identical to a Grineer Sabotage mission on Ceres. Why are the mining machines on Ceres so important that they're guarded by elite Grineer units?



#5 Infinite stunlock in some situations



I see this a lot on the boards, but I've never seen it happen in game. What exactly is infinitely stunlocking people? 

Edited by gmkgoat
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I think it's hard at the beginning and easy at the end. Kind of polar opposite of most games.

When you start with MK-1 and unrank frame, it's quite hard especially when you can't use your ability to assist you during the mission. When you start getting better mods/gears then the game becomes quite easy. I don't take endless defense into account since it's meant to be a minigame more than an actual mission.

Biggest problem in combat gameplay is the lack of learning curve. Fight any faction once and they remain the same to Pluto. This is the underlying problem which create lack of challenge and depth in combat. I think DE know about this issue and have been trying to fix it but so far, they don't have a good solution just yet.

I'm waiting with patience and hope that they'll find a solution soon.

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indeed it is too easy, we need a new solar system, more hard and with some requisites: mastery rank lvl 5 and every single planet of the first system completed, in the new solar system should we find lvl 80+ enemies and some new planets with enemies lvl 150+... it would be amazing don't you think?

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I myself completely agree with people saying that solo is hard when you start. It was true for me - i started as Mag and found the game quite challenging. Had to take cover, aim only for the head, adjust my running so that melee charge attacks are not interrupted...


I got my first serration and hellfire mods, as well as redirection and vitality very late. It was like the 4th day of me playing.

And as soon as i got them, the game became A LOT easier.


I started playing online and it became a massacre.

Headshots? why bother?

Taking cover? are you kidding me? why?

Run into a crowd and press 4. Try to do it before others in your party to feel awesome.


I realised something is fishy when i found myself being able to shoot Hyena in the face and kill it before it kills me.

I realised something is even fishier when my dethcube killed Hyena without me helping.



There are basically several in-game steps:

1) the beginning. No mods. No weapons. Difficulty = very hard (solo).

2) Your first damage and survival mods. Difficulty = medium (solo).

3) New weapons of choice. A frame of choice. Leveled mods. Diffuculty = easy (solo).

4) Maxed out mods. Multishot. Flow-streamline-focus. Maxed sentinel. Difficulty = effortless.


And when playing online its either EASY or EFFORTLESS from the very start - depending on who you play with.


I play with my friends, we have skype and are used to playing coop games, but... there is no need for teamwork here!

The only thing we are ever saying on skype is: "hey, theres ferrite over here" or "ill go afk until 15th wave, k?"

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77 votes as of now. Please vote more! If we get more than 100 the numbers may actually start to represent something.

I believe almost every person on forums has an opinion about difficulty.

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