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Warframe Guide



                                     Warframe Guide


First of all, if you want to be a successful player and won't make other players angry or hate on you, you'll have to know the basics on how to play. If you have a weak Warframe (that means low shield, health or armor) then, of course, you wouldn't be trying to play as a tank (unless you're using Trinity which has abilities to keep her alive). That means you won't separate from your team or go to a room taking all damage than another teammate which is a tank/resistant Warframe.


If a teammate has fallen and is surrounded by enemies you don't go straight ahead to revive. You'll have to clear the enemies before reviving a teammate, that means if there are enemies you've to kill them off and then revive your teammate.




Have a good composition, if you're hosting an interception, of course, you wouldn't be making a composition of weak Warframes, and unable to kill enemies quick. You'd be going with a buff Warframe (able to give extra damage or energy, in that way you'll have full energy all the time being able to cast spells whenever you want and/or extra damage to kill enemies quicker). A tank Warframe that whenever you're surrounded by enemies that tank teammate will be able to survive to take them off. Or that can be able to revive you and your teammates without dying. Making that easier for survivals, interceptions, exterminate or capture missions. A stealth Warframe that can keep you alive (even if that stealth Warframe does not have good weapons it's good to keep you alive). And the last can be a choice Warframe (that means any Warframe, can be for leveling) or any specific one that makes your composition stronger.




Try to mod your weapon to be able to kill any enemy. But it also depends on which faction you're fighting on, so you'd be checking for puncture, slash or impact (depends on which you're fighting with). For example Void/Infested you'd go with corrosive. It depends on which faction you're going to fight with as I said, so make sure to have a proper build (and weapon) on whenever you're fighting, void/infested, grineer and corpus. If you're going stealth go with stealth weapons, that means bows. Rifles can work, but you'd need to have hushed installed for it to work on stealth. Still I recommend using bows. They're perfect for stealth missions. Some weapons I recommend (this doesn't mean are the best) are trying to get the prime versions of the normals. And those would be Soma Prime, Braton Prime, Boltor Prime for primary. For secondary I would recommend Hikou Prime and for last melee weapon, I'd go for Scindo Prime, Dragon Nikana, Bo Prime or Orthos Prime. I really find those quite interesting and fun playing with, considering the fact that those are really good for any faction. Especially for Void.




YOU CANNOT trade normal items, that means non-prime items. You can only trade blueprint, prime parts, mods, and platinum. Try looking up for updated prices for weapons... And now you may be asking yourself "Where to get prime parts?" well, that's on Void using keys you can get by interceptions, survivals, defenses etc. Be a good trader, that means that you need to respect others. If you want to buy something you'd be saying WTB <item> but an easier way is to try looking for people selling the item you want. Which that stands for WTS <item>. To trade you can either be invited or you can invite them to your Dojo. You need a dojo key which allows you to go into the clan's dojo in which there you can trade. You can trade from Mastery Rank 2, depends on which MR you're it'll give you trades (If you're MR 10 you've 10 trades for 24hrs)


Exp Farm


If you want to farm experience I'd recommend doing some runs on defenses or interceptions. For interception, that'd be Draco, a really good place to farm experience and a really good place to get components. Of course, you need a composition (if you want to level up quick) and that could be EV Trinity (stands for Energy Vampire, which gives you energy for each pulse on the energy by spamming 2), Excalibur (with a high range to be able to kill enemies), Frost/Ivara to protect you from enemy fire. And yes Ivara is really good, I recently tried her out instead of Frost and found her almost the same function as Frost. Even if you don't think so, I found it really good for that since she can make others invisible letting the enemy not knowing where you are and covering you from enemy fire. But since she is new there are almost no one with it, and people haven't tried this composition yet so it's really hard to find someone to do it. So of course, Frost is easier to find and people are more comfortable with it since yet nobody has tried Ivara as I said. And a choice Warframe can be any, especially that's the perfect spot to level up your Warframe. And defense I'd recommend going on Tower 1-2 defense to level up your weapons and Warframes easily (also pets). When you level up new Warframes, Weapons and companions it'll give you EXP for MR. Which when you have a certain amount of EXP it'll let you MR rank up to the next one that unlocks weapons.


Sentinels - Kubrows


If you don't want to waste a lot of credits to have a companion then I'd suggest ongoing for Sentinels and as I said Prime versions are better than normal on anything. But there aren't Prime versions for some yet. For that, I would recommend getting Carrier Prime than Wyrm Prime, since the Prime version of Wyrm doesn't change anything at all (that I know) but Carrier Prime is really good if you mod it correctly. Can take up high enemy levels. If you're going stealth I wouldn't recommend on going with a companion, that counts sentinels as Kubrows since they can make enemies detect you really fast and easy. But it's your decision if you're going for Sentinels or Kubrows, they're really different that you can't actually compare them.




Every some period of time they remove a Prime Warframe and weapons that came with it (that doesn't mean if you've it, it'll remove it from you, it means that you can't ever get it doing missions. But you can still trade them) so whenever that happens a new Prime Warframe and weapons will come out, which you've prime access to buy it instead of farming it for a period of time. So that's the best time to get a lot of Platinum, the first month of release of a Prime Warframe costs around 500 platinum, or even more, depending on which Warframe came out. So you can get a set earlier and quick then sell it for a lot.


This is pretty much everything you need to know when you first join Warframe. Have fun!

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